邓亚, 郭睿, 田中元, 谭文豪, 衣英杰, 徐振永, 肖聪, 曹勋臣, 陈良
Geologic features and genesis of the barriers and intercalations in carbonates: A case study of the Cretaceous Mishrif Formation, West Qurna oil field, Iraq
DENG Ya, GUO Rui, TIAN Zhongyuan, TAN Wenhao, YI Yingjie, XU Zhenyong, XIAO Cong, CAO Xunchen, CHEN Liang
石油勘探与开发 . 2016, (1): 136 -144 .  DOI: 10.11698/PED.2016.01.18