Method of moderate water injection and its application in ultra-low permeability oil reservoirs of Yanchang Oilfield, NW China
Shaanxi Yanchang Petroleum (Group) Corp. Ltd., Xi’an 710075, China
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Received: 2018-05-07 Revised: 2018-09-21 Online: 2018-12-15
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To explore the method of improving development effect and solving the problem of water breakthrough and water out for ultralow permeability fractured reservoirs, an indoor evaluation method of dynamic imbibition for fracture-matrix system was established taking the Chang 8 reservoir in southern Yanchang Oilfield as a research target. Key factors for the imbibition effect were obtained, an imbibition’s rate expression was obtained, a model considering the double effects of imbibition-displacement was built and optimal injection and production parameters for the research area were obtained as well. The results show that an optimum displacement rate that maximizes the oil displacement efficiency exists in the water displacing oil process, and the optimal displacing rate becomes smaller as the permeability decreases. The imbibition displacement efficiency increases as the reservoir quality index and water wettability index of rock become bigger. But the larger the initial water saturation or oil-water viscosity ratio is, the smaller the imbibition displacement efficiency is. The optimal injection-production ratio for the Chang 8 reservoir of southern Yanchang Oilfield is 0.95, and the predicted recovery is 17.2% when the water cut is 95%, it is 2.9% higher than the recovery of conventional injection-production ratio 1.2. By using the moderate water injection technique based on the double effects of imbibition-displacement mechanism, the water injection development effect for the ultra-low permeability fractured reservoirs can be improved significantly.
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WANG Xiangzeng, DANG Hailong, GAO Tao.
Ultra-low permeability reservoir has various types of pores with microfracture development. Network system formed by pores, microfractures and artificial fractures becomes more complicated by large scale volume fracturing, and forms higher heterogeneity. The great difference of seepage capacity between fractures and matrix results in water channeling and water out along fractures, which leads to a large amount of remaining oil in the matrix and a low efficiency of water injection development. As the research of medium displacement seepage experiment between fractures and matrix gets deeper, effectively exerting the imbibition has become an important method to improve the efficiency of water injection development in ultra-low permeability reservoirs[1,2,3,4,5]. Recently, a large number of laboratory experiments on the mechanism of imbibition have been done by scholars in China and abroad. A positive self-priming experiment conducted by Olafuyi et al.[6] proved that experimental data from small matrix core is reliable. The imbibition flooding experiments carried out by scholars later further elaborated the mechanism of imbibition flooding, considering that imbibition can significantly improve the recovery of waterflooding in ultra-low permeability reservoirs[7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17]. In addition, the researches of Wang Jialu and Wang Xiangzeng et al.[18,19] indicated that there was an optimal displacement speed during waterflooding, and spontaneous imbibition and drainage of matrix play a vital role in waterflooding development of tight sandstone reservoirs. Numerical simulation study also indicated that the efficiency of waterflooding will be significantly improved with considering imbibition[20,21,22].
Because of the difference between indoor experiment and field conditions, there are few studies for the application of laboratory results to the field water injection. Therefore, this paper takes the Chang 8 reservoir in the south of Yanchang Oilfield as the research object, and analyzes the imbibition and seepage law through dynamic imbibition experiment to characterize the displacement speed between fracture and the matrix. A mathematical model considering both imbibition and displacement is established while the reasonable injection parameters are determined. Moreover, the technology of moderate water injection in ultra-low permeability reservoirs of Yanchang Oilfield is obtained to provide theoretical and technical support for the similar type of reservoir to enhance the oil recovery.
1. Dynamic imbibition experiment
1.1. The samples and apparatus
The experimental core samples are 17 natural cores from Chang 8 reservoir in the southern part of Yanchang Oilfield, the basic parameters are shown in Table 1. The formation water from Chang 8 reservoir is chosen as the experimental water sample, and the water type is dominated by CaCl2 type, with a pH value of 7.1, and the salinity is 15 220 mg/L. The mixture of Chang 8 oil layer crude oil and kerosene was selected as simulated oil with a density of 0.856 g/cm3 and a viscosity of 3.75 mPa•s.
Table 1 Basic parameters of core samples.
Core number | Length/ cm | Diameter/ cm | Gas permeability/ 10-3 μm2 | Porosity/ % |
1 | 5.041 | 2.51 | 0.040 | 3.74 |
2 | 5.050 | 2.51 | 0.124 | 6.41 |
3 | 5.059 | 2.50 | 0.213 | 8.01 |
4 | 5.028 | 2.50 | 0.325 | 8.85 |
5 | 5.017 | 2.51 | 0.261 | 8.64 |
6 | 5.016 | 2.50 | 0.272 | 8.74 |
7 | 5.025 | 2.51 | 0.268 | 8.34 |
8 | 5.104 | 2.51 | 0.262 | 8.67 |
9 | 5.003 | 2.51 | 0.265 | 8.74 |
10 | 5.122 | 2.50 | 0.262 | 8.34 |
11 | 4.990 | 2.51 | 0.253 | 8.26 |
12 | 5.140 | 2.51 | 0.265 | 9.12 |
13 | 5.149 | 2.51 | 0.257 | 8.74 |
14 | 5.158 | 2.50 | 0.258 | 8.82 |
15 | 5.167 | 2.51 | 0.231 | 8.25 |
16 | 5.122 | 2.50 | 0.182 | 8.17 |
17 | 5.185 | 2.51 | 0.053 | 5.24 |
The experiment adopted high-temperature and high-pressure phase permeability tester (the maximum temperature is 160 °C, and maximum pressure is 120 MPa), which was mainly composed of displacement system, gripper and metering system. In addition, the accuracy of pressure sensor is 0.5%.
1.2. The procedures
(1) Cleaned and dried the core, then saturated with formation water; (2) Simulated oil displacing water experiment, and established the irreducible water saturation; (3) Fractures were made by high-pressure high-speed hydraulic cutting machine to ensure that the pores of the fracture wall were not damaged and the core can be used in imbibition experiment; (4) In the experimental test, the core surface and the two ends were sealed with Teflon tape so that they were not in contact with the fluid, only the fracture surface was kept in contact with the fluid. Injecting water to the fractures to displace the oil in the matrix; (5) Conducted dynamic imbibition experiment of waterflooding under different conditions to calculate the efficiency of imbibition displacement. The equation of the efficiency imbibition displacement is as follows:
1.3. The results and discussion
1.3.1. Test of dynamic imbibition displacement efficiency
As shown in Fig. 1, the efficiency of imbibition displacement increases first and then declines with increasing displacing speed. There is an optimal speed to obtain the highest efficiency of imbibition displacement, and this speed decreases as the core permeability reduces. When the reservoir permeability is 0.058×10-3, 0.180×10-3, 0.230×10-3 μm2, the optimal displacement speed is 0.9, 1.2, 1.4 m/d, and the corresponding highest imbibition displacement efficiency is 11.34%, 16.17%, 19.32%, respectively. The displacement effect is the best under the synergy of capillary pressure and viscous force with the optimal speed. When the displacing speed is slower than optimal speed, oil in the small pores is easier to be produced due to the capillary pressure. On the contrary, when the displacing speed is larger than optimal speed, oil in the big pores is easier to be produced due to the pressure difference driving. Therefore, there is an optimal displacing speed to produce oil in the pore as more as possible.
Fig. 1.
Fig. 1.
Correlation curve of imbibition displacement efficiency and displacing speed.
1.3.2. Influencing factors of dynamic imbibition displacement efficiency
In order to analyze the main factors affecting the efficiency of imbibition-displacement, dynamic imbibition experiment between fracture and matrix is conducted. Additionally, the effects of reservoir physical properties, core wettability, water saturation, fluid viscosity and other parameters on dynamic imbibition were compared.
There is a large error to evaluate the properties of ultra-low permeability reservoirs with a single parameter of permeability or porosity, so reservoir quality index ($\sqrt{{K}/{\phi }\;}$) is taken to characterize the effect of reservoir properties on the efficiency of imbibition displacement. In Fig. 2a, the efficiency of imbibition displacement increases as reservoir quality index increases. When the reservoir quality index is less than 0.0327 μm, pore throat connectivity gets worse and original water saturation of pores increases, resulting in the insufficient conditions of imbibition displacement and poor displacement effect. In Fig. 2b, as the wetting index of the core water phase gets larger, the water absorption and drainage capacity get stronger and the efficiency of the imbibition displacement gets higher. From Fig. 2c, we can see that the greater the water saturation results in the smaller capillary pressure, the imbibition is weakened, because the small pores in the matrix have been filled with water mostly, and the probability of injecting water to displace the oil and the connecting range become smaller. It can be seen from Fig. 2d, the greater the oil-water viscosity ratio, the lower the efficiency of imbibition oil displacement, the imbibition is harder to occur because of the high capillary pressure for imbibition due to the high oil-water viscosity ratio.
Fig. 2.
Fig. 2.
Effects of reservoir quality index (a), wettability (b), water saturation (c) and oil-water viscosity ratio to the efficiency of imbibition displacement.
1.3.3. Correction of dynamic imbibition speed based on imbibition experiment
The theoretical calculation method of oil-water two-phase imbibition speed can be acquired by referring to the L-W Model. The model requires a horizontal capillary tube with radius of r and length of L, and the original condition is the capillary tube fully filled with non-wetting phase fluid. Imbibition occurs when two phases connecting, non-wetting phase fluid is driven out by wetting phase fluid under capillary pressure.
Analyzing the dynamics of fluids in the capillary tube by using Poiseuille equation, oil-water two-phase fluid movement speed is obtained[23]:
When the displacement pressure difference is zero, it’s the spontaneous imbibition of the oil-water system, equation (2) can be changed to:
Equation (3) reveals the flow in a single capillary tube, which is a microscale flow, and can be used to simulate reservoir macroscopic oil-water two-phase flow. Through equation (4) to change the capillary radius to a function of porosity and permeability:
The water film exists in ultra-low permeability reservoirs, capillary pressure can be expressed as:
By analyzing the dynamic imbibition experiment, the main controling factors of imbibition speed are wettability, reservoir properties, model size, oil-water viscosity and water saturation. Equation (3) takes wettability, reservoir properties, model size and oil-water viscosity into consideration except for water saturation; therefore, by introducing the correction term of water saturation to obtain the expression of oil-water two-phase imbibition speed by fitting experimental data (in Fig. 3) to determine correction factors a and n:
Fig. 3.
Fig. 3.
The contrast between corrected formula of imbibition speed and experimental test results.
2. Numerical simulation of imbibition-displacement
In order to apply the results of laboratory experiments to the practice of field water injection, a new imbibition-displacement numerical simulation method considering the effect of imbibition was built. The displacement and imbibition during waterflooding process are two main restricting factors of recovery, which are reflected in the reservoir as two main parameters[24,25,26]: fracture permeability and exchange capacity between fractures and matrix. The exchange ability between fractures and matrix is the most important affecting factor in oil recovery and has an important influence on waterflooding effect in low permeability oilfield[27,28]. Fig. 4 is a physical model schematic of dual-porosity dual-permeability system.
Imbibition flow and non-Darcy flow coexist between matrix and fractures, controlled by the capillary pressure and displacement pressure differential. And Darcy flow exists between fractures.
Fig. 4.
Fig. 4.
Schematic of the physical model for the dual-porosity and dual-permeability system.
2.1. Mathematical model of the imbibition-displacement flow
The assumptions are as follows: (1) The fluid flowing in the reservoir is isothermal. (2) Only two phases of oil and water in the reservoir, and oil and water seepage follow the non-Darcy’s law. (3) Oil and water are not miscible. (4) Rock is slightly compressible, considering the capillary pressure in the process of seepage.
2.1.1. Mathematical model of the imbibition-displacement flow in the matrix
For the water phase:
For the oil phase:
Considering the effect of stress sensitivity on matrix permeability:
Considering the effect of starting pressure on the matrix:
2.1.2. Mathematical model of the imbibition-displacement flow in fracture
For the water phase:
For the oil phase:
Considering the change of fracture permeability:
2.1.3. Mathematical model of the fluid exchange
Considering the effect of starting pressure and stress sensitivity, the mathematical models of fluid exchange between matrix and fractures caused by displacement and imbibition are established respectively.
The channeling flow between matrix and fractures produced by displacement (considering starting pressure gradient and stress sensitivity):
The channeling flow between matrix and fractures produced by imbibition:
The total channeling flow between matrix and fractures:
The above mathematical models can be solved by the numerical method, and the variable data of reservoir pressure, saturation and production with time can be obtained. The traditional IMPES (hidden pressure and apparent saturation) finite difference method is used to solve the model. The calculation is shown in Fig. 5.
Fig. 5.
Fig. 5.
Flow chart of the numerical simulation.
2.2. Example analysis
This paper took the Chang 8 reservoir in the south of Yanchang oilfield as an example, numerical simulation analysis of imbibition-displacement is conducted. Geological model is a block central grid. In the x, y, z direction, grid numbers are 100, 100 and 2, grid sizes are 10, 10 and 8 m, respectively. This paper used diamond-shaped inverted nine-point vertical well injection and production well network. The model relative permeability curve is shown in Fig. 6, and the model parameters are summarized in Table 2.
Fig. 6.
Fig. 6.
Relative permeability curve of the model.
Table 2 Basic parameters of simulation model.
Parameter | Value | Parameter | Value |
Porosity of matrix | 4.58% | Reservoir thickness | 8 m |
Permeability of matrix | 0.25× 10-3 μm2 | Oil saturation | 58% |
Porosity of fracture | 0.1% | Density of water | 1.01 g/cm3 |
Permeability of fracture | 500× 10-3 μm2 | Oil/water viscosity ratio | 3.5 |
Density of crude oil | 0.86 g/cm3 | Oil-water inter- facial tension | 40 mN/m |
Initial formation pressure | 12 MPa | Bottom hole pressure of oil well | 3.5 MPa |
Starting pressure gradient of oil phase | 0.04 MPa/m | Starting pressure gra- dient of water phase | 0.01 MPa/m |
Stress sensitivity coefficient of matrix permeability | 0.017 MPa-1 | Sensitivity coeffi- cient of fracture permeability | 0.065 MPa-1 |
Water flooding volume | 10 m3/d |
Fig. 7 shows the effect of imbibition on oil saturation after 15 years of production. It can be seen that the oil saturation of the fracture system decreases continuously without considering imbibition. When the water line is advanced to the bottom of the oil well, the oil saturation of the fracture system is very low, and a large amount of residual oil in matrix is accumululated. The oil saturation in the matrix decreases while the oil saturation in fracture system increases when the effect of imbibition is considered. The reason is that there is a significant difference in the waterflooding development process between ultra-low permeability reservoir and conventional reservoir. Under the effect of imbibition, the crude oil in the matrix flows to the fractures continuously, which makes the oil saturation in the fractures increase and the water saturation decreases.
Fig. 7.
Fig. 7.
Effect of imbibition on oil saturation of model.
Fig. 8 shows the effect of imbibition on the daily oil production of a single well. It can be seen that in the early stage of production, the production rate decreases rapidly with and without percolation, which indicated that the fluid flow is mainly fracture seepage. In the later stage of production, when considering the effect of imbibition, production rate remained stable for a long time at a low value. While without the consideration of the effect of imbibition, production rate continuously decreasing until the oil is no longer produced. The average daily oil production of a single well considering imbibition is 0.32 t, and the average daily oil production of a single well without imbibition is only 0.06 t, while the actual average daily oil production of a single well is 0.28 t. The predicted production value of oil wells considering imbibition is more consistent with the actual production data of moderate water injection wells. It is verified that the numerical simulation results of imbibition-displacement in this paper are more in line with the actual development of fractured ultra-low permeability reservoirs, and also shows that imbibition flooding plays an important role in the late stage of water injection development of fractured ultra-low permeability reservoirs.
Fig. 8.
Fig. 8.
Effect of imbibition on daily oil production in single well.
This paper used the numerical simulation method of imbibition-displacement. The injection-production ratio and daily water injection rate are optimized with the aim of maximizing recovery at 95% water cut (Fig. 9). As shown in Fig. 9a, the recovery rate is the highest when the injection-production ratio is 0.95, which is 17.2%. Compared with the traditional water injection scheme (injection-production ratio is 1.2), the recovery rate is increased 2.9 percentage. According to Fig. 9b, the highest rate of recovery is 17.4% when the daily water injection volume is 7.5 m3.
Fig. 9
Fig. 9
Effect of the injection-production ratio (a) and daily water injection (b) on recovery
3. Moderate water injection mechanism and application
3.1. Moderate water injection mechanism
Both laboratory experiments and numerical simulation show that reasonable control of water injection pressure, water injection intensity and water injection speed can fully exert the effect of imbibition-displacement, and significantly improve the development efficiency of ultra-low permeability reservoirs. This is also the core of the current moderate water injection. The moderate water injection is based on the moderate water injection (controlling the water injection strength and the water injection pressure), and moderately controlling the advancement speed of the water drive front, increasing the oil-water exchange time, and giving full play to the spontaneous imbibition of the capillary to enhance the oil recovery. The main mechanism includes: On one hand, the positive imbibition is effectively utilized, and the water injection intensity and the water injection pressure are controlled to make the front of the water drive as uniform as possible to avoid the occurrence of water breakthrough and water out. On the other hand, through reverse imbibition and exchange and based on the mechanism of water absorption and oil drainage of hydrophilic porous media, reasonable control of water injection displacement speed, more crude oil can be produced from matrix. After large-scale fracturing of ultra-low permeability reservoirs, a high flow conductivity fracture network is formed. Under the pressure of capillary pressure, the wetting phase (water) in the fracture penetrates into the matrix, and the non-wetting phase (oil) in the matrix is replaced to fractures to the bottom of the well by the pressure difference of the injected water.
3.2. Moderate water injection mine application
The well group with the improved injection-production well network in the test area is selected as the moderate water injection test well group, and the diamond-shaped inverted nine-point injection-production well network is conducted. The net pay of the oil layer is 11.2 m, the effective porosity is 5.8%, the permeability is 0.28×10-3 μm2, oil saturation is 58%, and the crude oil density is 0.86 g/cm3.
From the comprehensive production curve (Fig. 10), it can be seen that the studied area started to produce in 2004, and water injection began in 2006. At the early stage of production, no water was injected, and developed with natural attenuation. The production of liquid and crude oil decreased rapidly and the water content increased slowly. From 2006 to 2008, it was the early stage of water injection. The injection-production ratio of the stage was between 1.2 and 1.6. The liquid production of single well was increased, but the water content increased rapidly while the oil production continued to decrease. The main reason was that the injected water rapidly advanced along the fractures, and the efficiency of water injection was not ideal. Water injection has been adjusted during 2009 to 2012, the stage injection-production ratio was gradually changed from 1.45 to 0.96, the water content decreased from 61% to 53%, and the average single well daily oil production changed from 1.27 t to 1.26 t. In 2013, it entered the moderate water injection high-efficiency and stable production period. The injection-production ratio was controlled at 0.95, and the water injection volume was controlled at 7.0-8.0 m3/d. The water injection development showed stable liquid production, stable water content, stable oil production, and stable oil production and water control effect. It can be seen from the evaluation of water injection efficiency (Fig. 11) that after the implementation of moderate water injection, and the waterflooding recovery is predicted to increase significantly, which is expected to reach 20%. It can be seen that the imbibition effect is essential for improving the efficiency of oil displacement in ultra-low permeability reservoirs. Moreover, the moderate water injection technology that fully exerts the imbibition can ensure the continuous high and stable oil production in the ultra-low permeability reservoirs.
Fig. 10.
Fig. 10.
Production curve of moderate water injection in test area.
Fig. 11.
Fig. 11.
Evaluation of the development effect of moderate water injection in test area.
4. Conclusion
The fractured ultra-low permeability reservoir has imbibition effect, and the imbibition speed is affected by reservoir physical properties, core wettability, water saturation, and fluid viscosity. The mathematical model for determining the speed of imbibition is the core of the numerical simulation of imbibition-displacement. Based on the L-W single-tube model combined with the experimental data of dynamic imbibition speed, the imbibition speed of macroscopic oil-water flow can be obtained. Compared with the effect without imbibition, the numerical simulation prediction index of ultra-low permeability reservoir considering the imbibition is more consistent with the actual production. The effect of the imbibition cannot be ignored in the development of water injection in ultra-low permeability reservoirs. The moderate water injection technology that fully exerts the imbibition has a remarkable effect of stabilizing oil and controlling water cut and can be popularized and applied in hydrophilic ultra-low permeability reservoirs.
a, n—imbibition speed correction coefficient;
A—contact area, m2;
G—starting pressure gradient, Pa/m;
K—absolute permeability, 1012 μm2;
K0—absolute permeability before change, 1012 μm2;
Kr—relative permeability;
K°— effective permeability, 1012 μm2;
lfm—the distance between matrix and fracture, m;
L—capillary length, m;
Lt—oil-water two-phase contact position at t, m;
p—fluid pressure, Pa;
p0—fluid pressure before change, Pa;
pc—capillary pressure, Pa;
Δp—displacement pressure difference, Pa;
qf, qm—seepage flow of unit volume between fractures, matrixes, kg/(m3·s);
qfm—flow per unit volume between fracture and matrix, kg/(m3·s);
Qfm—total flow between fracture and matrix, kg/s;
Qfm1, Qfm2—flow between the fracture and the matrix by displacement and turbulence, kg/s;
r—capillary radius, m;
Sfm—seepage exchange area, m2;
Sw—water saturation, f;
t—time, s;
vi—imbibition speed, m/s;
vi°—corrected imbibition speed, m/s;
Vi—volume of crude oil produced at different time, m3;
Vo—total volume of crude oil saturated the rock, m3;
x, y, z—cartesian coordinate system, m;
α—stress sensitivity coefficient, Pa-1;
η—imbibition displacement efficiency, %;
μ——fluid viscosity, Pa·s;
ρ—fluid density, kg/m3;
σow—oil-water interfacial tension, N/m;
ϕ—porosity, f.
o—oil phase;
w—water phase.
Definition of tight oil in Ordos Basin
Spontaneous imbibition of water into oil-wet carbonates
[Cited within: 1]
Contrary to sandstone reservoirs, the oil-wetting nature of carbonate reservoirs appears to increase as the reservoir temperature decreases. Thus, a carbonate reservoir at T res<50 °C containing an oil with an acid number (AN) of about 1 mg KOH/g oil is very likely to behave as oil-wet. If, in addition, the reservoir is fractured with low permeability matrix blocks, water flooding of the reservoir is not recommended unless a wettability alteration process is possible. Normally, the oil recovery from this type of reservoirs by natural pressure depletion is low, and therefore the potential for improved oil recovery (IOR) is very high. The present paper reviews some recent work focused on improved oil recovery from oil-wet carbonates using surface-active chemicals to promote wettability alteration. Water will then spontaneously imbibe into the matrix blocks, and the oil recovery can be markedly increased. The following topics are discussed: 61 Relative affinities of crude oil components towards carbonates, and how to prepare homogeneous oil-wet cores from water-wet outcrop material; 61 The wettability alteration mechanism using CTAB, emphasizing ion-pair formation as a key factor; 61 The relative influence of capillary and gravity forces on the fluid flow during the imbibition process; 61 The efficiency of commercially available technical products at low price suitable for field applications.
Mechanism and influence factors of imbibition in fractured tight sandstone reservoir: An example from Chang 8 reservoir of Wuqi area in Ordos Basin
In recent years,as a main mechanism of water driving in fractured tight sandstone reservoirs,imbibition is widely concerned. In view of the shortcomings of the current experimental research of imbibition,taking Chang8 reservoir of Wuqi area in Ordos Basin as target,the characteristics of the reservoir and the main influence factors of imbibition were analyzed by using low-temperature nitrogen adsorption,high pressure mercury injection and Amott methods,as well as nuclear magnetic resonance(NMR)technology. The experimental results show that as a water-wet reservoir,the formation is dominant by narrow slit-like pores with micro-and mesopore size. The throat is scattered and the reservoir belongs to fine throat and micro-fine pore type. Among the main factors which affect recovery efficiency of the imbibition,reservoir quality and maximum pore throat radius have positive correlation with the recovery efficiency of the imbibition,and specific surface area has negative correlation with the recovery efficiency. The increase of relative wettability index and the decrease of interfacial tension are favorable to the process of imbibition. So imbibition is obvious in hydrophilic tight sandstone reservoir with good pore structure and pore-throat connectivity,and imbibition after the hydraulic fracturing will play a positive role in the development of reservoir.
Evaluation of gas saturation during water imbibition experiments
Experimental and numerical investigation of high temperature imbibition into preferential oil-wet chalk.
[Cited within: 1]
Spontaneous imbibition (SI) of water into the matrix blocks is believed to be a very important drive mechanism for oil recovery from naturally fractured reservoirs, including the Ekofisk field in the North Sea. This work presents SI of artificial seawater containing sulfate ions at 130 °C on outcrop chalk saturated with crude oil (plus connate water) of high acid number to render the wettability of the porous medium preferential oil-wet. The results for the SI tests show that artificial seawater containing sulfate ions is able to spontaneously imbibe into preferential oil-wet chalk (at 40 °C) due to a wettability modification process towards more water-wet conditions. No imbibibition of any water took place at 40 °C. After raising the temperature to 130 °C, a water saturation change of 28% was observed during 15 days of imbibition time on two duplicated core samples (from S wi = 24% to 52%). The SI taking place at elevated temperature is interpreted as a wettability modification process, where the sulfate ions in the imbibing water phase are assumed to play a very important role. One core sample was re-saturated with crude oil after the SI process had ceased and the relative permeability of oil and water was measured using the steady-state method. The high end-point relative permeability of water k rw 68 = 0.761 indicated core surface to be close to neutral wettability. The measured relative permeability curves were then utilized to generate a capillary pressure curve by history matching oil production vs. time to the oil production measured experimentally using numerical simulations. The result showed that weak capillary forces were generated as a result of the SI process. Further fine-grid simulations after magnifying the size of the core sample up to 100 times (diameter D = 35002cm and height H = 69102cm) showed that weak induced capillary forces contributed significantly to the initial oil production rate even for the largest sample investigated. This result indicated that the induced capillary forces after a wettability modifying process may have effect on field oil production rates, as the matrix blocks investigated are representative for those blocks sizes ( D = 35002cm and H = 69102cm) usually applied, when modeling fractured reservoirs by the dual-porosity scheme.
Spontaneous imbibition in small cores
Imbibition characteristics of rock matrix in Huoshaoshan oilfield
Huoshaoshan oilfield of Junggar basin is produced from a Permian naturally-fractured sandstone raservoir.30imbibition experiments with 24 rock samples indicated that on imbibition,a stronger relationship exists between imbibi-tion time and efficiency,and imbibition capecity of rock matrix is relatively low with ultimate absorption ratio Of only10.16%, moreovcr, the relationship between oil recovery factor and imbibition capacity of rock matrix is discussed.
Advances in studies of spontaneous imbibition in porous media
[Cited within: 1]
Spontaneous imbibition is a natural phenomenon in porous media extensively occurring in many fields of engineering applications and natural sciences. Thus, the issues on the basic statistics and kinetics of spontaneous imbibition in porous media have become one of hot topics for many years. In this review, progresses in traditionally theoretical researches on Lucas-Washburn (LW) model, Terzaghi model, Handy model, Mattax and Kyte scaled model of dimensionless time, Aronofsky scaled model of normalized recovery and recent advances in the area especially over the last decade are reviewed, including criterion parameters for analyzing the mechanisms of spontaneous imbibition and recent studies on spontaneous imbibition in porous media based on the fractal theory. Brief reviews on numerical simulations and experiments about the influence of factors on the imbibition rate are also addressed. A few of comments are also made on the future research directions and subjects on spontaneous imbibition of Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids in porous media and fractured porous media with dual-porosity based on the fractal theory and numerical simulations.
Low permeability sandstone reservoir imbibition law research
With the discovery of more and more low permeable oil fields, the objective of petroleum production is concentrated on the development of low permeable oil fields gradually. Due to poor production and injection capacity of low permeable reservoir, imbibition recovery plays important role in the oilfield development. This paper introduces a new kind of imbibition equipment, and by use of it we studied the reverse imbibition law of low permeable core. Using X-Ray' s degree of change checkout apparatus, we studied the core length effect on reverse imbibition performance and ultimate imbibition recovery, as well as the change course of watercut variation for core of different stages during imbibition process. And reach to the following conclusion: adverse imbibition is the main recovery mechanism in fractured low permeable sandstone reservoir; Due to the characteristic of low permeable reservoir, the effectiveness of capillary force is restricted, imbibition is slow, and imbibition recovery is low; the X-Ray' s scanning result shows that imbibition speed is quick at the initial stage of imbibition, and the imbibition speed slows down after imbibition frontline arrives the boundary.
Experimental study of spontaneous imbibition in low permeability core fractured reservoir
[Cited within: 1]
Low permeability fractured reservoir has a poor recovery by water flooding,there is still a lot of residual oil left in the matrix after water flooding.It is an important mechanism that the oil flows into the fracture from matrix by imbibition,and various influencing factors are still needed to be studied.In this paper,we studied a number of factors,such as wettability,temperature, viscosity,interfacial tension,and so on,which affect the imbibition through spontaneous imbibition experiments in formation water and surfactant solution,based on the natural low permeability core from Chunliang oil production factory.The results show that the temperature is not the direct factor of imbibition,but it can affect the imbibition indirectly by changing the oil viscosity.The main factors affecting spontaneous imbibition are wettability,oil viscosity and interfacial tension.The more hydrophily of the core,the lower the oil viscosity,and the higher imbibition oil recovery.For the water wet core,it is the permeability and interfacial tension which control the imbibition mode.Different permeability levels have different optimal range of interfacial tension values,in which imbibition has the highest recovery.For the water-wet core and weak-water-wet core,the higher the permeability,the lower the optimal interfacial tension.
A new method of measuring imbibition curves
In view of the great errors in the measurment of imbibition curves,this paper presents a new method of improving the accuracy of the measurement of imbibition curves,and also in troduces its principle,experiment and data analysis.
Effect of injection rate on spontaneous imbibition of sandstone
[Cited within: 1]
The effect of brine injection rate on spontaneous imbibition behavior and recovery of sandstone is studied, and the ultimate recovery comparison between static imbibition and dynamic imbibition is conducted. The results show that with the increase of brine injection rate, the dynamic imbibition recovery increases and decreases, rapidly, and then tends to be stable, with mono-peak variation in oil recovery and brine injection rate. The fact that dynamic imbibition recovery is lower than static one indicates that spontaneous imbibition of sandstone needs enough time to full exert capillary imbibition in low permeability reservoir. So the injection rate should be low, and measures including intermittent and cyclic injection and production should be adopted in order to increase the spontaneous imbibition recovery.
Influence of pressure sensitivity on imbibition for low permeability reservoir rocks.
[Cited within: 1]
Mechanisms of cyclic water injection are analyzed by combining rock pressure sensitivity experiment and imbibition experiment in view of the characteristics of much remaining oil in the matrixes of fractured low permeability reservoir.Imbibition experiment of different permeability cores and different pressure drops,pressure sensitivity experiment of permeability are studied and compared.The results show that,imbibition recovery ratio firstly increases and then decreases with the increasing of permeability,permeability loss of core is mainly in the early stage of effective pressure increase,influence of pressure drop degree and speed on imbibition recovery ratio takes on the trend of firstly decreasing then increasing,pressure sensitivity is mainly at the smaller pressure drop degree,and the pressure difference caused by pressure fluctuation plays roles mainly at the bigger pressure drop degree and speed in the process of cyclic water injection.
Experimental study on the imbibition under the conditions of different scales
Imbibition of surfactant solutions. SPE 20222-PA
Micro-influencing mechanism of permeability on spontaneous imbibition recovery for tight sandstone reservoirs
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The upper part of the 4 th member of Paleogene Shahejie Formation in Bonan sag, Bohai Bay Basin, East China was taken as the study object. Conventional core analysis, casting and conventional thin section inspection, scanning electron microscope observation, particle size analysis and fluid inclusion analysis were carried out on cores, and the data from these analyses and tests was used to find out the evolution of diagenetic environment of the saline lacustrine basin and the main factors controlling the deep formation of high quality reservoirs. The diagenetic environment of the saline lacustrine basin experienced alkali and acid alternation. In the early alkali diagenetic environment, large amounts of carbonate cement filled the primary pores, making the reservoir porosity reduce sharply from 37.3% to 18.77%, meanwhile, keeping the primary pores from compaction, and retaining the dissolution space. In the middle-late stage of acid diagenetic environment, early carbonate cement was dissolved, resulting in rise of reservoir porosity by 10.59%, and thus the formation of the deep high quality reservoirs. The distribution of high quality deep reservoirs is controlled by the development of gypsum salt rock, source rock, fracture system and sedimentary body distribution jointly. Deeply buried high quality reservoirs in the upper part of the 4 th member of the Shahejie Formation in Bonan sag are nearshore subaqueous fan-end sandstone and some fan-medium fine conglomerate buried at 3 400-4 400 m in the north steep slope.
Imbibition law of naturally fractured reservoirs
To study the effect of imbibition on the naturally fractured reservoirs and improve the development performances, a typical geological model for the naturally fractured reservoirs was established. The influence of capillary pressure, uniformity of the pore, relative permeability curve, matrix permeability, fracture permeability, oil viscosity and matrix oil saturation on imbibition, which is divided into static and dynamic state, was studied by means of numerical simulation and the formula was fitted between imbibition rate and influence factors. For static state, a linear relationship is obtained between imbibition rate and capillary pressure, matrix permeability, residual oil saturation to water and relative permeability of oil at the irreducible water saturation, an exponent relationship is obtained between imbibition rate and irreducible water saturation, and a power exponent relationship is obtained between imbibition rate and oil viscosity. For dynamic state, the different development mode is proposed for the reservoirs with different wettability.
Experimental study on dynamic imbibition mechanism of low permeability reservoirs
Mechanism simulation of oil displacement by imbibition in fractured reservoirs
[Cited within: 1]
The mechanism model of both static and dynamic imbibition considering capillary pressure and gravity was presented based on the imbibition mechanisms and seepage theory.The validation of the model was performed using published experiment data.Then,this model was employed to study the impacts of oil viscosity,matrix permeability,core size,interface tension,and displacement rate on imbibitions.The results show that,the recovery decreases as oil viscosity increases,and the initial imbibition rate is much faster for lower viscosity oil.Imbibitions recovery is positively related to matrix permeability,the differences of oil recovery for low-permeability to tight oil reservoirs are obvious.Imbibitions effect is negatively related to core size.If the interface tension is low,imbibitions cannot occur without consideration of gravity.But it can occur even in very low interface tension scenario with consideration of gravity.On the whole,the recovery first increases and then decreases as the interface tension decreases.The gravity and capillary play different roles at different ranges of interface tension.There exists an optimal value range of displacement rate in fractured reservoir,which should be optimized with a sufficient oil production rate to achieve higher recovery.
A numerical simulation model for multi-scale flow in tight oil reservoirs
Porous flow mechanics for low permeability reservoirs and its application
Capillary imbibition and gravity segregation in low IFT systems
Characterization of spontaneous water imbibition into gas-saturated rocks
An examination of countercurrent capillary imbibition recovery from single matrix blocks and recovery predictions by analytical matrix fracture transfer functions
Interrelationship of wettability, initial water saturation, aging time, and oil recovery by spontaneous imbibition and waterflooding
DOI:10.2118/62507-PA URL [Cited within: 1]
Spontaneous imbibition mechanism of flow through porous media and waterflooding in low-permeability fractured sandstone reservoir
[Cited within: 1]
The fluid flow properties and mechanism of fluid flow in low-permeability reservoir with fractured sandstones are complicated.The spontaneous imbibition of water is very important for oil recovery.The influencing factors on spontaneous imbibition include rock size,rock properties,fluid properties,wettability,initial oil saturation and boundary condition,etc.The affecting degrees of those factors were investigated by the spontaneous imbibition experiment in laboratory,NMR technology and displacement test.The study results may provide some theoretical bases for oil development of low-permeability reservoir with fractured sandstone.
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