Underground coal gasification and its strategic significance to the development of natural gas industry in China
ZOU Caineng,CHEN Yanpeng,KONG Lingfeng,SUN Fenjin,CHEN Shanshan,DONG Zhen
Table 1 Statistics on key UCG projects both in China and abroad (references [8, 13, 23-26], revised).
Type Country Time Project Buried depth/m Coal rank Coal bed thickness/m Characteristics
Shaft type Soviet Union 1932-1965 Lisichansk,
20-40 Sub-bitumi-
nous coal
and lignite
0.4-2.0 Used for power generation or fuel for manufacturing industry. Due to the discovery of large amount of oil and natural gas resources, most UCG projects were stopped during the 1960s
1961 to now Angrenskaja 110-126 Lignite 9.0 Since 1961 to now, with simple process and mature technology, it produces 100×108 m3 of gas every day for power station
China 1958-2010 Ezhuang in Xinwen, Xinhe in Xuzhou, Liuzhuang in Tangshan and Huating in Gansu, etc. 80-200 Gas-fat coal,
gas coal and non-caking coal
1.2-9.0 Gasification scale is small, and the caloric value of produced gas is low to medium
Drilling type Soviet Union 1955-1991 Yuzhno-Abinsk 43-53 Bituminous
9.2-9.8 Dip angle of coal bed was 70° and SDB (Steeply Dipping Coal Bed) was adopted for gasification. It was stopped due to surface depression and collapse of the Soviet Union, etc.
US 1973-1979 Hanna series tests 84-114 Class-C high volatile bituminous coal 9.0 O2 and CO2 corroded the pipe columns of the producing well and caused failure of the project
1976-1979 Hoe Creek 40 Class-C high volatile bituminous coal 8.0 To solve the problems such as puking, air leakage and water inflow, CRIP (Controlled Retraction Injection Point) was developed
1987-1988 Rocky Mountain I 110 Sub-bitumi-
nous coal
7.0 The test was the largest in the US, which improved productivity and caloric value, enlarged the furnace type and reduced the cost. The project was stopped due to surface depression and shallow water pollution
France 1979-1981 Bruayen Artois 1 170 Bituminous
1.2-1.5 Reverse combustion after hydraulic fracturing was adopted for connection. The test failed due to poor connection effect
Belgium 1979-1988 Thulin 860 Bituminous
6.0 Connection process by reverse combustion failed. Directional well was adopted afterwards and connection succeeded
China 1987 Mazhuang in Xuzhou 82 Gas-fat
1.2 Coal bed was thin and shaft-less gasification was tested, with low caloric value of produced gas
Spain 1991-1999 Tremedal test 500-700 Sub-bitumi-
nous coal
2.0 It proved the feasibility of medium-deep UCG, but due to imperfect geological conditions, water rushed into the gasification cavity, leading to combustion failure
South Africa 2007-2011 Majuba test 250-380 Sub-bitumi-
nous coal
3.5 Small-scale test was carried out, with low caloric value of produced gas; follow-up commercialization project wasn’t carried out due to national policies
Canada 2007-2012 Swanhills test 1 400 High volatile
bituminous coal
4.5 It proved the theory that the methane content increases as the pressure increases, but was stopped due to the burning accident of coiled tubing
Australia 2011-2013 Chinchilla 5 test 130 Sub-bitumi-
nous coal
5.5 Gasification space was 300 m and the project ran stably for 24 months, but was stopped due to national environmental protection policies
China 2007-2012 Ulanqab test 285 Lignite 6.0 It succeeded for a period of time in the early stage, but was stopped due to technical troubles in coiled tubing and low conversion rate of combustible gas