Structural geology and favorable exploration prospect belts in northwestern Sichuan Basin, SW China
CHEN Zhuxin,LI Wei,WANG Lining,LEI Yongliang,YANG Guang,ZHANG Benjian,YIN Hong,YUAN Baoguo
Table 1 The regional distribution of the deep-buried favorable exploration reservoirs and structural belts in northwestern Sichuan Basin.
Region Tectonic location Favorable reservoirs Source rocks Palaeotectonic
Favorable exploration belts
Front of Micangshan Sinian Dengying Formation Lower Cambiran Platform,
platform margin
Jiulongshan anticline,
Tongziguan structure
Middle-Upper Permian Lower Cambiran,
Middle-Upper Permian
Sinian Dengying Formation Lower Cambiran Platform,
platform margin
Yating slope, Zitong syncline
Lower Paleozoic,
Middle Permian
Lower Cambiran,
Middle-Upper Permian
Zitong syncline
Southwest Northern front of Longmeshan Upper Paleozoic Lower Cambiran, Lower-Middle Permian Passive continental margin Deep-seated fold and thrust structures under the Zhongba, Haitangpu, Shuangyushi, and so on
Northwest Lower Paleozoic, Second Member
of Dengying Formation
Lower Cambiran Platform,
platform margin
Kuangshangliang-Shilongliang belt, Shuangyushi-Shejianhe belt
Middle Permian, Second Member
of Dengying Formation,
Lower Cambiran; Lower-Middle Permian