Distribution and genesis of mercury in natural gas of large coal derived gas fields in China
LI Jian,HAN Zhongxi,YAN Qituan,WANG Shuying,GE Shouguo
Table 2 Statistics on mercury content in natural gas samples from 8 gas-bearing basins in China.
Basin Natural gas mercury content/(μg·m-3)
Minimum Maximum
Songliao Less than 0.01 2 240.00
Tarim Less than 0.01 1 500.00
Bohai Bay 0.20 230.00
Ordos 0.05 210.00
Junggar 1.70 110.00
Sichuan Less than 0.01 42.00
Qaidam Less than 0.01 1.42
Tuha 0.05 0.28