PETROLEUM EXPLORATION AND DEVELOPMENT, 2019, 46(4): 711-719 doi: 10.1016/S1876-3804(19)60228-4

Logging while drilling electromagnetic wave responses in inclined bedding formation

FAN Yiren1,2,3,4, HU Xufei,5, DENG Shaogui1,2,3,4, YUAN Xiyong1,2,3,4, LI Haitao1,2,3,4

School of Geosciences, China University of Petroleum, Qingdao 266580, China;

Key Laboratory of Deep Oil & Gas Geology and Exploration, Ministry of Education, China University of Petroleum, Qingdao 266580, China;

Laboratory for Marine Mineral Resources, Qingdao National Laboratory for Marine Science and Technology, Qingdao 266071, China;

CNPC Key Laboratory for Well Logging, China University of Petroleum, Qingdao 266580, China;

China University of Petroleum-Beijing at Karamay, Karamay 834000, China

Corresponding authors: E-mail:

Received: 2018-10-15   Revised: 2019-03-8   Online: 2019-08-15

Fund supported: Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China41474100
Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China41574118


For real-time inversion and fast reconstruction of formation true resistivity, the forward modeling of electromagnetic wave logging while drilling is usually based on the transversely isotropic formation model with vertical symmetry axis (VTI medium), but it only considers the horizontal and vertical resistivity. It has certain limitation during practical application. This paper presents a forward calculation method of electromagnetic wave logging while drilling in transversely isotropic (TTI) strata with inclined symmetry axis based on the Dyadic Green's function. Anisotropic angle and azimuth are used to characterize TTI formation. The proposed algorithm is verified by numerical examples, the half-space electromagnetic wave reflection and transmission characteristics with different media are analyzed, and the necessity to use the new algorithm is pointed out. Numerical simulation also shows that there exist a critical borehole dip and critical anisotropic angle in TTI formation. Electromagnetic wave logging while drilling responses follows opposite rule before and after these two critical angles. Besides, the “horns” at the interface are not only related to well deviation, resistivity contrast, but also related to anisotropic angle and anisotropic azimuth.

Keywords: electromagnetic wave logging while drilling ; VTI medium ; TTI medium ; anisotropic dip ; anisotropic azimuth ; Dyadic Green’s function electromagnetic wave logging while drilling ; VTI medium ; TTI medium ; anisotropic dip ; anisotropic azimuth ; Dyadic Green’s function

Keywords: electromagnetic wave logging while drilling ; VTI medium ; TTI medium ; anisotropic dip ; anisotropic azimuth ; Dyadic Green’s function electromagnetic wave logging while drilling ; VTI medium ; TTI medium ; anisotropic dip ; anisotropic azimuth ; Dyadic Green’s function

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FAN Yiren, HU Xufei, DENG Shaogui, YUAN Xiyong, LI Haitao. Logging while drilling electromagnetic wave responses in inclined bedding formation. [J], 2019, 46(4): 711-719 doi:10.1016/S1876-3804(19)60228-4


Logging while drilling electromagnetic wave resistivity data can be used for fluid identification and fluid saturation calculation in reservoir evaluation. In order to realize fast inversion to obtain true formation parameters in real-time, it is usually necessary to simplify complex borehole and formation environment (three-dimensional problems) into a series of one-dimensional (1D) formation models[1,2,3,4,5]. This method is feasible in logging while drilling (LWD) because of two main reasons. First, in the LWD process, the influence of borehole and drilling fluid invasion is small and can be neglected. Second, the complex wellbore trajectory can be constrained by progressive window opening and simplified to a series of simple-shaped wellbore trajectories (i.e. a series of 1D formation models). The traditional 1D fast LWD electromagnetic wave resistivity numerical simulation is mainly based on the transverse isotropic formation model with vertical symmetry axis (VTI). Under low-energy sedimentary environment, such as deep-sea and deep-lake deposits, the formation can present standard VTI medium characteristics (Fig. 1a). VTI medium is a special case of uniaxial anisotropic medium, which has the same resistivity Rh in any horizontal direction, different resistivity Rv in vertical direction, and in general, RhRv. The calculation of electromagnetic field in this kind of medium is more mature. By introducing the Hertz potential function, the wave equation of electromagnetic field can be simplified into two uncoupled scalar wave equations. The final expression of electromagnetic field is a single integral containing 0-order and 1-order Bessel functions[5,6,7].

Fig. 1.

Fig. 1.   Stratigraphic characteristics of different sedimentary environments.

With the deepening of petroleum exploration, complicated oil and gas reservoirs have become the focus of research, which limits the application of VTI stratigraphic model. Not all strata can be simplified to VTI model. The strata formed in high energy sedimentary environment (river and desert environment) usually contain inclined beddings (Fig. 1b). In this circumstance, the strata are transversely isotropic (TTI) strata with tilted symmetry axis, which have the same resistivity along the bedding direction but different resistivity in the direction perpendicular to the bedding. If it is still simplified as VTI stratigraphic model, the parameters such as resistivity obtained by inversion is no longer reliable. If the resistivity is used for qualitative evaluation and quantitative calculation, the interpretation accuracy will drop. Clear understanding of electromagnetic wave logging response characteristics in TTI medium can make the qualitative and quantitative logging interpretation more comprehensive and effective.

The theory and calculation of electromagnetic field based on TTI medium are very complex, and there is no relevant literature published in China. Anderson et al.[8-9] from Schlumberger briefly discussed the response characteristics of induction logging to formation anisotropy caused by inclined bedding. Wang et al.[10,11,12] gave the forward and inverse numerical simulation algorithm of multi-component induction logging to formation anisotropy caused by inclined bedding and analyzed response characteristics of multi-component induction logging under different inclined bedding conditions. Anderson and Wang et al.[8,9,10,11,12] all pointed out that the influence of inclined bedding on log response characteristics should not be neglected. Especially in the application of actual data, suitable formation model should be established by considering the actual formation conditions. In this study, the authors used anisotropic angle and azimuth to characterize the anisotropic properties of TTI medium with inclined bedding, and deduced the solution of electromagnetic field in TTI medium based on dyadic Green's function. Then, taking half-space medium as an example, the reflection and transmission characteristics of electromagnetic wave in VTI medium and TTI medium were analyzed by numerical simulation method. The limitation of traditional Hertz potential and generalized reflection coefficient methods were pointed out. The reliability of the algorithm was verified, and the LWD electromagnetic wave responses under different borehole deviations, anisotropic angles and anisotropic azimuths were figured out.

1. Forward modeling of TTI formation

1.1. Electromagnetic field in anisotropic media based on dyadic Green's function

In an infinitely thick anisotropic medium, the wave equation of the electric field can be expressed as:

$\nabla \times \nabla \times E\left( r-{r}' \right)-\operatorname{i}\omega \mu {{\mathrm{\vec{ }\!\!\sigma\!\!\text{ }}}_{c}}E\left( r-{r}' \right)=-\nabla \times M$

In VTI medium, the conductivity tensor of anisotropic formation can be expressed as:

${{\mathrm{\vec{ }\!\!\sigma\!\!\text{ }}}_{\mathsf{c}}}=\left( \begin{matrix} {{\sigma }_{h}} & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & {{\sigma }_{h}} & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & {{\sigma }_{v}} \\\end{matrix} \right)$

In TTI medium, anisotropic angle Ψ and anisotropic azimuth χ can be defined to characterize its anisotropic property (Fig. 2), then the conductivity tensor ${{\mathsf{\vec{\sigma }}}_{\mathrm{b}}}$ in TTI medium can be expressed as:

${{\mathsf{\vec{\sigma }}}_{\mathrm{b}}}=\mathrm{\vec{R}}_{\mathrm{ }\!\!\chi\!\!\text{ }}^{T}\mathrm{\vec{R}}_{\mathrm{ }\!\!\psi\!\!\text{ }}^{T}{{\mathrm{\vec{ }\!\!\sigma\!\!\text{ }}}_{\mathrm{c}}}{{\mathrm{\vec{R}}}_{\mathrm{ }\!\!\psi\!\!\text{ }}}{{\mathrm{\vec{R}}}_{\mathrm{ }\!\!\chi\!\!\text{ }}}$

${{\mathrm{\vec{R}}}_{\mathrm{ }\!\!\psi\!\!\text{ }}}=\left( \begin{matrix} \cos \psi & 0 & \sin \psi \\ 0 & 1 & 0 \\ -\sin \psi & 0 & \cos \psi \\\end{matrix} \right)$, ${{\mathrm{\vec{R}}}_{\mathrm{ }\!\!\chi\!\!\text{ }}}=\left( \begin{matrix} \cos \chi & \sin \chi & 0 \\ -\sin \chi & \cos \chi & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 1 \\\end{matrix} \right)$

Fig. 2.

Fig. 2.   Rotation diagram of conductivity tensor in uniaxial anisotropic formation.

Using Fourier transform, the expression of electric field in space domain is:

$\mathrm{E}\left( \mathrm{r}-\mathrm{{r}'} \right)=\frac{1}{{{\left( 2\text{ }\!\!\pi\!\!\text{ } \right)}^{3}}}\iiint{\mathrm{\tilde{E}}\left( {{k}_{x}},{{k}_{y}},{{k}_{z}} \right){{\text{e}}^{i\mathrm{k}\cdot \left( \mathrm{r}-\mathrm{{r}'} \right)}}\text{d}{{k}_{x}}\text{d}{{k}_{y}}\text{d}{{k}_{z}}}$

Equation (4) can be further rewritten as:

$\mathrm{E}\left( \mathrm{r}-\mathrm{{r}'} \right)=\frac{1}{{{\left( 2\text{ }\!\!\pi\!\!\text{ } \right)}^{3}}}\iiint{{{\mathrm{W}}^{-1}}\cdot \nabla \times \mathrm{M}{{\text{e}}^{i\mathrm{k}\cdot \left( \mathrm{r}-\mathrm{{r}'} \right)}}\text{d}{{k}_{x}}\text{d}{{k}_{y}}\text{d}{{k}_{z}}}$


$\mathrm{W}=\mathrm{k}\cdot \mathrm{k}+i\omega \mu {{\mathsf{\vec{\sigma }}}_{\mathrm{c}}}$

$\mathrm{k}=\left( \begin{matrix} 0 & -{{k}_{z}} & {{k}_{y}} \\ {{k}_{z}} & 0 & -{{k}_{x}} \\ -{{k}_{y}} & {{k}_{x}} & 0 \\ \end{matrix} \right)$

${{\mathrm{W}}^{-1}}=\frac{adj\left( \mathrm{W} \right)}{\left| \mathrm{W} \right|}$

The determinant |W| is a fourth-order polynomial of kz as follows:

$\left| \mathrm{W} \right|=ak_{z}^{4}+bk_{z}^{3}+ck_{z}^{2}+d{{k}_{z}}+e$

where a, b, c, d, e are expressions of kx and ky. It can be further expressed as follows:

$\left| \mathrm{W} \right|=a\left( {{k}_{z}}-k_{z,\text{I}}^{+} \right)\left( {{k}_{z}}-k_{z,\text{I}}^{-} \right)\left( {{k}_{z}}-k_{z,\text{II}}^{+} \right)\left( {{k}_{z}}-k_{z,\text{II}}^{-} \right)$

When |W|=0, there exist four solutions for kz, representing two types of waves. $k_{z,\text{I}}^{+}$ and $k_{z,\text{II}}^{+}$ are the upward z-direction wavenumber of type I wave and type II wave. $k_{z,\text{I}}^{-}$ and $k_{z,\text{II}}^{-}$ are the downward z-direction wavenumber of type I wave and type II wave[13,14].

Substituting equation (7) into equation (5):

$\begin{align} & \mathrm{E}\left( R \right)=\frac{1}{{{\left( 2\text{ }\!\!\pi\!\!\text{ } \right)}^{3}}}\iiint{\frac{1}{a\left( {{k}_{z}}-k_{z,\text{I}}^{+} \right)\left( {{k}_{z}}-k_{z,\text{I}}^{-} \right)}}\times \\ & \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \frac{adj\left( W \right)}{\left( {{k}_{z}}-k_{z,\text{II}}^{+} \right)\left( {{k}_{z}}-k_{z,\text{II}}^{-} \right)}\cdot \nabla \times \mathrm{M}{{\text{e}}^{ik\cdot \left( r-{r}' \right)}}\text{d}k \\ \end{align}$

where R=r-r°, dk=dkxdkydkz.

By using residue theorem, when the position z of the receiving coil is above the source position z', the electric field E(R) is:

$\mathrm{E}\left( R \right)=\frac{i}{{{\left( 2\text{ }\!\!\pi\!\!\text{ } \right)}^{2}}}\iint{\left[ \mathrm{W}\left( k_{z,\text{I}}^{+} \right){{\text{e}}^{ik_{z,\text{I}}^{+}\left( z-{z}' \right)}}+\mathrm{W}\left( k_{z,II}^{+} \right){{\text{e}}^{ik_{z,\text{II}}^{+}\left( z-{z}' \right)}} \right]}\cdot \nabla \times$ $\mathrm{M}{{\text{e}}^{i{{\mathrm{k}}_{\mathrm{s}}}\cdot {{\mathrm{r}}_{s}}}}\text{d}{{\mathrm{k}}_{\mathrm{s}}}$


${{\mathrm{r}}_{\mathrm{s}}}=\left( x-{x}' \right)\hat{x}+\left( y-{y}' \right)\hat{y}$



$\mathrm{W}\left( k_{z,\text{I}}^{+} \right)={{\left. \frac{adj\left[ \mathrm{W}\left( k_{z,\text{I}}^{+} \right) \right]}{a\left( {{k}_{z}}-k_{z,\text{I}}^{-} \right)\left( {{k}_{z}}-k_{z,\text{II}}^{+} \right)\left( {{k}_{z}}-k_{z,\text{II}}^{-} \right)} \right|}_{{{k}_{z}}=k_{z,\text{I}}^{+}}}$

$\mathrm{W}\left( k_{z,\text{II}}^{+} \right)={{\left. \frac{adj\left[ \mathrm{W}\left( k_{z,\text{II}}^{+} \right) \right]}{a\left( {{k}_{z}}-k_{z,\text{I}}^{-} \right)\left( {{k}_{z}}-k_{z,\text{I}}^{+} \right)\left( {{k}_{z}}-k_{z,\text{II}}^{-} \right)} \right|}_{{{k}_{z}}=k_{z,\text{II}}^{+}}}$

When the receiving coil position z is below the source position z', the electric field E(R) is:

$\mathrm{E}\left( R \right)=\frac{i}{{{\left( 2\text{ }\!\!\pi\!\!\text{ } \right)}^{2}}}\iint{\left[ \mathrm{W}\left( k_{z,\text{I}}^{-} \right){{\text{e}}^{ik_{z,\text{I}}^{-}\left( z-{z}' \right)}}+\mathrm{W}\left( k_{z,\text{II}}^{-} \right){{\text{e}}^{ik_{z,\text{II}}^{-}\left( z-{z}' \right)}} \right]}\cdot \nabla \times$ $\mathrm{M}{{\text{e}}^{i{{\mathrm{k}}_{\mathrm{s}}}\cdot {{\mathrm{r}}_{s}}}}\text{d}{{\mathrm{k}}_{\mathrm{s}}}$


$\mathrm{W}\left( k_{z,\text{I}}^{-} \right)={{\left. \frac{adj\left[ \mathrm{W}\left( k_{z,\text{I}}^{-} \right) \right]}{a\left( {{k}_{z}}-k_{z,\text{I}}^{+} \right)\left( {{k}_{z}}-k_{z,\text{II}}^{+} \right)\left( {{k}_{z}}-k_{z,\text{II}}^{-} \right)} \right|}_{{{k}_{z}}=k_{z,\text{I}}^{-}}}$

$\mathrm{W}\left( k_{z,\text{II}}^{-} \right)={{\left. \frac{adj\left[ \mathrm{W}\left( k_{z,II}^{-} \right) \right]}{a\left( {{k}_{z}}-k_{z,\text{I}}^{-} \right)\left( {{k}_{z}}-k_{z,\text{I}}^{+} \right)\left( {{k}_{z}}-k_{z,\text{II}}^{+} \right)} \right|}_{{{k}_{z}}=k_{z,\text{II}}^{-}}}$

Suppose the medium has N layers, the source is in Sth layer, the receiving coil is in the Lth layer. The electric field in the position of the receiving coil is:

$\mathrm{E}\left( R \right)={{\delta }_{LS}}{{\mathrm{E}}_{\mathrm{d}}}\left( R \right)+{{\mathrm{E}}_{\mathrm{s}}}\left( R \right)$

δLS is Kronecker delta function, when L=S, δLS=1; when L≠S, δLS=0; Ed(R) is the direct electrical filed; Es(R) is the scatter electrical field (including reflected and transmitted field). Hence, as long as the direct field and scattering field are derived, the electric field in each layer can be obtained. The corresponding magnetic field component can be obtained from the electric field component by the following expression:

$\mathrm{H}=\frac{1}{-i\omega \mu }\nabla \times \mathrm{E}$

The deduction of electromagnetic field in multi-layer TTI medium can be referred according to Wang et al.[10,11,12]. Due to the limited space, we will not discuss in detail here.

1.2. Traditional LWD electromagnetic resistivity principle

Based on the deduction in the previous section, the electromagnetic field at the receiving coil in TTI medium can be obtained, and then the voltage of the receiving coil can be calculated. Taking the structure of traditional LWD electromagnetic wave with single-emission and double-receiving coils as example, the voltages at the two receiving coils are V1 and V2, the amplitude ratio EATT and phase difference ∆ϕ are defined as follows:

$EATT=20\lg \frac{|{{V}_{2}}|}{|{{V}_{1}}|}$
$\Delta \phi \text{=}{{\phi }_{1}}-{{\phi }_{2}}$

The phase difference and amplitude ratio can be converted into amplitude ratio resistivity Rad and phase difference resistivity Rps by using the calibration plate of phase difference and amplitude ratio.

2. Algorithm verification and half-space reflection and transmission

Firstly, the calibration plate of phase difference and amplitude ratio resistivity is used to verify the validity of this algorithm. Fig. 3 shows the calibration plate at traditional operation frequency of 2 MHz and spacing from transmitting coil to recording point of 40.64 cm (16 inches). It can be seen that the computation results based on dyadic Green's function perfectly match with the results using Hertz's potential function method. Secondly, two five-layer formation models are used to validate the proposed algorithm (with well deviation of 0° and 30° respectively with each layer thickness of 2.0 m, corresponding resistivity parameters are in Table 1). It can be seen from Fig. 4a and Fig. 4b that the proposed algorithm is also applicable to multi-layer media.

Fig. 3.

Fig. 3.   Verification with amplitude ratio and phase difference resistivity calibration plate.

Table 1   Resistivity parameters of two five-layer formation models.

Stratigraphic modelResistivity/(Ω•m)
Layer ①Layer ②Layer ②Layer ④Layer ⑤
Model 1
(All layers are isotropic)
Model 2
(Layers ② and ④ are VTI formations,
and the rest are isotropic formations)

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Fig. 4.

Fig. 4.   Algorithm verification of five-layer models (Model 1 and Model 2).

In order to analyze the reflection and transmission characteristics of electromagnetic wave at interfaces of different medium, the reflection and transmission coefficients in half-space are given. Fig. 5 shows the half-space models under different conditions, and Table 2 shows the corresponding conductivity parameters. σ1u and σ2u represent the upper layer conductivities, σ1d and σ2d represent the lower layer conductivities. If the upper layer is isotropic, then σ1u=σ2u; if it is anisotropic, then σ1uσ2u. It is the same for the lower layer.

Fig. 5.

Fig. 5.   Different half-space medium models.

Table 2   Parameters of different half-space media models.

Number of
Anisotropic dip and
anisotropic azimuth/(°)
Upper layerLower layerUpper layerLower layer

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In isotropic and VTI formations, Ψ=0, χ=0. In TTI formation, Ψ≠0. Due to limited space, only the case when χ=0 is presented here (similar with the cases of reflection and transmission when χ≠0, no more details). Fig. 6 shows the variation of Fresnel reflection and transmission coefficients with incident angle at the interface of different models. Ri,j and Ti,j represent Fresnel reflection and transmission coefficients, respectively. i and j denote the types of electromagnetic waves (I or II type).

Fig. 6.

Fig. 6.   Fresnel coefficients at interfaces of different half-space media.

From Fig. 6a to Fig. 6c, it can be seen that when the media on both sides of the interface are isotropic or VTI media, i.e. Ψ =0 and χ =0, RⅠ,Ⅱ=RⅡ,Ⅰ=TⅠ,Ⅱ=TⅡ,Ⅰ=0. This means only RⅠ,Ⅰ, RⅡ,Ⅱ, TⅠ,Ⅰ and TⅡ,Ⅱ exist and there are no cross-reflection and transmission waves. That is to say, when the incident wave is type I, the reflected and transmitted I waves will be produced; when the incident wave is type II, the situation is similar. Therefore, when both sides of the interface are isotropic or VTI media, the reflection and transmission of type I and type II waves wouldn’t couple at the interface. The electromagnetic fields of type I and type II waves (also known as TE and TM waves, which are transverse electric wave and transverse magnetic wave) can be calculated separately. This is the theoretical basis of traditional calculation of TE and TM electromagnetic fields based on VTI media.

From Fig. 6d to 6f, it can be seen that when TTI stratum exists on one side of the interface, the cross components (RⅠ,Ⅱ, RⅡ,Ⅰ, TⅠ,Ⅱ, TⅡ,Ⅰ) are no longer zero. This means that after reflection and transmission, the type I wave and type II wave couple, and the electromagnetic field is the coupling field of two types of waves. In this case, the traditional electromagnetic field calculation method based on VTI medium is no longer applicable. The method of dyadic Green's function proposed in this paper can be used.

3. Numerical simulation

Assuming that the anisotropic formation is infinitely thick, the resistivity in one direction is R1=2.0 Ω•m, and the resistivity in the other direction is R2=20.0 Ω•m. The operation frequency is 2.0 MHz and the spacing from the transmitting coil to recording point is 40.64 cm (16 inches). We use phase difference to analyze the influence of the anisotropic angle and anisotropic azimuth. Fig. 7 shows the variation of traditional LWD electromagnetic wave phase difference with well deviation angle θ. When ψ=0, the phase difference decreases monotonously with the increase of θ, while the anisotropic azimuth has no effect on phase difference with different θ. When ψ ≠0, if χ=0, there exists a critical well deviation angle θc=90-ψ, that is, when ψ is 30°, 45° and 60°, θc is 60°, 45°and 30° respectively (Fig. 7a). When θθc, the phase difference decreases with the increase of the deviation angle; when θ>θc, the phase difference increases with the increase of the deviation angle. If χ≠0, there still has a critical well deviation angle θc with the same change rule as that shown in Fig. 7a (Fig. 7b), but θc≠90-ψ.

Fig. 7.

Fig. 7.   Variation of phase difference with well deviation angle.

Fig. 8 shows the variation of phase difference of traditional LWD electromagnetic wave with anisotropy angle ψ. Firstly, when θ=0, the phase difference decreases monotonously with the increase of ψ, and χ has no effect on the variation of phase difference. When θ≠0, if χ=0, there exists a critical anisotropic angle ψc=90-θ, that is, when θ is 30°, 45° and 60°, ψc is 60°, 45° and 30° respectively (Fig. 8a). When ψ ψc, the phase difference decreases with the increase of anisotropy angle. When ψ>ψc, the phase difference increases with the increase of anisotropic angle. If χ≠0, there still has a critical anisotropic angle ψc (Fig. 8b), the variation rule is the same as that shown in Fig. 8a, but ψc≠90-θ.

Fig. 8.

Fig. 8.   Variation of phase difference with anisotropic angle ψ.

It is worth to note that the ‘horn’ produced by LWD electromagnetic responses at the interface is mainly caused by factors such as well deviation and resistivity contrast (the electric field on both sides of the interface is discontinuous[15]), but in fact the anisotropic angle and azimuth are also important factors affecting the ‘horn’. Fig. 9a is a two-layer formation model and its corresponding resistivity parameters. The upper layer is isotropic (χ0 =0, ψ0 =0), and the lower layer is uniaxial anisotropic.

Fig. 9.

Fig. 9.   Responses of traditional LWD electromagnetic wave in two layers of media with different well deviation angles (ψ1=0, χ1 = 0).

Firstly, the anisotropic azimuth χ1 of the lower layer is set at 0 to investigate the traditional LWD electromagnetic responses at the interface at different ψ1 and θ. When the lower layer is VTI medium, i.e. ψ1=0 and χ1=0 (Fig. 9b and 9c), it can be seen that with the increase of well deviation, both the amplitude ratio resistivity Rad and phase difference resistivity Rps of the lower formation increase. When the deviation angle is less than 60°, there will be no horns at the interface. If the lower formation is TTI medium, and ψ1=30° (Fig. 10a and Fig.10b), when θ is 30°, 45° and 60° respectively, compared with Fig. 9b and Fig. 9c, the amplitude of Rad and Rps in the lower layer change obviously. In addition, Rad produces obvious horn at the interface. When θ=60°, Rps also produces obvious horn at the interface. Therefore, compared with VTI formation, under the same deviation angle, the existence of anisotropic angle may cause horns at the interface.

Fig. 10.

Fig. 10.   Responses of traditional LWD electromagnetic wave in two-layer media with different well deviation angles (ψ1=30, χ1=0).

Based on the two-layer formation model and parameters shown in Fig. 9a, the LWD electromagnetic responses at the interface are investigated when the lower formation has different anisotropic azimuths and χ1≠0°. It can be seen from Fig. 11, the horns of Rad and Rps at the interface vary with the anisotropic azimuth, so the anisotropic azimuth is one of the factors causing horns.

Fig. 11.

Fig. 11.   Traditional LWD electromagnetic responses at different anisotropic azimuths (θ = 30°, ψ1=30°).

Fig. 12 shows two five-layer models with well deviation of 45°. The specific formation parameters are shown in Table 3. There is no inclined bedding in each layer of Fig. 12a, while layer 2 and layer 4 in Fig. 12b have inclined beddings. The anisotropic angles and azimuths of layer 2 and layer 4 in Fig. 12b are different. Fig. 13 shows the traditional LWD electromagnetic responses at the transmission frequency of 2.0 MHz and the spacing from transmission coil to the recording point of 40.64 cm (16 inches). It can be seen from Fig. 13, although the resistivity parameters of the two formation models are the same, their anisotropic characteristics are different, so their amplitude of LWD electromagnetic resistivity responses and response characteristics at the interface are different. Clearly, if the formation is always simplified to VTI formation without considering the change of its internal bedding, neither the LWD response nor the formation real resistivity from inverse modeling can characterize the true formation electrical characteristics.

Fig. 12.

Fig. 12.   Five-layer formation models.

Table 3   Formation parameters of two five-layer formation models.

Stratigraphic modelLayer ①Layer ②Layer ③Layer ④Layer ⑤
Model 1
(Layers ② and ④ are VTI layers,
and the rest are isotropic layers)
R1h=1.0 Ω•m
R1v=1.0 Ω•m
ψ1=0, χ1 =0
R2h=5.0 Ω•m
R2v=10.0 Ω•m
ψ2=0, χ2 =0
R3h=1.0 Ω•m
R3v=1.0 Ω•m
ψ3=0, χ3=0
R4h=10.0 Ω•m
R4v=20.0 Ω•m
ψ4=0, χ4=0
R5h=1.0 Ω•m
R5v=1.0 Ω•m
ψ5=0, χ5 =0
Model 2
(Layers ② and ④ are TTI layers,
and the rest are isotropic layers)
R1h=1.0 Ω•m
R1v=1.0 Ω•m
ψ1=0, χ1 =0
R2h=5.0 Ω•m
R2v=10.0 Ω•m
ψ2=45°, χ2 =0
R3h=1.0 Ω•m
R3v=1.0 Ω•m
ψ3=0, χ3 =0
R4h=10.0 Ω•m
R4v=20.0 Ω•m
ψ4=80°, χ4=30°
R5h=1.0 Ω•m
R5v=1.0 Ω•m
ψ5=0, χ5=0

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Fig. 13.

Fig. 13.   Traditional LWD electromagnetic responses characteristics of five-layer formation models (with VTI and TTI formations).

4. Conclusions

In order to satisfy the demand of fast resistivity inversion, traditional LWD electromagnetic wave forward modeling is mainly based on VTI formation model, but the actual formation is more complicated. VTI formation is only a special case of anisotropic formation. Based on dyadic Green's function, a set of forward calculation methods for LWD electromagnetic responses in multi-layer TTI formation are derived in detail. The algorithm is validated by numerical examples. The results show that the proposed algorithm is not only applicable to VTI formations, but also to TTI formations, and has strong universality.

Through numerical simulation of reflection and transmission characteristics of electromagnetic wave in half space, it is concluded that when both sides of the interface are isotropic or VTI formation, the electromagnetic fields generated by two types of electromagnetic waves (type I and type II) wouldn’t couple, and the forward simulation of LWD can adopt the traditional Hertzian potential function method. When one side of the interface is TTI formation, the electromagnetic fields generated by type-I wave and type-II wave will couple, and the forward numerical simulation can adopt the algorithm presented in this paper.

The effects of anisotropic angle and anisotropic azimuth on traditional LWD electromagnetic responses can’t be ignored. In TTI formation, there is a critical well deviation angle θc and critical anisotropy angle ψc. When θθc, the phase difference decreases with the increase of well deviation angle; when θ>θc, the phase difference increases with the increase of well deviation angle; when ψψc, the phase difference decreases with the increase of anisotropy angle; when ψ>ψc, the phase difference increases with the increase of anisotropy angle. In addition, when χ=0, the θc = 90-ψ and ψc =90-θ.

The horn produced by LWD electromagnetic responses at the interface is not only related to well deviation and resistivity contrast etc., but also affected by anisotropic angle and azimuth. For example, in strata with inclined beddings, horn could occur even at low well deviation.


E—electrical field, V/m;

Ed(R)—direct field, V;

Es(R)—scatter field, V;

$\mathrm{\tilde{E}}\left( {{k}_{x}},{{k}_{y}},{{k}_{z}} \right)$—wave number domain of electrical field;

EATT—amplitude ratio, dB;

f—frequency, Hz;

H—magnetic field, A/m;

i, j—electromagnetic wave types (type I and type Ⅱ);

k—wave number, dimensionless;

kx—wave number in x direction, rad/m;

ky—wave number in y direction, rad/m;

kz—wave number in z direction, rad/m;

$k_{z,\text{I}}^{+}$, $k_{z,\text{II}}^{+}$ — wave number of type I and typeⅡ in z upward direction, rad/m;

$k_{z,\text{I}}^{-}$, $k_{z,\text{II}}^{-}$—wave number of type I and typeⅡ in z downward direction, rad/m;

M—magnetic source, Am2;

M0—magnetic source strength, Am2;

r—receiver position of (x, y, z), m;

r°—source position of (x°, y°, z°), m;

Rad—amplitude ratio resistivity, Ω·m;

Rh—horizontal resistivity, Ω·m;

Ri,j—Fresnel reflection coefficient;

Rps—phase difference resistivity, Ω·m;

Rv—vertical resistivity, Ω·m;

${{\mathrm{\vec{R}}}_{\mathrm{ }\!\!\psi\!\!\text{ }}}$—rotation matrix of anisotropic dip, (°);

${{\mathrm{\vec{R}}}_{\mathrm{ }\!\!\chi\!\!\text{ }}}$—rotation matrix of anisotropic azimuth, (°);

Ti,j—Fresnel transmission coefficient;

V1 and V2—induced voltages of two receiving coils, V;

|V1| and |V2|—amplitudes of V1 and V2, V;

μ—permeability in free space, H/m;

ω—angular frequency, rad/s;

σh—horizontal conductivity, S/m;

σν—vertical conductivity, S/m;

Ψ—anisotropic dip, (°);

χ—anisotropic azimuth, (°);

${{\mathrm{\vec{ }\!\!\sigma\!\!\text{ }}}_{\mathsf{c}}}$—conductivity tensor in VTI medium, S/m;

${{\mathrm{\vec{ }\!\!\sigma\!\!\text{ }}}_{\mathsf{b}}}$—conductivity tensor in TTI medium, S/m;

δLS—Kronecker delta function, if L=S, δLS=1, if LS, δLS=0;

ϕ—phase difference, (°);

Φ1 and Φ2—phase angles of V1 and V2, (°);

θ—well deviation angle, (°);

θc—critical well deviation angle, (°);

ψc—critical anisotropic dip, (°);

σ1u and σ2u—resistivities in two directions of upper layer in the two-layer stratigraphic model, S/m;

σ1d and σ2d—resistivities in two directions of lower layer in the two-layer stratigraphic model, S/m;

—Hamiltonian operator.


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