Breakthrough of shallow shale gas exploration in Taiyang anticline area and its significance for resource development in Zhaotong, Yunnan Province, China
LIANG Xing,XU Zhengyu,ZHANG Zhao,WANG Weixu,ZHANG Jiehui,LU Huili,ZHANG Lei,ZOU Chen,WANG Gaocheng,MEI Jue,RUI Yun
Table 3 Statistics on pressure coefficients of the shale gas layers of Wufeng Fm.-Long-11 sub-member in the study area.
Well name Depth/m Pressure calculated with the
equilibrium depth method
Pressure coefficient from logging
Calculated pressure/
Hydrostatic pressure/
Y1 948-973 11.57 9.48 1.22(Measured) 1.20
YS136 1 978-2 014 31.67 19.96 1.62(Measured) 1.68
Y102 740-780 10.81 7.52 1.43 1.46
Y103 1 051-1 689 13.24 10.59 1.25 1.40
Y105 1 663-1 693 21.50 16.61 1.29 1.40
YS117 2 298-2 329 36.35 22.90 1.58 1.65
YS118 2 229-2 262 35.90 22.20 1.61 1.60
YS116 2 211-2 317 36.30 22.76 1.59 1.60
YS109 2 170-2 203 34.08 21.64 1.57 1.51