Breakthrough of shallow shale gas exploration in Taiyang anticline area and its significance for resource development in Zhaotong, Yunnan Province, China
LIANG Xing,XU Zhengyu,ZHANG Zhao,WANG Weixu,ZHANG Jiehui,LU Huili,ZHANG Lei,ZOU Chen,WANG Gaocheng,MEI Jue,RUI Yun
Table 5 Criterion of shallow shale gas sweet spot selection in Zhaotong demonstration zone.
Type TOC>2% shale thickness/m Total porosity/
Total gas content/
Shale gas reservoir pressure coefficient Brittle index Caprock conditions of
shale gas reservoirs
Regional cap thickness/m
>30 >4 >4 1.2-1.6 >65 Tight lithology, large thickness, stable distribution, and high breakthrough
pressure (marlstone, shale)
Weak (dominated by fold deformation, compressive closed fault) >50
30-10 2-4 2-4 1.2-1.0 65-50 Relatively tight lithology, medium thickness, stable distribution, relatively high breakthrough pressure (tight sandstone, limestone) Medium (folds and faults are relatively developed) <50
<10 <2 <2 <1.0 <50 Unconsolidated lithology, small thickness, instable distribution, low breakthrough pressure (sandstone, crushed limestone) Strong (open faults, connected to the