Technological progress and development directions of PetroChina overseas oil and gas field production
MU Longxin,CHEN Yaqiang,XU Anzhu,WANG Ruifeng
Table 1 Development status of overseas oil and gas development technology of PetroChina (modified according to references [1-7]).
Oil and gas
Development technology series Technology connotation and application
Comprehensive remaining oil tapping and development adjustment technology for overseas old sandstone oilfields Mature technologies of comprehensive remaining oil tapping in domestic old
sandstone oilfields are borrowed and applied to overseas marginal oilfields to
tap remaining oil and enhance oil recovery.
High speed development technology
by natural depletion for overseas
sandstone oilfield
The high-speed development model of overseas sandstone oil reservoir is different from that in China. The high-speed development policy must be formulated for overseas sandstone oilfields to realize their high speed and efficient development.
Overall optimization of development deployment technology for large-scale carbonate reservoir The development model of the whole injection production pattern of parallel
horizontal wells in the thin bioclastic limestone reservoir, the model of injection-
production pattern of highly inclined horizontal wells as producer and vertical well as water injector for the huge thick bioclastic limestone reservoir have been created, and the multi-objective collaborative optimization technology of "production rate + investment scale + incremental benefit" has been innovated.
High efficiency development technology for edge and bottom water carbonate
gas field group
The rapid productivity construction technology with highly deviated well for fracture pore type edge and bottom water carbonate gas reservoir and the overall collaborative optimization development technology for gas field group based on the mode of product sharing contract have been innovated.
Collaborative development technology
of gas cap and oil ring for carbonate
reservoir with condensate gas cap
The technical policies of collaborative development of gas cap and oil ring under different development modes are made, improving the development effect of oil ring obviously, with the decline of crude oil production slowing down significantly, and the production of gas cap keeping stable at the same time.
Cold recovery technology of foam oil with horizontal well for overall development of ultra-heavy oil reservoir The mechanism of foam oil displacement has been investigated systematically, the evaluation method of unconventional dissolved gas drive cold production characteristics of foam oil with horizontal well for ultra-heavy oil reservoirs has been innovated, and optimization design technology of horizontal well development for
ultra-heavy oil reservoir has been established.
Key development technology for ultra- high condensate shale gas reservoir Staged volume fracturing technology in horizontal well has been created for shale gas reservoir, the horizontal sections can reach 1000-2000 m long and fracturing stages can reach up to 22-26.
Prediction of favorable coalbed methane reservoir and development technology with SIS horizontal wells High-yield coalbed methane reservoir prediction technology, and development
optimization technology of SIS horizontal wells in middle rank coal seam
gas field have been established.