A hydraulic fracture height mathematical model considering the influence of plastic region at fracture tip
LI Yuwei,LONG Min,TANG Jizhou,CHEN Mian,FU Xiaofei
Table 2 GRI field test data[35].
Layer No. | Top depth/m | Layer thickness/m | In-situ stress/MPa | Perforation | 1 | 2 377.440 | 390.144 | 49.297 5 | No | 2 | 2 767.584 | 27.432 | 49.297 5 | No | 3 | 2 795.016 | 51.816 | 39.300 1 | Yes | 4 | 2 846.832 | 12.192 | 50.676 5 | No | 5 | 2 859.024 | 22.860 | 39.989 6 | No | 6 | 2 881.884 | 347.472 | 56.537 0 | No |