Random error | Same error term in the same well | 0 |
Same error term in different wells | 0 |
Different error terms | 0 |
Systematic error | Same error term in the same well with the same measurement tool | 1 |
Same error term in the same well with different measurement tools | 0 |
Same error term in different wells | 0 |
Different error terms | 0 |
Well-by- well error | Same error term in the same well | 1 |
Same error term in different wells | 0 |
Different error terms | 0 |
Global error | Same error term in the same well | 1 |
Same error term in different wells | 1 |
Different error terms | 0 |
Survey bias | Same error term in the same well | 1 |
Same error term in different wells | 1 |
Different error terms | 1 |