Hydrocarbon generation and storage mechanisms of deep-water shelf shales of Ordovician Wufeng Formation-Silurian Longmaxi Formation in Sichuan Basin, China
GUO Xusheng,LI Yuping,BORJIGEN Tenger,WANG Qiang,YUAN Tao,SHEN Baojian,MA Zhongliang,WEI Fubin
Fig. 11. SEM photos of shale samples from Wufeng-Longmaxi Formation. (a) Well DYS1, 4 226.77 m, organic matter and siliceous minerals in scattered distribution, deep-water shelf facies; (b) Well DYS1, 4 164.04 m, laminar organic matter and siliceous minerals, shallow-water shelf facies; (c) Well JY4, 2 575.19 m, nanometer scale organic pores, oval shape; (d) Well JY2, 2 561.43 m, organic matter pores in intergranular pores, in circular and oval shapes, weak compaction.