Differences and controlling factors of composite hydrocarbon accumulations in the Tazhong uplift, Tarim Basin, NW China
JIANG Tongwen,HAN Jianfa,WU Guanghui,YU Hongfeng,SU Zhou,XIONG Chang,CHEN Jun,ZHANG Huifang
Table 1 Stratified characteristics of reservoirs in the Tazhong uplift.
Horizon Lithology Trap type Pore type Porosity/
10-3 μm2
Reservoir type Productivity
Sandstone and small amount
of carbonate
Anticline Primary 12 to 20 10 to 1 000 Conventional oil, a small amount
of gas
Bottom water block and edge water
layered types
High and stable production, high recovery rate
Silurian Sandstone Lithology,
fault anticline
Primary 8 to 15 0.2 to 50.0 Heavy oil, small amount of conventional oil Bottom water block and edge water
layered types
Low and stable production, low recovery rate
Ordovician Limestone, dolomite Lithologic, stratigraphic ones Secondary 3 to 8 <2 Complex Complex Large changes and low recovery rate