Enrichment rules and exploration practices of Paleogene shale oil in Jiyang Depression, Bohai Bay Basin, China
SONG Mingshui,LIU Huimin,WANG Yong,LIU Yali
Table 2 Fracability of main shale oil pays worldwide.
Area Formation Typical
Brittle mineral content/% Young's modulus/
Length of horizontal section/m Number of fracturing/
Volume of fracturing
Volume of sand/m3
Western Gulf Eagle Ford >80 >52 <0.22 1 800 20-30 18 000 4 032
Permian Wolfcamp >70 <0.20 2 200 37 46 200 4 400
Anadarko Woodford >55 >34 <0.18 1 460 11 30 800 902
Jimsar Lucaogou JHW036 >80 >50 <0.23 1 524 25 70 423 4 550
Ordos Yanchang >80 >19 <0.20 1 618 23 37 214 7 766
Cangdong Sag Ek2 GD1701H >65 >31 <0.25 1 447 16 34 288 1 388
Jiyang Depression Es3 BYP1 >50 >33 <0.26 559 2 2 218 132
Jiyang Depression Es4 BYP2 >50 >33 <0.26 1 064 5 3 227 121