Enrichment rules and exploration practices of Paleogene shale oil in Jiyang Depression, Bohai Bay Basin, China
SONG Mingshui,LIU Huimin,WANG Yong,LIU Yali
Table 3 Statistics on structural parameters of storage space in different lithofacies.
Lithofacies Reservoir
space type
Average pore
2D pore throat
coordination number
Pore throat sorting Homogeneity Porosity/
Organic rich lamellar
argillaceous limestone/
limy mudstone
Intercrystal pores in calcite 240-825 560 1.7-2.8 19 0.54 5-16
Micropores in clay minerals 11-489 270 1.5-1.8 22 0.26
Organic rich bedded
argillaceous limestone/
limy mudstone
Intercrystal pores in calcite 126-525 500 1.5-2.3 76 0.31 4-13
Micropores in clay minerals 7-328 75 1.2-1.9 28 0.25
Organic rich bulk limy
Intercrystal pores in calcite 68-210 158 0.5-0.9 115 0.29 3-8
Micropores in clay minerals 3-92 28 1.1-1.5 26 0.19