Origin, hydrocarbon accumulation and oil-gas enrichment of fault-karst carbonate reservoirs: A case study of Ordovician carbonate reservoirs in South Tahe area of Halahatang oilfield, Tarim Basin |
DING Zhiwen,WANG Rujun,CHEN Fangfang,YANG Jianping,ZHU Zhongqian,YANG Zhimin,SUN Xiaohui,XIAN Bo,LI Erpeng,SHI Tao,ZUO Chao,LI Yang |
Fig. 2. Characteristics of Ordovician carbonate storage space in the South-Tahe area of the Tarim Basin. (a) Well HD27, 6285.5 m, O2y, light gray arenaceous limestone, with micro-fractures and unfilled cave, core photo; (b) Well Yuke1, 6699.0 m, O2y, a core photo with suture lines and dissolved pores and vugs filled with asphalt; (c) Well HD25, 6498.0 m, O2y, a cast slice of sparry conglomeratic limestone with fractures and intragranular dissolved pores; (d) Well HD27, 6291.0 m, O2y, a core photo shows filler in cave with asphalt; (e) Well YueM22, 7342.4 m, O2y, a cast slice shows a few intergranular and intragranular pores; (f) Well Yuke101, 6498.0-6503.0 m, an imaging logging picture shows high conductivity fractures. (g) Well Yuke201, 6717.0-6719.0 m, an imaging logging picture shows caves and vugs. |