Super-amphiphobic, strong self-cleaning and high-efficiency water-based drilling fluids
JIANG Guancheng,NI Xiaoxiao,LI Wuquan,QUAN Xiaohu,LUO Xuwu
Table 8 Basic performance parameters of drilling fluid used in Well HW8003.
Well depth/m Density/(g·cm-3) AV/(mPa?s) PV/(mPa?s) YP/Pa (Initial gel strength/final
gel strength)/Pa
2 186 1.38 34.0 28 6.5 1.5/5.0 2.4
2 329 1.38 41.0 33 9.5 2.5/7.5 2.8
2 553 1.38 39.0 29 10.0 5.0/11.5 3.6
2 778 1.39 39.0 27 10.0 4.0/10.0 3.2
2 973 1.39 31.0 23 8.0 3.5/8.0 4.0
3 202 1.39 40.0 32 8.0 4.0/11.5 3.2
3 406 1.39 36.5 28 8.5 3.5/11.0 3.2
3 736 1.39 37.0 30 7.0 3.0/8.0 3.2