Structural failure mechanism and strengthening method of fracture plugging zone for lost circulation control in deep naturally fractured reservoirs
XU Chengyuan,YAN Xiaopeng,KANG Yili,YOU Lijun,ZHANG Jingyi
Table 1 Control technology of working fluid lost circulation in fractured formation.
Realization way Lost circula-
tion type
Scope of application Key points Schematic diagram
Adjusting the stress field
around the wellbore
Stress cage Lost circulation
by induced
Formation with underdeveloped fractures
Formation with high elastic modulus
Isotropic formation
Support the fracture,
isolate the crack tip,
stability of plugging zone
Increase fracture
closure stress
Formation with underdeveloped fractures
Formation with high elastic modulus
Isotropic formation
High permeability formation
Increase fracture extension pressure Lost circulation
due to fracture propagation
Formation with naturally
developed but not
connected fractures
Reduce the pressure in the fracture,
Control the stress intensity factor,
Stability of fracture-plugging zone
Plugging the working
fluid loss channel
Lost circulation through large
and medium fractures
Formation with naturally
developed and connected
Formation of plugging zone,
Stability of plugging zone
Increase the strength
of rock mass
Rock mass strength,
Stability of plugging zone