An evaluation method of volume fracturing effects for vertical wells in low permeability reservoirs
ZHANG Anshun,YANG Zhengming,LI Xiaoshan,XIA Debin,ZHANG Yapu,LUO Yutian,HE Ying,CHEN Ting,ZHAO Xinli
Table 2 Basic parameters of the volume fracturing vertical well in closed boundaries.
Parameter name Value Parameter name Value
Initial pressure 9 MPa Oil viscosity 2.24 mPa?s
Reservoir thickness 11 m Oil volume factor 1.05
0.000 5×
10-3 μm2
Wellbore storage
1 m3/MPa
Porosity 10% Skin factor 0
Rock compressibility 0.000 15 MPa-1 Well radius 0.1 m