Geological characteristics and development potential of transitional shale gas in the east margin of the Ordos Basin, NW China
KUANG Lichun,DONG Dazhong,HE Wenyuan,WEN Shengming,SUN Shasha,LI Shuxin,QIU Zhen,LIAO Xinwei,LI Yong,WU Jin,ZHANG Leifu,SHI Zhensheng,GUO Wen,ZHANG Surong
Fig. 3. Sedimentary microfacies and parameters of shale reservoir in the Shan23 sub-member of Daning-Jixian area in the east margin of the Ordos Basin (TOCC—measured total organic carbon content of core; ϕC—measured porosity of core; ϕL—porosity from logging interpretation; SgC—measured gas saturation of core; SgL—gas saturation from logging interpretation).