Formation of inter-salt overpressure fractures and their significances to shale oil and gas: A case study of the third member of Paleogene Shahejie Formation in Dongpu sag, Bohai Bay Basin
LIU Weibin,ZHOU Xingui,XU Xingyou,ZHANG Shiqi
Table 1 Structural characteristics of formation pressure system of Sha 3 Member in Dongpu sag (data source: measurement).
Area Depth of transition interface between weak overpressure and overpressure/m Depth of transition interface between overpressure and strong overpressure/m Average pres-
sure coefficient
Structure of the pressure system
Wenliu 3100 4200 1.39 Weak overpressure - overpressure -
strong overpressure
Puwei 3000 4100 1.23 Weak overpressure - overpressure -
strong overpressure
Huqing 2900 2900 1.18 Weak overpressure - overpressure