Distribution pattern of deltaic sand bodies controlled by syn-depositional faults in a rift lacustrine basin
DOU Luxing,HOU Jiagen,ZHANG Li,LIU Yuming,WANG Xixin,WANG Jian,WU Gang
Table 1 Statistics of syndepositional fault charatreristics in W43 fault block during the depositional period of the third sand group in Es2S.
Fault number Strike Dip Extension/km Expansion index Ancient fault throw/m Fault order
F1 EW N 4.0 1.22 12.60 Third
F3 NE NW 2.6 1.05 4.60 Fourth
F4 NE NW 1.0 1.04 3.06 Fourth
F6 NE SE 3.3 1.07 6.03 Fourth
F9 NE SE 3.2 1.09 11.20 Fourth
F19 NE SE 2.8 1.14 8.40 Fourth
F22 NE NW 1.1 1.17 8.50 Fourth