Distribution pattern of deltaic sand bodies controlled by syn-depositional faults in a rift lacustrine basin
DOU Luxing,HOU Jiagen,ZHANG Li,LIU Yuming,WANG Xixin,WANG Jian,WU Gang
Fig. 6. Photographs of typical cores from Es2 of Well T61-1 in W43 fault block area. (a) 1882.45 m, conglomerate at the bottom of oil-bearing fine sandstone in distributary channel; (b) 1842.00 m, fine sandstone with massive bedding, with greyish green mudstone tearing debris inside, distributary channel; (c) 1879.85 m, siltstone with small ripples, natural levee; (d) 1760.00 m, fine sandstone with cross-bedding, distributary channel; (e) 1896.93 m. brownish red mudstone, flood plain; (f) 1974.00 m, fine sandstone, with grayish green mud gravels, subaqueous distributary channel; (g) 1910.10 m, fine sandstone with massive bedding and parallel bedding, mouth bar; (h) 1915.11 m, silty mudstone with plant debris, interdistributary bay; (i) 2093.20 m, greyish black mudstone with gastropod fossils, interdistributary bay.