Enrichment and exploration of deep lacustrine shale oil in the first member of Cretaceous Qingshankou Formation, southern Songliao Basin, NE China
ZHANG Junfeng,XU Xingyou,BAI Jing,LIU Weibin,CHEN Shan,LIU Chang,LI Yaohua
Fig. 8. Main pore types in the Qing 1 Member shale samples from Changling sag, Songliao Basin (taking Well JYY-1HF as an example). (a) 2486.39 m, intergranular pores in circular and elliptical shapes; (b) 2486.79 m, intergranular pores, filled with a large number of clay minerals; (c) 2454.24 m, illite intercrystalline pores in slit shape; (d) 2421.91 m, pyrite intercrystalline pores in a rhombic and elliptical shape, filled with a large amount of organic matter; (e) 2472.09 m, intragranular dissolved pore developed on Ostracoda shell; (f) 2520.97 m, organic pores.