Sedimentary and reservoir architectures of MB1-2 sub-member of Middle Cretaceous Mishrif Formation of Halfaya Oilfield in Iraq
SUN Wenju,QIAO Zhanfeng,SHAO Guanming,SUN Xiaowei,GAO Jixian,CAO Peng,ZHANG Jie,CHEN Wangang
Fig. 2. Lagoon microfacies in MB1-2 sub-member of Mishrif Formation of Well M316 in Halfaya Oilfield. (a) 2935.00-2935.50 m, wackestone, with obvious bioturbation and oil patches, core photos; (b) 2918.00-2918.50 m, wackestone, with bioturbation and irregular pressure solution strip, core photos; (c) 2916.00-2916.50 m, hardground micrite-wackestone, grayish white, burrows in deep color due to oil immersion, core photo; (d) 2893.00-2893.50 m, micritie-wackestone, tight, core photo; (e) 2935.12 m, wackestone, with foraminifera and cavity pores, cast thin section; (f) 2918.16 m, wackestone, with bioclasts, and micropores in matrix, cast thin section; (g) 2916.10 m, hardground micrite-wackestone, with biological burrows filled, strongly cemented by calcite, cast thin section; (h) 2893.11 m, micrite- wackestone, with visible foraminifera microfossils and cavity completely filled with calcite, cast thin section.