Scaled physical experiments on drainage mechanisms of solvent-expanded SAGD in super-heavy oil reservoirs
WU Yongbin,LIU Xueqi,DU Xuan,ZHOU Xiaoyi,WANG Li,LI Jun,LI Yanhong,LI Xiuluan,LI Yang
Table 1 Scaled results of key parameters of ES-SAGD.
Model Temperature/°C Porosity/
Movable oil saturation/% Permeability/μm2 Thermal diffusivity/
Pay thickness/m Viscosity-
temperature curve index
Kinetic viscosity of oil/
Time similarity coefficient/10-4 Physical similarity coefficient (B3)
Physical model 230 0.35 0.76 87.950 0.07 0.30 3.4 0.86 278 00.66 6.0
Reservoir 236 0.30 0.62 0.615 0.07 25.00 3.4 0.71 2.39 6.0