A method and device for online magnetic resonance multiphase flow detection
DENG Feng,XIONG Chunming,CHEN Shiwen,CHEN Guanhong,WANG Mengying,LIU Huabing,ZHANG Jianjun,LEI Qun,CAO Gang,XU Dongping,TAO Ye,XIAO Lizhi
Table 4 The designed and measured phase holdups of three-phase fluids.
Designed oil
Designed gas
Designed water
Measured oil
Measured water
Measured water
10 10 80 10.2 10.8 79.0
10 20 70 10.2 20.7 69.1
10 30 60 9.9 29.1 61.0
10 40 50 10.1 39.0 50.9
10 50 40 10.2 50.2 39.6
10 60 30 9.7 59.1 31.2
10 70 20 9.5 69.4 21.1
10 80 10 10.6 78.9 10.5
20 10 70 20.5 6.5 73.0
20 20 60 20.3 20.7 59.0
20 30 50 20.7 27.9 51.4
20 40 40 20.1 37.9 42.0
20 50 30 20.6 50.3 29.1
20 60 20 19.5 59.5 21.0
20 70 10 20.1 71.1 8.8
30 10 60 31.0 10.0 59.0
30 20 50 30.9 21.1 48.0
30 30 40 30.5 31.5 38.0
30 40 30 29.5 41.1 29.4
30 50 20 28.0 52.2 19.8
30 60 10 30.2 60.3 9.5
40 10 50 40.1 10.1 49.8
40 20 40 37.0 24.1 38.9
40 30 30 41.1 28.6 30.3
40 40 20 41.2 39.2 19.6
40 50 10 39.0 51.1 9.9
50 10 40 48.9 11.4 39.7
50 20 30 51.1 18.9 30.0
50 30 20 48.3 33.0 18.7
50 40 10 50.9 39.2 9.9
60 10 30 60.2 11.0 28.8
60 20 20 60.5 19.0 20.5
60 30 10 58.0 31.8 10.2
70 10 20 73.1 6.7 20.2
70 20 10 72.2 18.0 9.8
80 10 10 78.6 11.2 10.2