Development potential and technical strategy of continental shale oil in China
HU Suyun,ZHAO Wenzhi,HOU Lianhua,YANG Zhi,ZHU Rukai,WU Songtao,BAI Bin,JIN Xu
Fig. 4. Comparison of reservoir characteristics of different types of shales from the Lucaogou Formation in Junggar Basin. (a1) Laminated sandy dolomite, with wavy laminae, core photo, Well J10022, Lucaogou Formation; (a2) XRF (X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy) element scan image, the sample is the same of a1; (a3) Test results of helium porosity of different samples, samples S1-S5 are from Well J10022, and S6-S7 are from Well J10016; (a4) 3D CT pore structure model, red indicates pore, the sample is S3; (a5) Distribution histogram of pore throat diameter determined by high-pressure mercury injection, the sample is S3; (b1) Laminated dolomitic shale, with horizontal laminae, core photo, Well J10016, Lucaogou Formation; (b2) XRF element scan image, the sample is the same of b1; (b3) Test results of helium porosity of different samples, samples S1-S4 are from Well J10022, S5-S7 are from Well J10016; (b4) 3D CT pore structure model, red indicates the pore, the sample is S7; ( b5) Distribution histogram of pore throat diameter determined by high-pressure mercury injection, the sample is S7; (c1) Massive dolomitic shale, without laminae, core photo, Well J10022, Lucaogou Formation; (c2) XRF element scan image, the sample is the same of c1; (c3) Test results of helium porosity of different samples, samples S1-S6 are from Well J10022 and S7 is from Well J10016; (c4) 3D CT pore structure model, red indicates pore, the sample is S2; (c5) Distribution histogram of pore throat diameter determined by high-pressure mercury injection, the sample is S2.