Development potential and technical strategy of continental shale oil in China
HU Suyun,ZHAO Wenzhi,HOU Lianhua,YANG Zhi,ZHU Rukai,WU Songtao,BAI Bin,JIN Xu
Fig. 5. Comparison of horizontal and vertical permeabilities of mud-shale samples (the 1-2 and 3-4 directions are different horizontal bedding directions, U-D directions are vertical directions, pp represents average gas pressure). (a) Well Yan 56, 3043.75 m depth, silty mudstone with TOC of 3.7%, horizontal permeability of 350×10-6 to 6.1×10-3 μm2, and vertical permeability of 0.4×10-6 μm2; (b) Well Yan 56, 3036 m depth, black mudstone with TOC of 7.4%, horizontal permeability of tens to 400×10-6 μm2, and vertical permeability in the order of 1×10-6 μm2.