Geological characteristics and high production control factors of shale gas reservoirs in Silurian Longmaxi Formation, southern Sichuan Basin, SW China
MA Xinhua,XIE Jun,YONG Rui,ZHU Yiqing
Table 1 Classification and evaluation of shale gas reservoirs in the southern Sichuan.
Reservoir TOC/% Porosity/% Brittle mineral content/% Applicability
Grade-I reservoir
(high-quality shale reservoir)
≥3 ≥4 ≥55 Target point design
Grade-II reservoir
(efficient shale reservoir)
2-3 2-4 35-55 Decision making basis for reserves estimation
in development plan
Grade-III reservoir
(prospective shale reservoir)
1-2 1-2 20-35 Prospective area selection and geologic
resources/proved reserves estimation