Accumulation contribution differences between lacustrine organic-rich shales and mudstones and their significance in shale oil evaluation
ZHAO Wenzhi,ZHU Rukai,HU Suyun,HOU Lianhua,WU Songtao
Fig. 6. Histograms of pore size distribution of laminated shale and mudstone in the Lucaogou Formation in Well Ji 174, Junggar Basin.
(a) 3145 m, laminated shale with TOC value of 5.34%, the histogram of nitrogen adsorption specific pore volume versus pore throat diameter; (b) 3145 m, laminated shale with TOC value of 5.34%, the histogram of nitrogen adsorption specific surface area versus pore throat diameter; (c) 3137 m, massive mudstone with TOC value of 2.78%, the histogram of nitrogen adsorption specific pore volume versus pore throat diameter; (d) 3137 m, massive mudstone with TOC value of 2.78%, the histogram of nitrogen adsorption specific surface area versus pore throat diameter.