Petrophysical properties of deep Longmaxi Formation shales in the southern Sichuan Basin, SW China
XU Zhonghua,ZHENG Majia,LIU Zhonghua,DENG Jixin,LI Xizhe,GUO Wei,LI Jing,WANG Nan,ZHANG Xiaowei,GUO Xiaolong
Fig. 3. Micro-texture and pore structure of deep shale samples from Well W106.
(a) Sublayer of Long 114, optical thin section characteristics of average quality reservoir section samples, with obvious directional arrangement of clay; (b) Sublayer of Long 113, backscattered scanning electron microscope image of average quality reservoir section sample, with obvious directional arrangement of clay; (c) Sublayer of Long 113, local enlargement of calcareous dissolution pores of average quality reservoir sample; (d) Sublayer of Long 111, optical thin section characteristics of high-quality reservoir sample; (e) Sublayer of Long 111, backscattered scanning electron microscope images of high-quality reservoir sample; (f) Sublayer of Long 111, pores and TOC characteristics of high-quality shale sample.