Origin of the penecontemporaneous sucrosic dolomite in the Permian Qixia Formation, northwestern Sichuan Basin, SW China
LU Feifan,TAN Xiucheng,ZHONG Yuan,LUO Bing,ZHANG Benjian,ZHANG Ya,LI Minglong,XIAO Di,WANG Xiaofang,ZENG Wei
Table 1 Analysis results of REE and trace elements of dolomite, limestone and dolomite cement samples from the Qixia Formation, northwestern Sichuan Basin.
Sample Lithology ΣREE/10-6 δCe δEu Mn/10-6 Sr/10-6 Ba/10-6 Mn/Sr
D2-4-2 Md2 3.261 0.994 0.904 57.10 90.10 20.20 0.63
D2-5-2 Md2 2.857 0.949 0.938 77.90 95.00 22.80 0.82
D2-12-2 Md2 2.390 0.904 1.102 80.60 84.40 11.40 0.95
D2-14-2 Md2 2.314 0.989 0.905 73.90 119.00 9.21 0.62
D2-24-2 Md2 2.396 0.933 0.955 74.50 88.39 8.45 0.84
D2-27-2 Md2 2.429 0.931 0.981 50.30 111.00 7.78 0.45
D2-2-1 Limestone 3.857 0.942 0.802 11.55 253.67 7.17 0.05
D3-1-1 Limestone 2.585 0.885 0.847 29.20 265.69 4.49 0.11
D3-2-1 Limestone 3.015 0.945 0.810 19.71 303.91 5.18 0.06
D3-8 Cd 3.734 0.995 5.888 161.35 61.70 229.67 2.62
D3-11 Cd 4.031 1.144 6.546 155.91 58.32 520.19 2.67