Origin of the penecontemporaneous sucrosic dolomite in the Permian Qixia Formation, northwestern Sichuan Basin, SW China
LU Feifan,TAN Xiucheng,ZHONG Yuan,LUO Bing,ZHANG Benjian,ZHANG Ya,LI Minglong,XIAO Di,WANG Xiaofang,ZENG Wei
Fig. 5. Exposed surface and stratigraphic overlap in the Qixia Formation of northwestern Sichuan Basin.
(a) Hejialiang section, upper part of Qi-1 Member, characteristics of high-frequency exposed surface in eogenetic Qixia Formation; (b) Hejialiang section, upper part of Qi-1 Member, characteristics of overlap above the exposed surface; (c) Hejialiang section, upper part of Qi-1 Member, photo of the weathered crust, with nearly in-situ breccia resulted from bedrock cutting by karrens; (d) Hejialiang section, upper part of Qi-1 Member, microscopic characteristics of breccia zone in the semi-weathering layer in Fig. 5c (PPL); (e) Hejialiang section, upper part of Qi-1 Member, microscopic characteristics of bedrock zone in Fig. 5c, with dissolution pores partially filled with dolomitic vadose silt (PPL); (f) Chejiaba section, Qi-2 Member, dolomitic limestone with dissolution patches and karrens, and brecciation caused by cutting of dominant karst channels, the dolomite is brown, and the limestone is light greyish white; (g) Well D2, 2429.61 m, Qi-2 Member, patchy dolomite, brecciation caused by cutting of dominant karst channels; (h) Well D6, 7743.53 m, Qi-1 Member, sack-like dissolution cave filled by dolomitic silt and insoluble materials (PPL).