Numerical simulation-based correction of relative permeability hysteresis in water-invaded underground gas storage during multi-cycle injection and production
ZHU Sinan,SUN Junchang,WEI Guoqi,ZHENG Dewen,WANG Jieming,SHI Lei,LIU Xianshan
Table 2 Constraints for the gas storage during injection and production.
Maximum individual-well gas injection/production volume/(104 m3·d-1) Well-group gas injection/production volume/(104 m3·d-1) Bottom-hole flowing pressure limit in gas production/MPa Flowing pressure limit
in gas injection/MPa
GasH1 200 600 16 26
GasH2 200
GasV1 120
GasV2 70
GasV3 70
GasV4 70