Mixed carbonate rocks lithofacies features and reservoirs controlling mechanisms in a saline lacustrine basin in Yingxi area, Qaidam Basin, NW China
LIU Zhanguo,ZHANG Yongshu,SONG Guangyong,LI Senming,LONG Guohui,ZHAO Jian,ZHU Chao,WANG Yanqing,GONG Qingshun,XIA Zhiyuan
Fig. 2. Lithofacies types and pore characteristics of E32 subsalt reservoirs in the Yingxi area.
Mixed granular facies (a-d): (a) Well S41-2, 4126.20-4126.40 m, core, with cross bedding; (b) Well S49-1, 3862.15 m, cast thin section, cross-polarized light, terrigenous grains are developed, mostly oolitic, forming a mixed particle structure with carbonate grains; (c) Well S41-6-1, 3868.57 m, blue cast thin section, plane-polarized light, the particle composition and structure are the same as those shown in (b), the inter- granular dissolved pores are developed, and the anhydrite cement has the characteristics of dissolution residuals; (d) Well S43, 3922.77 m, cast thin sections, cross-polarized light, the particle composition is mainly carbonate grains with inter-granular dissolved pores, and the anhydrite cement is characterized by dissolution residuals. Massive calcareous dolostone facies (e-h): (e) Well S41-6-1, 3867.47-3867.67 m, core, homogeneous massive hybrid structure, without bedding; (f) Well S41-6-1, 3854.87 m, cast thin sections, cross-polarized light, carbonate, terrigenous clay and silty clastic grains are mixed to form a massive micrite structure; (g) Well Shi 41-2, 4178.16 m, cast thin section, cross-polarized light, two-stage microfracture filled with anhydrite; (h) Well S32X, 4125.99 m, backscattered scanning electron microscope, with microfractures and nano-scale dolomite intercrystalline pores developed. Plaque gypsum-bearing to gypso calcareous dolostone facies (i-l): (i) Well S41-2, 4126.5-4126.70 m, core, plaque distribution of evaporite minerals such as anhydrite; (j) Well S38-4, 3731.10 m, blue cast thin sections, plane-polarized light, stripped anhydrite crystals dissolved to form crystal molded pore; (k) Well S41-6-1, 3866.58 m, blue cast thin section, cross-polarized light, dissolved micro-pores developed, and microcrystalline-porphyritic anhydrite showed dissolved residual characteristics; (l) Well S41-2, 4178.16 m, scanning electron microscope, dolomite intercrystalline pores are developed. Laminated dolomitic limestone facies (m-p): (m) Well S41-6-1, 3850.80-3851.00 m, core, shale-like characteristics, with laminar fractures; (n) Well S41-6-1, 3854.80 m, blue cast thin section, plane-polarized light, argillaceous debris laminae and calcite laminae form high-frequency rhythms, and laminar fractures developed; (o) Well S41-6-1, 3865.80 m, thin section of rock without oil washing, plane-polarized, pores developed in the calcite lamina and full of oil; (p) Well S41-6-1, 3865.80 m, thin section of rock without oil washing, cross-polarized photograph, partial magnification of D3, anhydrite cement with dissolution residues on the edges of oil-saturated pores, which are mainly solved pores for anhydrite cement. Tectonic breccia calcareous dolostone facies (q-t): (q) Well S40, 3147.61-3147.81 m, core, massive calcareous dolostone crumpled and brecciated, large-scale fractures and vugs developed, and the mudstone strata at the bottom and top are flat, with only plastic deformation; (r) Well S40, 3150.66 m, blue cast thin section, plane-polarized light, with well-developed network microfractures and pores between tectonic breccia; (s) Well S32X, 4125.59 m, blue cast thin section, single-polarized light, brecciated fractures and vugs severely filled by late anhydrite, and a few inter-gravel pores remained; (t) Well S3-1, 4374.69 m, blue cast thin section, single-polarized light, anhydrite weakly filled the pore space between tectonic breccia, with well-developed vugs. Tg—terrigenous grain; Cg—carbonate grain; An—anhydrite; P—pores; Mf—microfracture; D—dolomite; Lf—laminar fractures; Cl—carbonate lamina; Ml—muddy lamina; F—fracture; B—tectonic breccia.