The mechanism of unconventional hydrocarbon formation: Hydrocarbon self-sealing and intermolecular forces
JIA Chengzao,PANG Xiongqi,SONG Yan
Fig. 3. The accumulation model of conventional oil-tight oil-shale oil sequence in the Permian hydrocarbon system in western Junggar Basin[36-37]. Shallower than 4000-5500 m: A-multi-layer conventional reservoir, with buoyancy accumulation, high porosity, high permeability and high yield, K = (10-100)×10-3 μm2. Deeper than 4000-5500 m: B—Baikouquan Formation (T1b) and upper Wuerhe Formation (P3w), tight oil, non-buoyancy accumulation, tight conglomerate, K<1×10-3 μm2, continuous distribution, no obvious edge and bottom water, need fracturing exploration; C—Fengcheng Formation, shale oil and gas, with retained hydrocarbon accumulation, mainly fine-grained sedimentary system, K<1×10-3 μm2, high TOC, the main source rock. C—Carboniferous; P1j—Lower Permian Jiamuhe Formation; P1f—Lower Permian Fengcheng Formation; P2x —Middle Permian Xiazijie Formation; P2w—Lower Wuerhe Formation of Middle Permian; P3w—Upper Wuerhe Formation of Upper Permian; T1b—Lower Triassic Baikouquan Formation; T2k—Middle Triassic Karamay Formation; T3b—Upper Triassic Baijiantan Formation; J1b—Lower Jurassic Badaowan Formation; J1s—Lower Jurassic Sangonghe Formation; J2x —Middle Jurassic Xishanyao Formation; K—Cretaceous.