Key geological factors controlling the estimated ultimate recovery of shale oil and gas: A case study of the Eagle Ford shale, Gulf Coast Basin, USA
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Received: 2020-11-28 Revised: 2021-05-06 Online: 2021-06-15
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Based on 991 groups of analysis data of shale samples from the Lower Member of the Cretaceous Eagle Ford Formation of 1317 production wells and 72 systematic coring wells in the U.S. Gulf Basin, the estimated ultimate recovery (EUR) of shale oil and gas of the wells are predicted by using two classical EUR estimation models, and the average values predicted excluding the effect of engineering factors are taken as the final EUR. Key geological factors controlling EUR of shale oil and gas are fully investigated. The reservoir capacity, resources, flow capacity and fracability are the four key geological parameters controlling EUR. The storage capacity of shale oil and gas is directly controlled by total porosity and hydrocarbon-bearing porosity, and indirectly controlled by total organic carbon (TOC) and vitrinite reflectance (Ro). The resources of shale oil and gas are controlled by hydrocarbon-bearing porosity and effective shale thickness etc. The flow capacity of shale oil and gas is controlled by effective permeability, crude oil density, gas-oil ratio, condensate oil-gas ratio, formation pressure gradient, and Ro. The fracability of shale is directly controlled by brittleness index, and indirectly controlled by clay content in volume. EUR of shale oil and gas is controlled by six geological parameters: it is positively correlated with effective shale thickness, TOC and fracture porosity, negatively correlated with clay content in volume, and increases firstly and then decreases with the rise ofRo and formation pressure gradient. Under the present upper limit of horizontal well fracturing effective thickness of 65 m and the lower limit of EUR of 3×104 m3, when TOC<2.3%, orRo<0.85%, or clay content in volume larger than 25%, and fractures and micro-fractures aren’t developed, favorable areas of shale oil and gas hardly occur.
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HOU Lianhua, YU Zhichao, LUO Xia, LIN Senhu, ZHAO Zhongying, YANG Zhi, WU Songtao, CUI Jingwei, ZHANG Lijun.
The successful practice of the North American shale oil and gas revolution[1⇓-3] has opened the door for oil in-source exploration[4], making continuous oil and gas exploration possible[5-6]. According to the thermal evolution[7], shale oil and gas can be divided into two types, namely medium-low maturity shale oil (Ro<0.9%), medium-high maturity shale oil (Ro≥0.9%)[7] and shale gas (Ro>1.55%). In low to moderate maturity shale, oil and gas coexist with unconverted organic matter[8⇓⇓-11], so its commercial exploitation can be realized only by means of the in-situ conversion technology. At present, the commercially exploited shale oil and gas is proposed based on the oil and gas that has been generated and retained in the medium-high maturity shale. Shale, mudstone, mud shale and tight reservoir in the shale strata are alternatively developed, so when the volume fracturing technology by horizontal wells is used to develop medium-high maturity shale oil and gas, shale strata with a certain thickness will be treated as the same target layer. Under this condition, the produced oil and gas may come from strata with different lithologies. From the perspective of commercial development, shale oil and gas is a concept of a certain volume of strata in the shale series. For the purposes of shale oil and gas characteristics and commercial development, this study proposes that shale oil and gas refer to the oil and gas that occurs in organic-rich shale (type I or II kerogen with TOC>2%)[12]. When shale layers are used as the development units, the ratio of isomeric alkanes and n-alkanes with the same carbon number of the extractions and crude oil in the corresponding reservoir intervals is used as identification standard to determine the source of produced oil and gas[13]. When the oil and gas produced from the shale layers contribute more than 50%, it is called shale oil and gas. When the oil and gas produced from tight layers contribute more than 50%, it is called tight oil[13]. According to the characteristics of lithologic association in shale strata, shale oil and gas can be divided into three types: pure shale type, mixed type, and interlayered type. The pure shale type refers to that the production layer is mainly organic-rich shale, which is the main source of the produced oil and gas; the mixed type refers to that the organic-rich shale are interbedded with organic-lean rocks (referring to type I or II kerogen with TOC<2%), and the produced oil and gas are mainly from organic-rich shale; the interlayered type refers to that the organic-rich shale are interbedded with tight reservoirs. The thickness of a single tight reservoir is generally less than 3 m. The produced oil and gas are mainly sourced from organic-rich shale.
Many studies have been carried out on the estimated ultimate recovery (EUR) of shale oil and gas, most of which are semi quantitative-qualitative studies based on engineering factors and limited geological data, including the horizontal well length[14-15], the number of fracturing segments[16], the volume of fracturing fluid[16], the volume and concentration of proppant[16], the number and spacing of perforation clusters[17⇓-19], shut-in time after fracturing[18], production pressure difference[17], etc. The above results do not contain in-depth study on the relationship between the geological parameters of shale oil and gas and EUR, but only focus on qualitatively understanding the influence of some parameters on EUR, such as total organic carbon content[16], clay volume content[19], brittleness index[20], total porosity[14], permeability[21], oil saturation[14], gas saturation[20], gas-oil ratio[22-23], formation pressure gradient[24], and effective shale thickness[25], instead of providing their relationships quantitatively. Since the geological parameters are the key to control EUR. Around 30% of the production wells in developed shale oil and gas regions of the U.S. are, however, unable to reach the EUR that would meet the lower limit of commercial EUR[26], because the relationships between key geological factors and EUR are not clear yet, which results in inadequate sweet spot selection and unsuitable engineering and technical treatments.
It is indicated that the uncertainty of the factors controlling the EUR of shale oil and gas and their relationships directly restricts the selection of sweet spots and the choice of targeted engineering treatments, and consequently impacts the development effects and economic benefits of shale oil and gas. To solve the above key geological problems, this study takes the shale oil and gas in the Lower Member of Cretaceous Eagle Ford Formation in the U.S. Gulf Basin as an example to analyze the key geological parameters controlling the EUR of shale oil and gas by using a large amount of assay and production data. In addition, the control effects of the key geological parameters on the EUR of shale oil and gas and their mutual relationships are discussed so as to provide a basis for the selection of sweet spots of shale oil and gas and the formulation of targeted engineering technical schemes.
1. Geological setting
The Gulf Basin is located in southern Texas of USA (Fig. 1), and the sedimentary environment is controlled by multiple geological tectonic events[27-28]. The Eagle Ford Formation was developed in the sedimentary environment of the Paleo-oceanic continental shelf in the Middle and Late Cretaceous (about 85 Ma ago), directly covering the carbonate strata deposited in the Late Triassic and Jurassic[29]. The depocenter of the Eagle Ford Formation is located near the exit of the present North American inland sea. During its deposition to ca. 5 Ma, the Eagle Ford Formation had been in the process of continuous burial depth. After 5 Ma, it began to slowly rise and suffer denudation. The Eagle Ford Formation is a U-shaped outcrop distributed in the northern and southwestern part of the basin, dipping toward the southeast into the Gulf of Mexico[30]. The burial depth of the Eagle Ford formation on land is about 1500 m to 4900 m, with an average thickness of 76 m[31]. Based on lithology and logging characteristics, the Eagle Ford Formation can be vertically divided into the Upper Eagle Ford Formation (UEF) and Lower Eagle Ford Formation (LEF)[32-33]. The LEF is the currently produced layers, where three depocenters are developed (Fig. 1). It covers an area of about 17.5×104 km2 with a maximum thickness of 63 m and an average thickness of 45.3 m, and it has good sealing conditions. It is overlain by the UEF mudstone, and locally by the Austin Chalk limestone; and underlain by the Buda limestone and locally by DelRio marl[34]. Black and light gray calcareous mudstone are well developed in the UEF. The average content of carbonate minerals is about 67%, the average TOC is 3.2%, and kerogen Ⅱ-Ⅲ is mainly developed[35]; the LEF is mainly composed of black shale and mudstone. The average content of carbonate minerals is 58%, the average content of clay is 16.5%, and the average TOC is 4.23%, with type II kerogen developed[32-33].
Fig. 1.
Fig. 1.
Map showing the thickness of the Lower Eagle Ford Formation (LEF), Ro, and locations of sampling well and production well (a) and comprehensive stratigraphic column (b). The outcrop data in (a) are from reference [38].
From northwest to southeast, the Ro of the LEF gradually increases (Fig. 1) and three oil and gas production zones of black oil, wet gas/condensate oil and dry gas are developed in sequence[36]. Regionally, the produced oil and gas are mainly controlled by the maturity of organic matter. The LEF is the main production zone. The current development area is about 3×104km2, and the burial depth of the production layer is 1500-4500 m. The number of the shale oil and gas production wells in the LEF is 1000 in 2010 and more than 30,000 in 2019. The technically recoverable reserves of oil and natural gas in the LEF are about 13×108 t and 1.9×1012m3, respectively[37].
2. Data and methods
2.1. Data sources
The data in this study comes from the 991 groups of analysis and logging data from 72 systematic coring wells in the LEF, including the oil, gas and water production and logging data and the crude oil and natural gas analysis data of 1317 horizontal production wells, and the initial formation pressure and formation pressure gradient data obtained from formation pressure test of 226 production wells. The Ro of the shale in the study area is between 0.6% and 2.2%, covering the entire range from black oil, condensate oil and wet gas to dry gas, providing a reliable data basis for studying the key geological parameters controlling the EUR of shale oil and gas.
2.2. Methods
2.2.1. The method for EUR in single well
The economy of shale oil and gas depends on two key indicators, namely single well cost and single well EUR[39]. The accurate acquisition of single well EUR is the basis for the study[40⇓⇓-43]. The single well EUR refers to the cumulative oil and gas production by the end of a production well. The production cycle of a shale oil and gas production well is generally 20 to 30 years. Due to the short history of shale oil and gas production, however, there is no single well EUR of a complete production cycle. Therefore, it is necessary to use production wells with a certain production time to predict EUR. At present, the most common models for predicting single well EUR are MHD model[44] and Duong model[45]. MHD model follows the hyperbolic decline trend of oil production in the early stage and the exponential decline trend in the late stage. It predicts EUR by setting a predetermined minimum decline rate, which belongs to the empirical parameter prediction. Duong model is mainly proposed for fractured shale reservoirs. Based on the prediction of empirical parameters, it is considered that the production of the single well presents a linear flow state in the production cycle, and the cumulative oil and gas production has a linear relationship with the time in the condition of the logarithmic coordinates. Thus, the prediction accuracy is high.
In this study, the MHD model[44] and the Duong model[45] are used to predict the EUR of oil (black oil or condensate oil) and natural gas, respectively. In addition, the EUR predicted by two models are calculated, and the average value of the sum of the EUR of oil and natural gas is taken as the final EUR of shale oil and gas, so as to minimize the error between historical fitting and prediction and maximize the EUR prediction accuracy. Under the same geological conditions and horizontal well length, the initial production and EUR of the single well will change significantly with the progress of engineering technology. Prior to 2015, the engineering technology used for shale oil and gas exploration in the LEF was basically similar. In order to reduce the influence of engineering factors on EUR of shale oil and gas, this study took 1317 horizontal production wells which were put into production in the LEF during 2009-2012 and have similar engineering technological conditions as the research objects.
The EUR normalization method was used in this study. Taking the average length of horizontal section (1450 m) of all horizontal wells as the standard, the EUR of horizontal production wells having the same geological and engineering technological conditions was normalized. At the same time, the volume of proppant and fracturing fluid per meter of horizontal production well were normalized:
On the basis of research above, EUR value during certain period in production wells of Eagle Ford area has been determined, in which the lowest value suitable for this area is 3×104 m3.
2.2.2. The method of the geological factors controlling EUR
The geological parameters that control the EUR of shale oil and gas are shale source parameters and derived parameters. The shale source parameters refer to the geological parameters determined by the original depositional environment. Source parameters are the basis for the formation of shale oil and gas, including kerogen type, TOC, Vc, H and lithology of the shale at roof and floor. The derived parameters are developed from the source parameters which undergo the thermal and structural evolution, including ϕt, ϕh, Ka, Ke, ϕf, formation pressure gradient, So, Sg, Sh, GOR, CGR, WGR, ρo, ρg, and geostress.
Under the same engineering technological conditions, EUR of shale oil and gas is mainly controlled by the geological factors, such as shale reservoir capacity, flow capacity, resources, and fracability. The reservoir capacity is controlled by the TOC, ϕt and ϕh of the shale; the flow capacity of the shale oil and gas is controlled by theKa, Ke, fracture ϕf, formation pressure gradient, GOR, CGR, and WGR. The amount of oil and gas resources is controlled by the So, Sg, Sh, ϕt and ρo of shale. Shale fracability is affected by the B and ground stress of shale (Fig. 2). The preservation is controlled by the lithology of shale roof and floor, displacement pressure, and transportation capacity through shale faults. Through studying the relationship between the geological parameters and EUR, the controlling factors of EUR and the related geological parameters has been revealed, and the quantitative evaluation for EUR using the key geological factors has been realized.
Fig. 2.
Fig. 2.
The relationship between EUR and geological factors controlling shale oil and gas.
3. Key geological factors controlling the EUR of shale oil and gas
3.1. Relationship between the geological parameters controlling oil and gas reservoir capacity and the EUR
The oil and gas reservoir capacity of shale refers to the amount of oil and gas stored per unit volume of shale, which largely determines the production capacity of shale oil and gas. The amount of oil and gas per unit volume of shale is mainly controlled by ϕh of shale, which can be obtained through ϕt and Sh. ϕt and Sh of shale are controlled by TOC and Ro. The oil and gas reservoir capacity of shale can be characterized through ϕt, Sh, TOC and Ro.
3.1.1. The relationship between EUR of shale oil and gas and ϕt
According to the average ϕt by log interpretation of 1317 horizontal production wells in the LEF and the corresponding EUR, the EUR and average ϕt of the horizontal production wells in the interval corresponding to ϕt were calculated at the interval of ϕt=1%. The results show that EUR increases with ϕt, and there is a good power relationship between them (Fig. 3). Based on the ϕt average value of the corresponding coring wells obtained from the assay data of 64 coring wells, the average EUR of all horizontal production wells within 2 km of the corresponding coring well were calculated, and then the average value of ϕt and EUR in the interval corresponding to ϕt were calculated at the interval of ϕt =1%. The results show that the ϕt obtained from the core analysis of the coring well and the EUR also have a good power relationship. In addition, the ϕt obtained from the core analysis of the coring well and the ϕt based on the logging interpretation basically coincide with the trend line of EUR (Fig. 3), which indirectly proves the reliability of the logging interpretation results. Based on the ϕh data of 53 coring wells in the LEF, the average ϕh was calculated, and the average EUR of all horizontal production wells within 2 km of the corresponding coring well was calculated. The results show that EUR increases with the increase of ϕh. There is a very good exponential relationship (Fig. 4).
Fig. 3.
Fig. 3.
Relationship between EUR and ϕt in the LEF.
Fig. 4.
Fig. 4.
Relationship between EUR and ϕh in the LEF.
3.1.2. The relationship between EUR of shale oil and gas and TOC
The TOC and Ro of shale are the main factors that control the EUR of oil and gas. Using the average of the TOC based on logging interpretation from 1057 horizontal production wells in the LEF and the corresponding EUR, the TOC and EUR were classified according to different Ro intervals, and then the average EUR and TOC of horizontal production wells were calculated in the same Ro interval at the interval of TOC=1%. The results show that in the same Ro interval, EUR increases with the increase of TOC, and there is a good logarithmic relationship between them (Fig. 5):
Fig. 5.
Fig. 5.
Relationship between EUR and TOC in the LEF in different Ro intervals.
Table 1. Empirical parameters in Equation 2.
Ro/% | a1 | b1 | R2 |
(0.60,0.75] | 0.580 0 | -0.464 3 | 0.835 |
(0.75,0.80] | 1.609 1 | -0.059 6 | 0.925 |
(0.80,0.85] | 2.167 3 | -0.687 1 | 0.983 |
(0.85,0.90] | 3.360 1 | -0.013 1 | 0.988 |
(0.90,1.00] | 9.572 0 | -0.484 9 | 0.935 |
(1.00,1.10] | 10.093 1 | -8.265 3 | 0.991 |
(1.10,1.20] | 12.349 0 | -9.756 9 | 0.949 |
(1.20,1.30] | 10.846 1 | -7.990 2 | 0.969 |
(1.30,1.40] | 13.598 5 | -10.311 2 | 0.975 |
(1.40,1.50] | 10.904 7 | -6.942 8 | 0.973 |
(1.50,1.60] | 7.468 1 | -3.372 9 | 0.957 |
(1.60,1.70] | 8.070 5 | -3.615 9 | 0.961 |
(1.70,1.80] | 6.734 7 | -3.114 7 | 0.991 |
(1.80,2.50] | 9.991 5 | -7.240 9 | 0.977 |
Take the lower limiting value of EUR of 3×104 m3 as the boundary, there is industrial value existed when TOC in Eagle Ford area is larger than 2.3% (Fig. 5). The relationship between EUR and TOC in different Ro intervals is different. When TOC is equal and higher than 3.2%, the EUR of shale oil and gas is mainly controlled by organic porosity. Under the same Ro condition, with the increase of TOC, the amount of retained oil and gas increases, which leads to the increase of single-well ultimate oil and gas production. The EUR also increases with the increase of TOC, presenting better logarithmic correlation (Fig. 5). Thus, TOC can control the EUR to a certain extent. When TOC is less than 3.2%, the inorganic porosity has an enhanced control effect on EUR, and the correlation between EUR and TOC is significantly different from that with TOC equal and higher than 3.2%.
3.2. Relationship between the geological parameters controlling the oil and gas resources and the EUR
Oil and gas resources are the resource basis for the development of shale oil and gas, which are mainly controlled by shale ϕh and H. The properties of shale oil and gas vary greatly with the change of Ro, including black oil, condensate oil and natural gas. Therefore, shale oil and gas resources are also controlled by So, Sg and Sh. Here are mainly the relationships between EUR and So, Sg, Shand H.
3.2.1. Relationship between EUR and Sh, So and Sg
The average Sh, So and Sg of single well obtained by core assay data of 55 coring wells in the LEF and the average EUR of all horizontal production wells within 2 km of the corresponding well show that EUR of shale oil and gas is in close relationship with Sh, So and Sg. EUR increases with the increase of Sh, and there is a good exponential relationship between them (Fig. 6a). However, the relationship between EUR and Sh of oil (including black oil and condensate oil), natural gas and hydrocarbons (including black oil, condensate oil and natural gas) is more different. As Sh gradually increases, the oil EUR shows a trend of slow increasing while that of hydrocarbons shows a trend of dramatic increasing and the change trend of natural gas EUR lies between oil and hydrocarbons. Both oil and natural gas produced from the LEF shale in the study area contribute to EUR, and the contribution of natural gas to EUR exceeds that of oil. The change laws of the EUR of shale oil and gas with the increase of So are different (Fig. 6b). The EUR of oil and natural gas are in a good linear relationship with So, but the their change trend is opposite. As So increases, the oil EUR increases, but the natural gas EUR decreases, because with the increase of Ro, the GOR of shale will gradually increase and the proportion of oil in the produced hydrocarbons will gradually decrease, while the proportion of natural gas will gradually increase. The hydrocarbon EUR shows a decreasing trend with the increase of So, but the decreasing trend is not as obvious as that of natural gas, because the oil saturation in high- maturity shale is much lower than the gas saturation.
Fig. 6.
Fig. 6.
Relationships between EUR and Sh, So, Sg and H in the LEF.
The EUR of shale oil and gas changes differently with the increase of Sg (Fig. 6c). The oil EUR decreases with the increase of Sg, and they both present a good linear relationship; the natural gas EUR increases with the increase of Sg, presenting a good power relationship; the hydrocarbon EUR increases firstly and then decreases with the increase of Sg, presenting a better quadratic polynomial relationship (Fig. 6c.). The relationship between EUR and Sg of oil, natural gas and hydrocarbons is fundamentally controlled by the Ro values of shale. In shale of different maturity levels, GOR and oil and gas components are completely different, which directly determines the value of EUR.
3.2.2. Relationship between EUR and H
When horizontal well fracturing is conducted in shale reservoirs, there is a certain effective range limit in the vertical direction, which means there is an upper limit of effective shale thickness. When the effective shale thickness exceeds this upper limit, fracturing is invalid. Under current fracturing technology conditions for horizontal production wells in the LEF, EUR is independent of H when H is greater than 65 m (Fig. 6d).
According to the H of 63 coring wells in the LEF and the average normalized EUR of all horizontal production wells within 2 km of the well, average EUR was classified according to different Ro intervals. Average normalized EUR and average H were calculated in the interval of H (i.e., 5 m) to study the relationship between EUR of shale oil and gas and H. The results show that with the increase of H, the EUR of shale oil and gas increases on the whole, but the change laws of the EUR in different Ro intervals are different. When Ro is less than 0.7%, EUR is quite small and basically not controlled by H. When Ro is greater than 0.7%, there is a good linear relationship between them (Fig. 6d). When Ro is in the range of 0.7%-0.9%, EUR increases slightly with the increase of H. When Ro is in the range of 0.9%-1.0%, EUR is small when H is small, but it increases significantly with the increase of H. When Ro is greater than 1.0%, EUR is larger when H is small, and with the increase of H, EUR also increases significantly. When Ro is between 1.0% and 1.5%, the change range of EUR is greater than that when Ro is greater than 1.5%.
3.3. Relationship between the geological parameters controlling the oil and gas flow capability and the EUR
The flow capacity of shale oil and gas refers to the flow capacity of oil and gas in shale, which is mainly controlled by shale Ka, Ke, ρo, GOR, CGR, WGR, original formation pressure, formation pressure gradient, Ro and other parameters. Under certain conditions, the flow capacity controls the initial production rate and EUR of shale oil and gas production wells.
3.3.1. Relationship between EUR and Ka and Ke
Ka and Ke were ranked respectively, the average value of Ka and Ke were obtained at a certain interval, and average EUR of oil, natural gas and hydrocarbons were calculated in the interval of corresponding Ka and Ke respectively. The results show that as Ka and Ke increase, the oil EUR oil increases firstly and then decreases; the hydrocarbon EUR is in a good logarithmic relationship with Ka and Ke; and the natural gas EUR is in a good logarithmic relationship only with Ka. With the increase of Ke, EUR decreases firstly and then increases (Fig. 7a, 7b). The reason for the above changes is that Ka and Ke increase with the increase of Ro, resulting in corresponding changes in So, Sg and Sh, which ultimately affects the EUR of shale oil and gas.
Fig. 7.
Fig. 7.
Relationships between EUR and Ka and Ke in the LEF. Oil: black oil + condensate oil + natural gas.
3.3.2. Relationship between EUR and ρo, GOR, CGR and WGR
In shale with different maturity, the nature and proportion of oil, gas and water are completely different, which directly determines the relationship between EUR of shale oil and gas and GOR, CGR and WGR.
The EUR of shale oil and gas in the LEF increases with the decrease of ρo, which is closely related to the fact that ρo decreases with the increase of Ro (Fig. 8a).
Fig. 8.
Fig. 8.
Relationships between EUR and ρo, GOR, CGR and WGR in the LEF.
Panja, et al. proposed that the initial GOR was high, and the oil and gas production was correspondingly high[46]. The EUR in the LEF increases firstly and then decreases slowly with the increase of GOR. When GOR is greater than 650 m3/m3, the EUR decreases slowly with the increase of GOR. With the increase of CGR, the EUR is basically unchanged at first, and then decreases rapidly. When CGR is greater than 15 m3/106m3, the EUR decreases rapidly with the increase of CGR. With the increase of WGR, EUR slowly increases firstly and then decreases rapidly. When WGR is over 0.5 m3/m3, the EUR decreases rapidly with the increase of WGR (Fig. 8b).
3.3.3. Relationship between EUR and original formation pressure and formation pressure gradient
Similarly, controlled by the thermal maturity of shale, different Ro determines the different relationship between EUR and formation pressure gradient and original formation pressure. Based on the formation pressure gradient of 220 horizontal production wells in the LEF and the original formation pressure of 226 horizontal production wells, the average EUR in the corresponding interval was calculated and normalized at a certain interval of formation pressure gradient and original formation pressure to study the relationships between EUR of shale oil and gas and formation pressure gradient and original formation pressure. The results show that EUR is in a good quadratic polynomial relationship with formation pressure gradient and a good cubic polynomial relationship with original formation pressure (Fig. 9). With the increase of formation pressure gradient and original formation pressure, EUR presents a change trend of increasing firstly and then decreasing, and the formation pressure gradient and original formation pressure corresponding to peak EUR are about 1.45 MPa/100m and 57 MPa, respectively.
Fig. 9.
Fig. 9.
Relationships between EUR and original formation pressure and formation pressure gradient in the LEF.
3.3.4. Relationship between EUR and Ro
The degree of shale thermal evolution directly deter-mines oil, gas and water saturation and oil and gas properties in the shale, and ultimately affects the EUR of oil, gas and hydrocarbons in the shale. Based on the oil EUR of 1,120 horizontal production wells in the LEF, the natural gas EUR of 709 horizontal production wells and the hydrocarbon EUR of 1,315 horizontal production wells, the average values of EUR and Ro in the corresponding interval were calculated at certain intervals of Ro respectively, to study the relationship between EUR of shale oil and gas and Ro. The results show that there is a good quadratic polynomial relationship between oil EUR and Ro. As Ro increases, the oil EUR increases firstly and then decreases, and the Ro corresponding to the peak EUR is 1.25%. The natural gas EUR and Ro are in a good cubic polynomial relationship. As Ro increases, the natural gas EUR increases firstly and then decreases slowly and the Ro corresponding to peak EUR is 1.55%. The hydrocarbon EUR is also in a good cubic polynomial relationship with Ro, which increases firstly and then decreases with the increase of Ro. The Ro corresponding to peak EUR is 1.45% (Fig. 10). The analysis results on Fig. 5 indicate that under the same TOC condition, the EUR value of a single well increases firstly and then decreases with the increase of Ro, and the Ro corresponding to the turning point is about 1.3% to 1.4% (Fig. 10). The geological control factors are as follows: under the same TOC condition, with the increase of Ro, the amount of retained oil in the shale increases firstly and then decreases, and the gas content increases form low to high level, so EUR is under the joint control of TOC and Ro.
Fig. 10.
Fig. 10.
Relationship between EUR and Ro in the LEF.
3.4. Relationship between the geological parameters controlling shale fracability and EUR
Shale fracability refers to the difficulty degree of shale fracturing, which directly affects the initial production rate and EUR of shale oil and gas. Shale fracability and fracturing effect are controlled by B, VC, geostress, fractures and micro-fractures[47]. Fractures or micro-fractures increase the original flow capacity of shale. Meanwhile, hydraulic fractures are initially generated along the development zones of fractures or micro-fractures, further improving the flow capacity of shale. Therefore, fractures or micro-fractures have an important effect on the increase of the EUR of shale oil and gas. Among them, VC is a key geological parameter that controls shale fracability. The effects of shale B and VC on EUR are mainly discussed here.
The average value of VC and B of a single well and the average EUR of all horizontal production wells within 2 km of the corresponding well were obtained by using the VC and B parameters obtained from assay data of shale cores from 63 coring wells in the LEF, and the data were classified according to different Ro intervals to study relationship between EUR and VC and B of shale oil and gas. The calculation equation of B is as follows:
Shale fracability is often characterized by B, which is only one characterization parameter of shale fracability. In fact, shale fracability is mainly controlled by VC. The EUR of shale oil and gas in the LEF shows an overall increasing trend with the increase of B, but its change laws are quite different in different Ro intervals. The larger the Ro is, the more obvious the increasing trend of EUR with the increase of B is. When Ro is less than 0.75%, the increase range of EUR with B is quite small. If the lower limit of EUR for the commercial development of shale oil and gas (3×104m3) is used for the calculation, the existing horizontal well fracturing technology cannot achieve the EUR with commercial development value no matter how high the B of shale is, when Ro is less than 0.85% and fractures or micro-fractures are not developed. When Ro is higher than 0.85%, it is difficult for shale oil and gas to realize the EUR with commercial development value, if B is lower than 75% (Fig. 11a).
Fig. 11.
Fig. 11.
Relationships between EUR and B and VC in the LEF in different Ro intervals.
The EUR of shale oil and gas in the LEF shows an overall decreasing trend with the increase of VC. Similarly, there are big differences in the change laws in different Ro intervals. The larger the Ro is, the more obvious the decreasing trend of EUR with the increase of VC is. When Ro is less than 0.75%, the change range of EUR with the increase of VC is very small. Similarly, if the lower limit of EUR for the commercial development of shale oil and gas (3×104m3) is used for the calculation, the existing horizontal well fracturing technology cannot achieve the EUR with commercial development value no matter how low the VC of shale is, when Ro is lower than 0.85% and fractures or micro-fractures are not developed. When Ro exceeds 0.85%, it is also difficult for shale oil and gas to achieve the EUR with commercial development value if VC is greater than 25% and fractures or micro-fractures are not developed (Fig. 11b). When Rois lower than 0.85%, EUR changes less with the increase of B and VC. It is indicated that Ro has a strong controlling effect on the EUR of shale oil and gas[48].The reason is that the organic pores in the shale are not developed and the GOR is low, so the flow capacity of oil and gas in shale is weak. Thus, VC plays an important control role in the EUR of shale oil and gas, because the VC of shale controls the fracability, the adsorbed oil or free oil in the shale and the fracture closure rate and velocity after fracturing. Under the same geological conditions, the higher the VC is, the more the adsorbed oil in the shale or the less free oil, the greater the fracture closure rate and velocity after fracturing are, and the smaller the final EUR is.
The reservoir capacity, resources, flow capacity and fracability are the four key geological parameters controlling shale oil and gas EUR, including several geological parameters. Based on the analysis of the intrinsic causes of geological parameters controlling the shale oil and gas EUR, it is proposed that the internal geological parameters controlling the EUR of shale oil and gas are TOC, Ro, H, VC, and formation pressure gradient and fracture porosity. The quantitative model of these six geological parameters and EUR can be established to comprehensively evaluate the favorable area of shale oil and gas.
4. Conclusions
The EUR of shale oil and gas is controlled by four geological factors: reservoir capacity, resources, flow capacity and fracability. EUR is directly controlled by ϕh, Ke, GOR, CGR, ρo, B, H,formation pressure gradient and development degree of fractures and micro-fractures. EUR is actually controlled by six geological parameters: TOC, Ro, H, VC, and formation pressure gradient and fracture porosity.
Under the conditions of the present horizontal well fracturing technology, EUR is independent of H when H is larger than 65 m.
Under the present horizontal well fracturing technology and the lower limit of EUR of 3×104 m3, favorable area of shale oil and gas hardly occur when TOC<2.3%, Ro<0.85% orVC>25% and fractures and micro-fractures are not developed.
The geological parameters to evaluate the “sweet spots” of shale oil and gas in the areas without developed fractures include TOC, R o, H, formation pressure gradient and VC. As for the fracture development areas, the effect of fractures on EUR must be considered, which can be characterized by fracture porosity.
For marine and continental shale oil and gas, the formation and enrichment process and the geological controlling factors and parameters of EUR are basically the same, but the organic matter types and the geological conditions and assemblages are different. Researches on the geological controlling factors of EUR of marine shale oil and gas can provide guidance for the evaluation of continental shale oil and gas “sweet spot” and the EUR prediction.
We acknowledge Dr. Mare Lugler, who provided part of the basic information for this study.
a1, b1—empirical parameter, dimensionless;
B—brittleness index, %;
CGR—condensate oil-gas ratio, m3/106m3;
EUR—the estimated ultimate produced oil equivalent of the horizontal production well after normalization, 104m3;
EURTOC—the value of EUR corresponding to TOC in different Ro intervals, 104m3;
EURi—the estimated ultimate production oil equivalent of the horizontal production well before normalization, m3;
Fi—the amount of fracturing fluid per meter, t/m;
GOR—gas-oil ratio, m3/m3;
H—effective shale thickness, m;
i—production well number;
Ka—air permeability, 10-3 μm2;
Ke—effective permeability, 10-3 μm2;
li—horizontal length of production well, m;
Pai—the amount of proppant per meter, t/m;
Ro—vitrinite reflectance, %;
Sg—gas saturation, %;
Sh—hydrocarbon saturation, %;
So—oil saturation, %;
TOC—total organic carbon content, %;
VQ, VK, VG, VR, VD, VS, VP, VM, VA, VC—the volume fraction of quartz, potassium feldspar, plagioclase, calcite, dolomite, siderite, pyrite, marcasite, apatite, and clay minerals, %;
WGR—water-gas ratio, m3/m3;
ρo—crude oil density, g/cm3;
ϕf—micro-fracture porosity, %;
ϕh—hydrocarbon-bearing porosity, %;
ϕt—total porosity, %.
We acknowledge Dr. Mare Lugler, who provided part of the basic information for this study.
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