Sedimentary characteristics of distributive fluvial system in arid area: A case study of the Shule River distributive fluvial system, NW China
ZHANG Xianghui,ZHANG Changmin,FENG Wenjie,XU Qinghai,ZHU Rui,LIU Shuai,HUANG Ruoxin
Table 3 Sedimentary microfacies developed in different belts of the Shule River DFS and their sedimentary characteristics.
Position Grain size Sorting Roundness Directionality Hydrodynamic force Microfacies
Proximal Medium to boulder Poor Subrounded Clear Traction flow Braided channel, flood plain
Middle Fine to medium gravel,
sandy lamina
Moderate Subrounded Certain Traction flow Braided channel, flood plain, aeolian dune
Distal Fine gravel, thick sand Good Subrounded
to rounded
Ambiguous Traction flow Braided channel, meandering channel, flood plain, aeolian dune, swamp, lake