23 April 2016, Volume 43 Issue 2

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    Orignal Article
  • ZHAI Guangming, HU Jianyi, ZHAO Wenzhi, ZOU Caineng
    . 2016, 43(2): 153-165. https://doi.org/10.11698/PED.2016.02.01
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    Thirty years have past since the “scientific exploration well” program (1986-2000) was initiated in 1986. Review and summary of the exploration history, achievements and management experiences are significant for directing future onshore exploration. The program aimed to address critical and fundamental geological challenges and achieve breakthroughs through scientific exploration in new basins, new strata and new regions, on the basis of new geologic cognitions obtained by PetroChina Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration & Development (RIPED). During 15 years of efforts, 14 wells were drilled, of which Well Taican 1 and Well Shaancan 1 contributed to the discovery of Tuha Oilfield and Jingbian giant gas field, opening the prelude to large-scale natural gas exploration in the Jurassic System in northwest China and the Ordos Basin. Several wells (e.g. Gaoke 1, Jiucan 1, and Qincan 1) produced low-yield oil and gas flows, laying the foundation for later large discoveries. Moreover, a series of strategic domains and targets have been ascertained. In program management, a scientific and rational exploration procedure has been established: the PetroChina headquarter assumes investment risks, RIPED proposes domains/targets, and oilfields undertake specific tasks under the supervision of RIPED, following the rules of “intensive and thorough explorations”. The significance of the “scientific exploration well” program is manifested in transforming scientific achievements into productivity, guiding and driving oil and gas exploration to achieve strategic breakthroughs, and accumulating valuable experiences for PetroChina to carry out risk exploration.
  • ZOU Caineng, DONG Dazhong, WANG Yuman, LI Xinjing, HUANG Jinliang, WANG Shufang, GUAN Quanzhong, ZHANG Chenchen, WANG Hongyan, LIU Honglin, BAI Wenhua, LIANG Feng, LIN Wen, ZHAO Qun, LIU Dexun, YANG Zhi, LIANG Pingping, SUN Shasha, QIU Zhen
    . 2016, 43(2): 166-178. https://doi.org/10.11698/PED.2016.02.02
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    This paper mainly discusses the industrialization progress, “sweet spot” evaluation criterion, E&P technologies, success experiences, challenges and prospects of China’s shale gas. Based on the geologic and engineering parameters of the Fuling, Changning and Weiyuan shale gas fields in the Sichuan Basin, this paper points out that China’s shale gas has its particularity. The discoveries of super-giant marine shale gas fields with high evolution degree (Ro=2.0%-3.5%) and ultrahigh pressure (pressure coefficient=1.3-2.1) in southern China is of important scientific significance and practical value to ancient marine shale gas exploration and development to China and even the world. It’s proposed that shale gas “sweet spots” must be characterized by high gas content, excellent frackability and good economy etc. The key indicators to determine the shale gas enrichment interval and trajectory of horizontal wells include “four highs”, that is high TOC (>3.0%), high porosity (>3.0%), high gas content (>3.0 m3/t) and high formation pressure (pressure coefficient>1.3), and “two well-developed” (well-developed beddings and well-developed micro-fractures). It’s suggested that horizontal well laneway be designed in the middle of high pressure compartment between the Upper Ordovician Wufeng Formation and Lower Silurian Longmaxi Formation. The mode of forming “artificial shale gas reservoir” by “fracturing micro-reservoir group” is proposed and the mechanism of “closing-in after fracturing, limiting production through pressure control” is revealed. Several key technologies (such as three-dimensional seismic survey and micro-seismic monitoring of fracturing, horizontal wells, “factory-like” production mode, etc.) were formed. Some successful experiences (such as “sweet spot” selection, horizontal well laneway control, horizontal length optimization and “factory-like” production mode, etc.) were obtained. The four main challenges to realize large-scale production of shale gas in China include uncertainty of shale gas resources, breakthroughs in key technologies and equipment of shale gas exploration and development below 3 500 m, lower cost of production, as well as water resources and environment protection. It is predicted that the recoverable resources of the Lower Paleozoic marine shale gas in southern China are approximately 8.8?1012 m3, among which the recoverable resources in the Sichuan Basin are 4.5?1012 m3 in the favorable area of 4.0?104 km2. The productivity of (200?300)×108 m3/a is predicted to be realized by 2020 when the integrated revolution of “theory, technology, production and cost” is realized in Chinese shale gas exploration and development. It is expected in the future to be built “Southwest Daqing Oilfield (Gas Daqing)” in Sichuan Basin with conventional and unconventional natural gas production.
  • YANG Yueming, WEN Long, LUO Bing, WANG Wenzhi, SHAN Shujiao
    . 2016, 43(2): 179-188. https://doi.org/10.11698/PED.2016.02.03
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    The old Sinian carbonate reservoir in the Leshan-Longnüsi paleohigh was taken as a research object to study the process of gas accumulation in the Sinian reservoir through analysis of gas reservoir characteristics, gas composition, gas reservoir types, accumulation condition and evolution. The results show that the reservoir lithology and type are almost the same in the six gas pools discovered in the Leshan-Longnüsi paleohigh. All the gas reservoirs are characterized by high temperature, ordinary pressure, and intense heterogeneity. The gas reservoir type in different layers and the gas compositions and carbon isotopes in different locations vary obviously. The gas of Sinian Dengying Formation, originated from oil cracking, is mixed gas mainly from source rocks of Sinian Dengying Formation as well as Cambrian Qiongzhusi Formation. The source and reservoir condition, their combination and fluid transporting conditions are favorable, which can determine the gas accumulation and preservation in Dengying Formation. The Sinian gas reservoirs are believed to have been accumulated by the following processes: paleo-oil accumulation, paleo-oil cracking, and gas reservoir adjustment and finalization. There are three processes of gas accumulation in the reservoir, which are influenced by the formation of paleohigh and differential structural evolution in different positions.
  • WU Lanyu, HU Dongfeng, LU Yongchao, LIU Ruobing, LIU Xiaofeng
    . 2016, 43(2): 189-197. https://doi.org/10.11698/PED.2016.02.04
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    The lithofacies types of Upper Ordovician Wufeng Formation-Lower Silurian Longmaxi Formation shale, the main producing layer in Fuling gas field, are classified in detail using the modified ternary diagram of siliceous minerals-carbonates minerals-clay minerals. There develop eight lithofacies in the Wufeng-Longmaxi shale: siliceous shale lithofacies (S), mixed siliceous shale lithofacies (S-2), clay-rich siliceous shale lithofacies (S-3), calcareous/siliceous mixed shale lithofacies (M-1), argillaceous/siliceous mixed shale lithofacies (M-2), mixed shale lithofacies (M), silica-rich argillaceous shale lithofacies (CM-1), and argillaceous/calcareous mixed shale lithofacies (M-3). The advantageous shale lithofacies is defined as lithofacies with gas content reaching a specific industrial standard. Based on the current development status of the study area, advantageous shale lithofacies is divided into two classes, namely, Class I with gas content of more than 4.0 m3/t (also known as extra superior), Class II with gas content of 2.0-4.0 m3/t (also known as superior). The correlation between the abundance of organic matter, the content of siliceous mineral, clay content and gas content has been analyzed to establish the classification criteria for advantageous shale lithofacies in the Wufeng-Longmaxi shale. The mixed siliceous shale lithofacies (S-2) and clay-rich siliceous shale lithofacies (S-3) have been identified as Class I advantageous shale lithofacies, and argillaceous/siliceous mixed shale lithofacies (M-2) as Class II. The classification criteria of advantageous shale lithofacies can provide reference for shale gas evaluation in other exploration areas.
  • CHEN Shiyue, ZHANG Shun, WANG Yongshi, TAN Mingyou
    . 2016, 43(2): 198-208. https://doi.org/10.11698/PED.2016.02.05
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    By applying such technologies as detailed description of cores, identification of thin sections, X-ray diffraction analysis, and scanning electron microscopy, this paper establishes the lithofacies division scheme of the fine-grained sedimentary rocks in the Paleogene of the Dongying Sag, confirms the reservoir space types and characteristics of the major lithofacies, and analyzes the micro-structure characteristics of their pores. The research results show that: (1) the pore structure of the organic-rich laminated limestone facies is very complex, with multi-scale aperture. The micro-fractures connect the pores, and increase the porosity and permeability of reservoirs; (2) the pore structure of the laminated calcareous fine-grained mixed sedimentary facies with moderate organic content has not apparent multi-scale feature, but with better mesoporous opening property, poorer macroporous opening property, and ordinary connectivity of pores and fractures; (3) the reservoir space types of the organic-rich interbedded limestone facies are various, with stronger multi-scale aperture, better pore connectivity, apparent communication between pores and fractures, and the intercrystal pores and fractures in calcite recrystallization are the most important part of the macro-pores; (4) the reservoir space types of the organic-poor massive calcareous fine-grained mixed sedimentary facies are relatively simple, with undeveloped fractures, and poorer pore connectivity. By combining oil and gas generation potential, oil and gas flow ability, oil and gas reservoir properties and fracturing properties etc., the organic-rich laminated limestone and the organic-rich limy laminated fine-grained mixed sedimentary rocks are predicted as the favorable lithofacies.
  • WANG Yue, CHEN Shiyue
    . 2016, 43(2): 209-218. https://doi.org/10.11698/PED.2016.02.06
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    Through actual measurement, careful sand body anatomy and lithofacies analysis of the meandering river sand bodies in the Permian of the Palougou profile in Baode county, Shanxi province, the architectural models of different kinds of meandering river sand bodies are established to characterize their interior sedimentary heterogeneity quantitatively, and predict the remaining oil areas in different kinds of meandering river sand bodies. Based on the outcrop characteristics, such as lithology, grain size, sedimentary structure, color, and so on, eight kinds of lithofacies are identified. By careful anatomy and lithofacies analysis of sand bodies, the bottom trough cross bedding sand body was separated from the classical point bar and named “bottom bar”, and the upper planar cross bedding was named “marginal bar”. Based on fine description of the sedimentary characteristics and superimposed relationships of bottom bar and marginal bar, four kinds of channel sand bodies, namely, lateral migration channel type, chute cutoff channel type, neck cutoff channel type and abandoned channel type, were identified. According to the architecture and heterogeneity characteristics of different types of channel sand bodies, it is concluded the lateral migration channel sand body has weak heterogeneity and little remaining oil, the chute cutoff and abandoned channel sand bodies with a little stronger heterogeneity is richer in remaining oil, and the neck cutoff channel sand body with the strongest heterogeneity has the most abundant remaining oil.
  • ZHENG Min, LI Jianzhong, WU Xiaozhi, LI Peng, WANG Wenguang, WANG Shejiao, XIE Hongbing
    . 2016, 43(2): 219-227. https://doi.org/10.11698/PED.2016.02.07
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    Modeling experiments of oil charging were conducted to find out patterns and affecting factors of oil migration and seepage in tight reservoirs, and analyze oil migration and accumulation and low limit conditions of tight oil accumulation using core samples from tight reservoir beds of the Permian Lucaogou Formation in the Jimsar Sag of the Junggar Basin. Crude oil charging in tight reservoir beds has two pressure gradient points (start-up pressure gradient and critical pressure gradient, and has two features: low velocity non-Darcy seepage, quasi-linear seepage). During crude oil charging in tight reservoir beds in the Lucaogou Formation, the process of oil saturation increase can be divided into three types: saltation increase, quick increase and stable increase. Samples of quick increase type reached the highest oil saturation, the second place is the stable increase type, and saltation increase type is the last. Oil saturation increase is controlled by the combined effect of porosity, permeability, oil viscosity and displacement pressure gradient. These factors interact and complement one another. By establishing template for oil accumulation in tight reservoir beds, it can be seen that only when pressure gradient breaks through the critical pressure gradient and the oil flow is quasi-linear, can oil saturation reaches the lower limit value (30%) in tight reservoir beds. It is hard for stable tight reservoir beds to become tight firstly and be charged with oil and gas later; while for conventional reservoir beds, after oil and gas charging, the formation compaction, cementation, and secondary mineral outgrowth may be the reasons for the formation of tight oil accumulation with high oil saturation.
  • FENG Yuhui, BIAN Weihua, GU Guozhong, HUANG Yulong, QIU Jintao, SUN Ang, WANG Pujun
    . 2016, 43(2): 228-236. https://doi.org/10.11698/PED.2016.02.08
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    Based on 112.5 km2 of 3-D seismic data and data of 8 prospecting wells drilled volcanic rocks in the 3rd member of the Paleogene Shahejie Formation in Hongxing area of the Eastern Sag of the Liaohe Depression, Bohai Bay Basin, three levels of volcanic interfaces (stage→edifice→lithofacies) of the intermediate-mafic volcanic formation are identified to reveal favorable prospecting facies through comprehensive studies on geology, well logging and seismic data in single well and multiple wells following the seismic volcano stratigraphy principle. According to stage interfaces, three volcanic stages were identified in the 3rd member of Shahejie Formation. One or more volcanic edifice-seismic facies were identified in each volcanic stage and volcanic facies-seismic facies were identified in each volcanic edifice-seismic facies. Based on single well points, we described volcanic edifices on well-tie seismic sections; identified volcanic bodies by extracting coherent seismic attribute (superimposed volcanic edifices) taking the volcanic stages as the units; then identified volcanic edifices and volcanic lithofacies by extracting waveform classification properties. Volcanic facies mapping were completed by constituting the relationship between the volcanic facies and the seismic facies in drilling wells, seismic cross sections and mappings. There are two types of plane volcanic facies sequences in the intermediate-mafic volcanic facies of this study area: volcanic conduit facies→extrusive facies (→explosive facies)→effusive facies→volcanic sedimentary facies, volcanic conduit facies (→explosive facies)→effusive facies→volcanic sedimentary facies. Among them, the near crater assemblage (volcanic conduit, extrusive and explosive facies) has better hydrocarbon shows and is the most favorable target of hydrocarbon exploration.
  • FAN Yiren, WANG Lei, GE Xinmin, FAN Zhuoying, WU Zhenguan, LIU Jiaxiong, HUANG Rui
    . 2016, 43(2): 237-243. https://doi.org/10.11698/PED.2016.02.09
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    To figure out the response characteristics of dual laterolog logging in carbonate and volcanic cavernous reservoirs, the parameters of laboratory formation model and tool were optimized on the basis of numerical simulation, then, the experimental data was used to calibrate the numerical simulation results. Finally, the response characteristics of cavernous formations in the original formation condition were acquired. The results show that the radial radius and height were set to 1 and 2 meters, meanwhile the length of dual laterolog in vertical and radial direction were reduced to 1/20 and 1/6, which can satisfy the need of laboratory experiments and there is a good match between experimental data with numerical results under the same circumstance. The numerical simulation parameters calibrated by physical modeling experiment were used to find out the dual laterolog response characteristics of cavernous formations. The results show the apparent resistivity on the dual laterolog by the well bore is the lowest at the cave center, and the apparent resistivity could not accurately reflect the infill resistivity of the cave; the larger the radius of the cave, the lower of the infill resistivity and the smaller the distance between the cave and the well bore, the more sensitive dual laterolog will be to caves in formations. The distance between the cave boundary and well wall that could be recognized by deep laterolog is less than 0.5 m, as for shallow laterolog, the largest distance is 0.3 m.
  • HU Falong, ZHOU Cancan, LI Chaoliu, XU Hongjun, ZHOU Fengming, SI Zhaowei
    . 2016, 43(2): 244-252. https://doi.org/10.11698/PED.2016.02.10
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    A new fluid identification method by constructing water spectrum based on NMR logging was put forward after the limitations of existing nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) fluid identification methods were analyzed. At present, differential spectrum method (DSM) and shifted spectrum method (SSM) of NMR logging are commonly used fluid identification methods. Due to the effects of fluid properties and pore structures, however, their coincidence rates of fluid identification are lower. A new fluid identification method named water spectrum construction method was developed in this study. Based on the existing acquisition mode of NMR logging, T2 (transverse relaxation time) spectrum of long waiting time and long echo spacing in completely watered conditions was constructed from the T2 spectrum which was measured in the mode of long waiting time and short echo spacing. And then, the types of fluids in reservoirs were identified by comparing the measured T2 spectrum with the constructed water spectrum. This new method was applied in Nanpu sag, Bohai Bay Basin for identifying oil layers, oil-water layers, water layers, gas layers and low-resistivity oil layers. It is demonstrated that based on the water spectrum construction method, the coincidence rate of fluid identification caused by pore structures is increased and fluid identification capacity of NMR logging is improved. Water spectrum construction method is prospective for fluid identification and evaluation of complex reservoirs.
  • JADOON Quaid Khan, ROBERTS Eric, BLENKINSOP Tom, WUST Raphael, SHAH Syed Anjum
    . 2016, 43(2): 253-260. https://doi.org/10.11698/PED.2016.02.11
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    To estimate the resources of Permian Roseneath and Murteree gas shales in the Cooper Basin, Australia, geochemical analysis, log interpretation and core analysis techniques were combined to conduct mineralogical modelling and define petrophysical parameters of both formations. With the sedimentologic, petrographic, SEM and XRD data derived from analysis of cores and cuttings, a mineralogical model was built for target formations. Moreover, based on the results of conventional core analysis, GR logging, SEM analysis, XRD analysis, and geochemical and petrographic analysis, a petrophysical model was established for key wells. Then, these models were used to analyse the mineral composition and petrophysical properties of Roseneath and Murteree gas shales. The results show that both Roseneath and Murteree gas shales are composed of clay, quartz, carbonate and kerogen, as well as a small quantity of auxiliary minerals (e.g. feldspar and siderite). According to porosity, permeability, TOC, water saturation, mineral composition and other parameters, it is concluded that Murteree shale has higher potential than Roseneath shale within the basin, especially in the areas in and around Well Encounter 1.
  • ZHU Weiyao, QI Qian, MA Qian, DENG Jia, YUE Ming, LIU Yuzhang
    . 2016, 43(2): 261-267. https://doi.org/10.11698/PED.2016.02.12
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    Pressure disturbance propagation was investigated using the steady state replacement method, the relationship between moving boundary and time was obtained. An unstable seepage model in shale gas reservoirs was established considering the effects of desorption, diffusion, slip and moving boundary. Using Laplace transform, the pressure characteristics equation was solved for the condition of internal boundary being constant production and outer boundary being the moving boundary. Subsequently, combining the parameters of shale gas in southern China, unstable seepage pressure characteristics and its influence factors of shale gas reservoir were analyzed using MATLAB software. The results indicate that the pressure propagation is characterized by moving boundary effect during shale gas exploitation, which means that moving boundary is propagated outwards with the propagation velocity decreasing gradually. Under the effect of moving boundary or shale gas desorption, the pressure propagation velocity decreases and the reservoir pressure drop slows down. With the increasing of the diffusion coefficient, the reservoir pressure drop slows down and the effect of diffusion coefficient decreases gradually. In the process of gas reservoir exploitation, diffusion and slip contribute more and more to gas production, acting as the dominant factors, while the contribution of flow and desorption level off after decreasing.
  • LI Qiang, ZHONG Haiquan, WANG Yuan, LENG Youheng, GUO Chunqiu
    . 2016, 43(2): 268-274. https://doi.org/10.11698/PED.2016.02.13
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    To optimize production schedule and production plan of multiple gas fields with certain amount of investment and constraints and to maximize their economic benefits under the production sharing contact (PSC) mode, a quantitative relationship was applied to describe the production performance depending on the development status of multiple gas fields in China and abroad. Furthermore, with the PSC-based net present value (NPV) as the objective function, a mixed integer nonlinear programming model for gas fields with optimized production schedule and productivity was established. An adaptive layer-embedded genetic algorithm was proposed to solve this model. Through handling the variables and constraints for solving this model and improving the genetic structure, genetic operators and termination conditions of standard genetic algorithm, modeling and solving techniques were formed for integrated and efficient development of multiple gas fields. Results obtained by three methods, i.e. multi-scheme comparison without mathematical model, standard genetic algorithm which induces penalty function to treat constraints, and adaptive layer-embedded genetic algorithm, were compared. The proposed optimization model is accurate, and the proposed layer-embedded genetic algorithm provides satisfactory convergence and calculation rate, ensuring that multiple gas fields could be exploited orderly.
  • LIANG Guangyue, LIU Shangqi, SHEN Pingping, LIU Yang, LUO Yanyan
    . 2016, 43(2): 275-280. https://doi.org/10.11698/PED.2016.02.14
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    In order to prevent steam breakthrough and improve thermal efficiency in the process of SAGD development of oil sands by real-time adjustment on injection-production temperature difference (Subcool) according to the growth situations of steam chamber along the wellbore, a series of studies were conducted on coefficients optimization of proportional-integral-derivative (PID) control equation for the steam-liquid level intelligent control model. According to heat conservation and material balance principles, a mathematical model for determining the coefficients of PID control equation was established with the liquid pool in the steam chamber as the objective and the Subcool as the control target. The intelligent steam-liquid level control model suitable for M Block in Canada was optimized using this mathematical model, together with the Ziegler-Nichols (Z-N) tuning method. Application effects of these PID control strategies were evaluated by reservoir numerical simulation. The results show, when the combination of PID proportional, integral and derivative coefficients are used, the time scale for Subcool to evolve to the set point is minimized and the convergence speed and robustness are improved. Compared with conventional steam injection process, the intelligent steam injection based on the PID coefficient optimization method is much better in the uniform conformance of steam chambers along the wellbore, higher in oil production and lower in steam-oil ratio (SOR). Both the model optimization method and the Ziegler-Nichols tuning method are similar in simulation results. Based on the former method, however, the optimization process of the intelligent control model is simplified greatly, so it can be implemented more conveniently and rapidly.
  • ZHAO Wenqi, ZHAO Lun, WANG Xiaodong, WANG Shuqin, SUN Meng, WANG Chenggang
    . 2016, 43(2): 281-286. https://doi.org/10.11698/PED.2016.02.15
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    A fracture-pore carbonate reservoir in eastern Pre-Caspian basin was taken as an example to analyze the oil phase behavior change and seepage physical characteristics change of weakly volatile oil reservoirs with the decrease of formation pressure. Based on the analysis, the water-flooding development technique policy of the reservoir under different formation pressure was presented. Experiments show that the weakly volatile crude oil degasifies as the formation pressure decreases, with methane and intermediate hydrocarbons separated out successively, and the crude oil gradually transforms into ordinary black oil. With the separation of light hydrocarbons, the saturation of in-place oil drops rapidly, the viscosity increases, and the oil permeability reduces, leading to lower well productivity. Retention of formation pressure is a vital factor controlling the reservoir development effect. The lower the formation pressure, the lower the ultimate recovery. Given low formation pressure, water-flooding is required to recover the formation pressure. In water-flooding, the lower level the formation pressure is retained at, the lower the reasonable pressure to be recovered is, and the lower the ultimate recovery is. Compared with zones without fractures, the zone with fractures provides lower injection-production ratio when water-flooding is conducted under the same formation pressure, and its water-flooding time has more impact on oilfield recovery. Therefore, it is recommended to develop weakly volatile oil reservoir by early water-flooding in a moderate way.
  • ZHAO Weiqing, PANG Donghao, ZHANG Yushan, LENG Xueshuang
    . 2016, 43(2): 287-291. https://doi.org/10.11698/PED.2016.02.16
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    By analyzing affecting factors on deepwater relief well location selection, and focusing on the regional deepwater operating environment in South China Sea and different rig positioning types, a calculation method for minimum safety distance between reliefs well and blowout well was proposed. In addition to the affecting factors on shallow-water relief well location selection, difficulties which are specific for deepwater operating considerations should be considered for deepwater relief well location selection, including metocean conditions, site survey results, blowout situation and evolution, influences of relief well location on relief well trajectory design, ranging procedure, ranging tool usage and dynamic killing operation, and fire hazard heat radiation and rig positioning types. The most significant factors for deepwater relief well location selection in South China Sea are typhoon and internal solitary wave. For a mooring positioning rig, the main considerations are mooring deployment, internal solitary wave and typhoon. For a dynamic positioning rig, the main considerations are operation window and other vessels. Based on analyses of affecting factors on deepwater relief well location selection in South China Sea, the well location selection method was demonstrated through the discussion of an existing regional well.
  • XU Yuqiang, GUAN Zhichuan, ZHANG Huizeng, ZHANG Hongning
    . 2016, 43(2): 292-296. https://doi.org/10.11698/PED.2016.02.17
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    Through the analysis of gas-cut features in deepwater drilling and shortages of existing gas-cut detection methods, the feasibility of early detection of gas cut at the bottom of riser was demonstrated, and a method was proposed for quantitative description of gas-cut degree in deepwater drilling based on ultrasonic monitoring at the bottom of riser. The problems of Doppler ultrasound gas-cut detection method was analyzed and the experimental device of gas-cut monitoring at the bottom of riser based on the ultrasonic transmission was built, which was used to analyze the sound attenuation characteristics under different conditions of void fraction. The solutions for using ultrasound to monitor gas-cut situation at the bottom of riser was proposed. Combined with the gas-liquid two-phase model of wellbore annulus in deepwater drilling and the formation pressure prediction method with credibility, the inverse calculation method of gas-cut degree in wellbore was established, which was based on the monitoring data of gas cut at the bottom section of riser. This method could detect the gas cut about four minutes in advance compared with conventional methods, and the gas cut occurring moment, the time left for gas to reach the wellhead, the total overflow rate at any moment, and the void fraction in different depth could be accurately determined based on the acoustic response data of the bottom of riser.
  • WEI Songbo, PEI Xiaohan, SHI Bairu, SHAO Tianmin, LI Tao, LI Yiliang, XIE Yi
    . 2016, 43(2): 297-302. https://doi.org/10.11698/PED.2016.02.18
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    To improve wear resistance of expansion cone and decrease the friction between cone and tube, an expansion cone covered by hard coating was prepared and applied in the field. The carbide-based hard coatings were fabricated on the expansion cone surface by using high-velocity oxygen fuel thermal spraying technology, and the coating improved surface hardness of the cone by nearly 60%. The wear tests indicate that: the hard coating reduces friction coefficient of expansion cone sample by over 30% and wear loss by 33% with lithium grease lubricating; the hard coating reduces friction coefficient of expansion cone sample by about 25% with water lubricating; the hard coating reduces the wear and friction between expansion cone and tube significantly, and extends the cone life. Field tests indicate that: the expansion cones with hard coating have excellent wear resistance; the coating bound well with the expansion cone substrate after application for four wells, and no evident abrasion happens on the cone surface; the cone is successfully applied in the field to repair the damaged casings.
  • ZHAO Xianzheng, YANG Yanhui, SUN Fenjin, WANG Bo, ZUO Yinqing, LI Mengxi, SHEN Jian, MU Fuyuan
    . 2016, 43(2): 303-309. https://doi.org/10.11698/PED.2016.02.19
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    Based on analysis of the basic geologic characteristics and enrichment controlling factors of the high rank coalbed methane (CBM) in south Qinshui Basin in China, its enrichment mode, and exploration and development technologies are studied. Practices on the CBM exploration and development proved that the CBM reservoirs in this study area have the following three major properties: (1) High coal rank, strong adsorption ability, and good resources condition; (2) Low porosity, bimodal porosity structure, and obvious “bottleneck” of flow condition; (3) low reservoir pressure gradient that can constrain production. Based on deep analysis of high rank coal properties, this study proposes a coexistence and complementarity concept of structure, sedimentary, thermal power and hydro-geological conditions, and establishes a CBM dissipation model, which can simplify CBM enrichment problem and directly guide the region selection of CBM development. Five major critical technical systems have been formed for the CBM exploration and development in south Qinshui Basin: (1) Comprehensive geophyisical exploration and evaluation technologies; (2) Well drilling and completion technologies for high rank coal reservoirs; (3) Major reservoir treatment technologies; (4) Intelligent drainage and production control technologies; (5) Digital technology of coalbed gas field. These have effectively provided technical support for an orderly productivity construction of new CBM blocks.
  • LYU Yanfang, WANG Wei, HU Xinlei, FU Guang, SHI Jijian, WANG Chao, LIU Zhe, JIANG Wenya
    . 2016, 43(2): 310-316. https://doi.org/10.11698/PED.2016.02.20
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    The fault-reservoir displacement pressure differential method, as a quantitative evaluation method of fault sealing which considering diagenetic time of fault rock, was improved based on the study of fault sealing mechanism and its influencing factors. A geology and mathematical model of quantitative evaluation of fault sealing considering diagenetic time was established. First, the depth of surrounding rock which has the same shale content and diagenetic degree as the fault rocks at the target was determined using the method of successive approximation at the given step length. Second, the displacement pressure of target fault rocks was calculated based on the relationship between the displacement pressure and the product of shale content and burial depth that was established for the study area. And third, the sealing states and capacity of the faults were quantitatively evaluated by comparing the calculated displacement pressure with that of the target reservoir. By the actual data of reservoirs at Banqiao fault in Qikou sag and the result comparison between fault rock shale content method (SGR) and fault-reservoir displacement pressure differential method without considering the bearing time, it is verified that this method is more feasible and credible.