PETROLEUM EXPLORATION AND DEVELOPMENT, 2020, 47(5): 1074-1083 doi: 10.1016/S1876-3804(20)60118-5

Characteristics of dissolved inorganic carbon in produced water from coalbed methane wells and its geological significance

YANG Zhaobiao,1,2,*, QIN Yong1,2, QIN Zonghao1,2, YI Tongsheng3, LI Cunlei1,2, ZHANG Zhengguang1,2

1. Key Laboratory of Coalbed Methane Resources and Reservoir Formation Process, Ministry of Education, China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou 221008, China

2. School of Resource and Geosciences, China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou 221116, China

3. Guizhou Research Center of Shale Gas and CBM Engineering Technology, Guiyang 550009, China

Corresponding authors: *

Received: 2019-10-9   Revised: 2020-08-14   Online: 2020-10-15

Fund supported: National Natural Science Foundation of China41772155
National Science and Technology Major Project of China2016ZX05044-002


Based on long-term dynamic tracing of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and stable carbon isotope (δ13CDIC) in produced water from 20 coalbed methane (CBM) wells in western Guizhou, the spatial-temporal dynamic variations of δ13CDIC of the GP well group produced in multi-layer commingled manner were analyzed, and the relationship between the value of δ13CDIC and CBM productivity was examined. The produced water samples of typical wells in the GP well group were amplified and sequenced using 16S rDNA, and a geological response model of δ13CDIC in produced water from CBM wells with multi-coal seams was put forward. The research shows that: δ13CDIC in produced water from medium-rank coal seams commonly show positive anomalies, the produced water contains more than 15 species of methanogens, and Methanobacterium is the dominant genus. The dominant methanogens sequence numbers in the produced water are positively correlated with δ13CDIC, and the positive anomaly of δ13CDIC is caused by reduction of methanogens, and especially hydrogenotrophic methanogens. Vertical segmentation of sedimentary facies and lithology in stratum with multi-coal seams will result in permeability and water cut segmentation, which will lead to the segmentation of δ13CDIC and archaea community in produced water, so in the strata with better permeability and high water cut, the δ13CDIC of the produced water is abnormally enriched, and the dominant archaea is mainly Methanobacterium. In the strata with weak permeability and low water cut, the δ13CDIC of the produced water is small, and the microbial action is weak. The shallow layer close to the coal seam outcrop is likely to be affected by meteoric precipitation, so the δ13CDIC of the produced water is smaller. The geological response model of δ13CDIC in produced water from multi-coal seams CBM wells in the medium-rank coal reveals the geological mechanism and microbial action mechanism of the δ13CDIC difference in the produced water from the multi-coal seams CBM wells. It also provides effective geochemical evidence for the superimposed fluid system controlled by sedimentary facies, and can also be used for the contribution analysis of the produced gas and water by the multi-layer CBM wells.

Keywords: coalbed methane ; produced water from coal seam ; dissolved inorganic carbon ; stable carbon isotope ; archaea community ; microbial gene ; CBM productivity ; geological response model

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YANG Zhaobiao, QIN Yong, QIN Zonghao, YI Tongsheng, LI Cunlei, ZHANG Zhengguang. Characteristics of dissolved inorganic carbon in produced water from coalbed methane wells and its geological significance. [J], 2020, 47(5): 1074-1083 doi:10.1016/S1876-3804(20)60118-5


The variation of stable carbon isotope (δ13CDIC) in dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) can reflect the geochemical behaviour and the biogeochemical characteristics of carbon. At present, it is commonly used to study the source of carbon in surface water systems and reservoir water bodies, and spatial and temporal evolution process of carbon, and to reveal quality characteristics and geological origin of water[1,2]. There are four forms of DIC in water: dissolved CO2, carbonate acid (H2CO3), bicarbonate (HCO3-), and carbonate ion (CO32-). It is found that both surface water systems and reservoirs are open water bodies, which are mainly affected by photosynthesis, respiration, carbonate weathering and soil CO2 export, and where the δ13CDIC values are generally negative.

The DIC in formation water of deep coal measures mainly comes from the dissolution of carbonate minerals and CO2 in coalbed methane (CBM). However, the δ13CDIC in water samples from CBM wells or deep shale gas wells generally shows positive anomalies, and some water samples have δ13CDIC of more than 10‰. This phenomenon is very common in China and abroad. In the United States, the produced water samples from Pennsylvanian bituminous coal in the Black Warrior Basin have δ13CDIC values of 2.8-13.1‰[3], the water samples from Tertiary semi-bituminous coal in the Powder River Basin have δ13CDIC values between 12.0‰ and 22.0‰[4], and the produced water samples from Carboniferous CBM wells in the Atlantic Rim have δ13CDIC values between -3.6‰ and 22.8‰[5]. Produced water samples from Devonian shale gas wells of the Monongahela River Basin have δ13CDIC of more than 8.5‰ in general, and 21.0‰ at maximum[6]. In Shizhuang block, Shanxi province, the produced water samples from CBM wells have the highest δ13CDIC value of more than 20.0%[7]. It is generally believed that the geological cause of this phenomenon is the reduction of methanogens[5,6,7,8,9], but there is little direct evidence. Some domestic and foreign researchers have examined the internal relationship between δ13CDIC in produced water of CBM well and CBM productivity preliminarily, and concluded that the positive anomalies of δ13CDIC are beneficial to high productivity of CBM[4-5, 10].

From January 2017, we tested and tracked the δ13CDIC values of produced water samples from some CBM wells in western Guizhou for a long term. The test results show that the δ13CDIC values of some produced water samples from the CBM wells are much higher than 10‰. In this study, with 20 CBM wells in western Guizhou as examples, the δ13CDIC characteristics of produced waters from the CBM wells are analyzed to find out the geological reasons behind the spatial and temporal differences in δ13CDIC of water samples from commingling production wells in the Songhe GP well group. Combined with 16S rDNA analysis method, archaea in typical wells are tested to reveal the direct geological causes of δ13CDIC positive anomalies. Finally, the relationship between δ13CDIC of produced water from CBM well and CBM productivity is discussed, and the geological response model of δ13CDIC is put forward for produced water from commingling production CBM wells, which provides a geochemical and micro-organism method for identifying stacking fluid systems and analyzing gas and water contributions of layers in CBM wells in commingled production.

1. The research area

The CBM resources in the Upper Permian in the western Guizhou have geological characteristics of multiple, thin coal seams, a wide range of coal ranks, high stress, low water cut, and complex coal structure[11,12,13]. CBM development test wells in western Guizhou are mainly distributed in a number of synclines in western Guizhou and northern Guizhou, such as Tucheng, Zhuzang, Dahebian synclines, etc. (Table 1).

Table 1   Basic development parameters and stable carbon isotope test results of CBM wells in the study area.

Developedcoal seamDepth/
Daily pro-
Starting time of produc-
tion (year-month)

Note: The gas production, δ13C1 of methane and δ13CDIC data were tested in March 2017. Data with "*" were tested in February 2018. Well GP-1 was changed into single-layer drainage of 1+3 coal seams after January 2018. ZP1 is a horizontal well, the other wells are vertical wells.

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The coal-bearing strata in the Songhe block of Tucheng synclines are Upper Permian Longtan Formation. The middle member of this formation is delta front facies, while the upper and lower members are lagoonal tidal-flat facies. The coal-bearing strata are 341.00 m thick on average. There are 18 mineable coal seams, mainly including No. 1+3, 4, 9, 12, 15, 16, and 17, with a total thickness of 11.68 m, followed by No. 5, 6, 10, 11, 18, 27, 29, with a total thickness of 13.34 m. Among them, the No. (1+3)-10 coal seams belong to the upper member of the Longtan Formation, the No. 12-18 coal seams belong to the middle member of the Longtan Formation, and the No. 24-29 coal seams belong to the lower member of the Longtan Formation. Made up of mainly coking coal, the coal seams have a high CBM content of 6.46-20.99 m3/t, gas saturation greater than 70%, and pressure coefficient of 1.08-1.40, indicating abnormal high-pressure[12]. The Songhe block currently has 8 CBM development test wells, which form a well cluster. All the wells are developed by multistage fracturing and commingling production with production layers of more than 6 coal seams in general (Table 1). By the end of August 2018, the wells had a maximum daily CBM production of approximately 3000 m3/d, and a stable production of about 500 m3/d later. The wells had a cumulative water production of approximately 1400-3300 m3 and an average cumulative water production per well of over 2000 m3.

The Zhuzang syncline of Zhijin block has dozens of CBM wells, of which Well ZP-1 in Zhi2 well group is a horizontal well developing the No. 23 coal seam; Wells Z2, Z3, Z4, Z5 and Z6 in Zhi2 well group are vertical wells, developing the Ⅲ coal seam group (the main coal seams of No. 20, 23, 27 and 30), after staged fracturing and commingled production manner. By the end of August 2018, the wells had a highest daily gas production of around 3000 m3, and most wells had a stable CBM production of over 1000 m3/d. The wells had cumulative water production of 500-3000 m3, and an average cumulative water production of over 1000 m3.

Wells B1, N1, and N3, located in the Bide syncline, are developed by staged fracturing and commingled production of 2-3 layers. Well ZH1, located at the Dahebian syncline, is produced after staged fracturing manner of 2 layers. Well D2 located in the Huangnitang syncline is produced after staged fracturing manner from 3 layers. Well F2 located in the Changgang syncline in northern Guizhou is produced from 3 layers after staged fracturing. By the end of August 2018, these wells had a highest daily gas production of 1500 m3 and stable gas production of around 1000 m3/d later, and a cumulative water production of 500-3000 m3 (Table 1).

2. Research methods and experimental tests

2.1. Stable carbon isotope test of DIC

For 20 CBM development wells in the study area, water samples were collected and tested once every 2-3 months, starting from January 2017. All water samples were collected directly from the outlet of CBM wells with 2.5 L pure water bottles. The plastic bottles were washed 3 times with the collected water, and then filled fully with water to expel all the air in the bottle and sealed with a bottle cap. Finally, the bottles were checked for leakage, marked with sampling time and place, and sent to the State Key Laboratory of Environmental Geochemistry, Guiyang Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences for testing within 72 h. The stable carbon isotopes testing equipment was a gas isotope ratio mass spectrometer (MAT253, USA). The test followed the Atekwana and Krishnamurthy’s method[14]. Part of the test data is listed in Table 1.

2.2. Stable carbon isotope test of methane and carbon dioxide

Gas samples from some CBM wells were tested for δ13C of methane and carbon dioxide. The gas samples were collected by water drainage and gas gathering method and sent to the Key Laboratory of Petroleum Resource Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences within 72 h for testing. The testing equipment was gas chromatograph (HP6890) and isotope ratio mass spectrometer (Delta plus XP). The testing followed the national standard (GB/T 6041-2002) strictly[15].

2.3. Test of CBM composition

The composition of gas samples from different layers of Well GC-1 was tested by gas chromatograph (GC5890A) in Guizhou Research Center of Shale Gas and CBM Engineering Technology. The test followed the national standard (GB/T 13640-2014) strictly[16].

2.4. Enrichment cultures, 16S rDNA gene amplification

16S rDNA gene sequence of water samples from 6 CBM wells in the GP well group was analyzed: (1) Water samples of 500 mL each were collected from the outlet of CBM wells and sent to the laboratory under anaerobic low temperature condition. (2) The methanogens were cultured in methanogenic culture medium at 35 °C. The methanogenic culture medium (1.0 L) including: 1.0 g of NH4Cl, 0.1 g of MgCl2·6H2O, 0.4 g of K2HPO4·3H2O, 0.2 g of KH2PO4, 0.1 g of tryptone, 1.0 mL of resazurin (0.1%), 1.0 g of yeast extract, 2.0 g of sodium acetate, 2.0 g of sodium formate, 0.5 g of L-cysteine hydrochloride, 0.2 g of Na2S·9H2O, 2.0 g of NaHCO3, and 10 mL of trace element solution. The trace element solution was prepared by nitrilotriacetic acid, MnSO4, MgSO4·7H2O, FeSO4, NaCl, CoCl, CaCl2, CuSO4, ZnSO4, H3BO3, Al(SO4)2, NiCl2, and NaMoO4. (3) After culturing for 4-5 d, 30 mL of the cultured sample was poured into a centrifuge tube to remove oxygen and then sealed and sent for test.

The sequencing was completed at Sangon Biotech (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. The DNA was extracted with the kit (E.Z.N.ATM Mag-Bind Soil DNA Kit). Archaea detection was conducted by PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) with three rounds of amplification. In the first round, the M-340F GU1ST-1000R primers were used for amplification, and in the second round, the first round PCR products were used for amplification. The primers used were fused with V3-V4 universal primers of the Miseq sequencing platform, including the primers 341F: CCCTACACGA CGCTCTTCCGATCTG (barcode) CCTACGGGNGGC WGCAG and primers 805R: GACTGG AGTTCCTTGGCACCCGAGAATTCCAGACTA CHVG GGTATCTAATCC. In the third round, Illumina bridge PCR-compatible primers were introduced. After PCR, the products were detected by agarose electrophoresis.

3. Results and discussion

3.1. δ13CDIC values

The DIC in produced water of CBM wells mainly comes from CO2 dissolution, carbonate mineral dissolution and microbial action etc.[17]. Compared with natural water (surface water and groundwater), produced water from CBM well is often richer in δ13CDIC. It is generally believed that the positive anomaly δ13CDIC value more than 10‰ of CBM well water sampleis related to microbial reduction. This is because microorganisms can produce methane by acetic acid fermentation (equation (1)) and carbon dioxide reduction (equation (2))[18,19], during these processes, methanogenic bacteria preferentially absorb 12C, and 13C gradually becomes richer. Moderate to negative range of δ13CDIC (generally -7‰-0) is mainly related to CO2 dissolution in CBM and carbonate mineral dissolution. Very low value of δ13CDIC (-14‰--7‰) is related to oxidation[17] of surface water[4]. Moderate positive δ13CDIC (generally 0-10‰) is mainly the combined result of dissolution of carbonate minerals in coal measures and slight microbial reduction.


Fig. 1 shows the distribution of δ13CDIC values of produced water samples from CBM wells in western Guizhou in March 2017. The δ13CDIC values of Wells GP-2 and N1 exceed 10‰, and the δ13CDIC of Well N1 is the largest, reaching 27.2‰. Therefore, it is inferred that microbial reduction occurred in the coal measures of these two wells and produced secondary biogas. The δ13CDIC value of river water sample in Tucheng block is -13.1‰, a very low negative value, which is related to oxidation. δ13CDIC values of produced water samples from other CBM wells are relatively low. Water samples from Wells GP-1, GP-5, Z3, Z4, Z5, N3, B1 and D2 have moderately negative δ13CDIC values, which are related to CO2 dissolution. In contrast, water samples from Wells GP-3, GP-4, GP-6, GP-8 and Z6 have larger positive values, so microbial reduction effect can’t be ruled out in these wells.

Fig. 1.

Fig. 1.   Distribution of δ13CDIC values of produced water samples from CBM wells in western Guizhou.

The nine batches of data from January 2017 to July 2018 were further analysed (Fig. 2). From the distribution of Ro,max and δ13CDIC, it can be seen that the samples with positive anomaly δ13CDIC value of more than 10‰ mainly come from the GP well group in Songhe block with medium coal rank except Well N1. Well N1 has a drainage period of up to 2 years and flowback rate of more than 150%. According to the conventional ions and hydrogen and oxygen isotope characteristics, its produced water may be external water[20]. It is generally believed that the secondary biogas in coal seam is mainly generated in the stage with Ro,max of 0.3%-1.5%[19]. In CBM wells with a Ro,max of greater than 1.5%, positive anomalies of δ13CDIC are rarely greater than 10‰. The Ro,max of GP well group is approximately 1.5%, indicating there are material conditions for generation of secondary biogas.

Fig. 2.

Fig. 2.   The relationship between Ro, max of coal seam and δ13CDIC of produced water in western Guizhou.

The δ13C1 of produced gas samples from some CBM wells in the GP well group was measured. The tested δ13C1 values of gas samples collected in March 2017 are -43.6--41.9‰, with an average value of -42.8‰. δ13C1 of -55‰ is generally considered as the boundary value between biogenic gas and thermogenic gas[21]. According to this standard, the gas in the study area is mainly thermogenic gas. But according to the thermal simulation regression formula (equation (3)) of primary CBM coal and rock without obvious secondary reform effects proposed by Liu and Xu[22], at the Ro, max of 1.3%-1.7%, the calculated δ13C1 range is -32.25‰ to -29.63‰, which is much higher than the average value of -42.8‰, and thus indicates that there is slight secondary reform of CBM in this area, rather than pure thermogenic gas. The δ13C of CO2 in produced gas from Well GP-3 was tested at 10.7‰ in the later stage, which indicates the CO2 in this well is of biogenic origin[8]. This result also proves that there is microbial reduction in this area.


3.2. Dynamic variation characteristics of δ13CDIC

Taking the GP well group as an example, the dynamic variation characteristics of δ13CDIC data of 9 batches of water samples collected from January 2017 to July 2018 were analysed (Fig. 3a). On the whole, the δ13CDIC values of most wells increase slowly with the drainage time, which is mainly due to the increasing proportion of produced water from the middle member of Longtan Formation. In January 2017, only the δ13CDIC of Well GP-2 was more than 10‰, then in July 2018, that of Wells GP-2, GP-3, GP-4 and GP-5 were all more than 10‰. The Mann-Kendall method[23] was used to test the variation trend of δ13CDIC with time, and the results are shown in Table 2. A positive value of Z indicates increasing trend, while a negative value indicates decreasing trend. The absolute values of Z greater than or equal to 1.28, 1.64 and 2.32 means passing the tests of 90%, 95% and 99% significance, respectively. The trend test results show that the δ13CDIC values of Wells GP-2, GP-3, GP-4, GP-5, GP-6 and GP-8 show an increasing trend, and the increasing trend of Wells GP-3, GP-5, GP-6 and GP-8 is very obvious while the GP-2 and GP-4 wells show an unobvious increasing trend. The Well GP-1 shows an obvious decreasing trend, while the Well GP-7 shows an unobvious descending trend.

Fig. 3.

Fig. 3.   The variation of δ13CDIC of produced water from CBM wells with time.

Table 2   δ13CDIC variation trend from Mann-Kendall test.

Well nameZSignificance/%Well nameZSignificance/%

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In August 2017 and January 2018, some wells showed two obvious drops of δ13CDIC. It is speculated that the drop in August 2017 is related to the rainy season precipitation in the study area, which occurs from May to September every year in Guizhou Province. The recharge of atmospheric precipitation will cause a decrease in the δ13CDIC value in some wells[5]. In January 2018, the decrease of δ13CDIC value in the GP-1 and GP-2 wells was due to engineering reasons. The 1+3 coal seams in Well GP-1 were re-fractured and later the 1+3 coal seams were produced separately. Meanwhile, Well GP-2 was shut down to cooperate with the fracturing in Well GP-1. As a result, the gas production of the two wells was 0 in January and the δ13CDIC value greatly reduced, before returning to a normal level in March 2018. Research shows that the surface water has a very low δ13CDIC due to oxidation[19]. As the fracturing fluid is often prepared with river water, and the δ13CDIC value of the river water sample near the GP well group is -13.1‰, this further proves that the main reasons for the decrease of the δ13CDIC value are the atmospheric precipitation and the fracturing fluid invasion at the early stage of drainage. The δ13CDIC values of other wells vary stably with time (Fig. 3b). Except δ13CDIC value of Well N1 of higher than 20‰ and that of Z4 well of less than -5‰, the values of the other wells are all in the range of -5‰-5‰. This may be related to the facts that the CBM wells have few development layers, generally 1-4 layers and stable gas source, and are in stable production period.

3.3. Geological significance of δ13CDIC

3.3.1. Identification of produced water source in multi-layer commingled production

A positive anomaly value of δ13CDIC greater than 10‰ is considered an important indication of existence of microbial reduction and secondary biogas[3,4,5,6,7,8,9]. Yang et al.[24] examined the δ13CDIC dynamic characteristics of the water samples produced from the CBM wells in the Songhe GP well group from January 2017 to November 2017 and tried to find out the geological reasons for the differences between the wells. They argued that the high δ13CDIC value of the produced water from Well GP-2 is because its developed layer is in the middle member of the Longtan Formation. The middle member of Longtan Formation is delta front sedimentary facies with fine sandstone, while the upper and lower members of Longtan Formation are lagoon-tidal flat facies, with siltstone and argillaceous siltstone. The difference in the sedimentary facies and lithologic assemblage leads to higher permeability and water cut of the middle member of the Longtan Formation, meanwhile, the upper member of the Longtan Formation also has a relatively good permeability and higher water content because of shallow depth, so three sets of superimposed fluid systems exist matching sedimentary facies[11]. The coal seams have a Ro,max range from 1.3% to 1.7%, over-pressure[12], and temperatures of approximately 30-40 °C, suitable for generation and survival of microbes. Therefore, the middle member and the upper member of the Longtan Formation are suitable for survival and preservation of microbes. The vertical distributions of CO2 and C2H6+C3H8 in Well GC-1 of GP well group have segmentation feature. The upper member (No. 1-10 coal seams) and middle member (No. 12-18 coal seams) of the Longtan Formation have higher CO2 concentration and lower concentration of C2H6+C3H8, while the lower member (No. 24-29 coal seams) of the Longtan Formation has lower CO2 concentration and higher C2H6+C3H8 concentration. It is speculated that the reason of the lower concentration of C2H6+C3H8 and higher concentration of CO2 in the upper and middle members is that bacteria reduced organic matter and heavy hydrocarbon in the coal seams to produce CO2 and CH4[25] (Fig. 4). At present, the liquid level of other wells that produce from all the three members of Longtan Formation is in the middle and lower members, and the upper member has been exposed. The contribution capacity of exposed reservoir is small. Therefore, the production layers of most wells are mainly the middle and lower members of Longtan Formation, and the lower member in some wells. For example, the liquid level of Well GP-7 is now at the top of the No. 27 coal seam, which means that the upper and middle members of Longtan Formation have been exposed, so its main production layers are the No. 27 and 29 coal seams, so the δ13CDIC value of the produced water is relatively low.

Fig. 4.

Fig. 4.   Concentrations of CBM components of coal seams in Well GC-1 of GP well group.

The average values of 9 batches of data from January 2017 to July 2018 were plotted as a histogram (Fig. 5). Compared with the average values from January 2017 to November 2017: (1) The average value of δ13CDIC of Well GP-2 is still the largest. (2) The average values of δ13CDIC of Wells GP-1 and GP-5 have larger changes, the average value of Well GP-1 becomes smaller, while the average value of Well GP-5 becomes larger. The reason is that 1+3 coal seams in Well GP-1 were re-fractured in January 2018 and were changed into separate drainage, and the flowback duration of the fracturing fluid was short, part of the fracturing fluid remained in the formation, causing drop of the δ13CDIC average value of the produced water from this well. Well GP-5 is adjacent to Well GP-1 and is in the updip direction, so it is prone to indirect enhanced stimulation. It can be seen from the production curves of Well GP-5 (Fig. 6) that: (1) In January 2018, the dynamic liquid level of Well GP-5 increased significantly from 110 m to more than 200 m. Before 2018, the dynamic liquid level was above the No. 16 coal seam, and affected by the re-fracturing of Well GP-1, the liquid level rose to the vicinity of the 1+3 coal seam. (2) The daily water production increased in 2018, while the daily gas production decreased from 351 m3/d in November 2017 to 96 m3/d in January 2018, and the δ13CDIC increased significantly in January 2018. The reason is that the No. 29 coal seam stopped producing gas due to the increase of liquid level after January 2018, and the production layers were mainly in the middle and upper members of Longtan Formation, and consequently, the δ13CDIC value increased considerably.

Fig. 5.

Fig. 5.   Average δ13CDIC values of wells in the GP well group.

Fig. 6.

Fig. 6.   Drainage curves of Well GP-5.

Burial depth also has a great influence on δ13CDIC (Fig. 7). For Wells GP-3 and GP-4, and GP-6 and GP-8 which have similar developed layers, and similar production layers under dynamic fluid level constraints, it can be seen that the two groups of wells show similar regularity, which is the deeper the burial depth, the greater the value of δ13CDIC is. The Zhi2 well group (Wells Z2, Z3, Z4, Z5 and Z6) shows similar regularity. The 5 wells are same in production layer, the deeper the burial depth, the larger the δ13CDIC value is. This is because CBM wells in shallow layers are more likely to receive recharge from atmospheric precipitation, which would cause drop of the δ13CDIC value. The produced water samples from the Carboniferous CBM wells in the Atlantic Rim, USA show similar regularity. The produced water samples from deeper CBM wells have larger δ13CDIC values than those from shallower CBM wells[5].

Fig. 7.

Fig. 7.   The relationship between burial depth and δ13CDIC.

3.3.2. Common response of microorganisms

In recent years, 16S rDNA amplification and sequencing technology has been widely used in studying the microbial structure of coal mines or coal-bearing basins. The research of microbial sequencing has been carried out in many regions abroad[26,27,28,29,30,31] (such as Yubai in Japan, the Surat basin in Australia, Illinois basin and Powder River basin in US) and in China[7, 32-33] (such as Ordos Basin and Qianqiu mine in Henan).

To fully verify the microbial origin of the δ13CDIC, the 16S rDNA amplification and sequencing test was done on produced water samples from Wells GP-1, GP-2, GP-3, GP-5, GP-7 and GP-8 for the first time in January 2019. The results show that there are a large number of methanogens in the produced water samples from the six wells. The classes include Methanobacteria, Methanomicrobia, Methanococci etc., and the former two are predominant, accounting for 60.58% and 37.29%, respectively. A total of more than 15 species of genus are included. Among them, Methanobacterium is dominant, followed by Methanothrix (Fig. 8). Methanobacterium is the main hydrogenotrophic methanogen, which can metabolize H2 and CO2 into CH4 as reaction in equation (2). Methanothrix is a methanogen of the acetic acid type, which can produce CH4 and CO2 through anaerobic metabolism as in equation (1) without H2 and CO2.

Fig. 8.

Fig. 8.   Abundance of the archaea community at the genus level of typical wells in the GP well group.

In addition, hydrogenotrophic genus Methanocorpusculum, Methanoregula, Methanospirillum and Methanoculleus, methyl- trophic genus Methanomassiliicoccus and Methanolobus, mixed genus (hydrogenotrophic and acetic acid-trophic) Methanococcus and other genus were all detected in the produced water. Although these methanogens are small in proportion in the water samples, it can be determined that there are three types of methanogens in the well group of the study area: hydrogenotrophic, acetic acid-trophic and methyl-trophic. They produce methane in a variety of ways. Methanobacterium, a hydrogenotrophic bacterium, is the main genus of methanogens. This is consistent with the conclusion that most biogas is produced by hydrogenotrophic methanogens through CO2 reduction[34]. The correlation coefficient between the sequence number of genus Methanobacterium and δ13CDIC is very high (Fig. 9) (coefficient of 0.885 4). This shows that during the reduction of methanogens, especially hydrogenotrophic methanogens in the reaction of equation (2), CO2 metabolism produces CH4 and preferentially absorbs 12C, which is the main reason of the 13C enrichment. Meanwhile, it also shows that the decomposition of heavy hydrocarbons into CH4 may be mainly accomplished with the participation of hydrogenotrophic methanogens.

Fig. 9.

Fig. 9.   The relationship between δ13CDIC and sequence number of Methanobacterium in produced water.

According to the abundance distribution of archaea at the genus level shown in Fig. 8, the six wells can be divided into two types apparently, of which GP-1 and GP-7 wells are one type, and the other wells are roughly the other type. This is consistent with the difference in the average values of δ13CDIC in 9 batches of data previously mentioned. The feature further corroborates that the DIC is closely related to methanogens, and that different superimposed fluid systems formed by different lithological and physical properties of multi-coal seam gas-producing intervals have different genera of bacteria.

3.3.3. Indicative significance of CBM productivity

Fig. 10 shows the relationship of the δ13CDIC values of produced water samples from wells in the study area and the corresponding daily production of CBM of the wells in stable production period (March 2017). The horizontal well ZP1 is not considered in the analysis because its high productivity is much more related to engineering factors. The relationship between daily production of CBM and δ13CDIC value is not obvious, rather the daily production of CBM tends to decrease with the increase of δ13CDIC value (Fig. 10a). At present, Well GP-7 mainly produces CBM from the No. 27 and No. 29 coal seams in the lower member of the Longtan Formation[24] and shows similar regularity (Fig. 10b), that is with the increase of δ13CDIC, its daily gas production decreases. In contrast, Well ZH1 shows an increase of daily production of CBM with the increase of δ13CDIC value. Therefore, the relationship between δ13CDIC value and CBM production is complex. The main reason is that the positive anomaly of the δ13CDIC value is closely related to coal rank and microbial activity. However, when the secondary biogas produced by microbial activity is not absolutely dominant and the gas produced is still mainly thermogenic gas, the sensitivity of the value of δ13CDIC to the CBM productivity response will drop.

Fig. 10.

Fig. 10.   The relationship between daily gas production and δ13CDIC.

3.4. Geological response mode

Based on the above analysis and the effective indication of carbon source and microbe by δ13CDIC, the geological response mode of δ13CDIC for produced water from medium rank multi- seam commingling production CBM wells has been put forward (Fig. 11). The positive anomaly δ13CDIC is mainly caused by the reduction of methanogens (mainly hydrogenotrophic methanogens). Sedimentary facies and lithology segmentation of coal-measure strata form different superimposed fluid systems, which have different δ13CDIC values of produced water and different archaea communities correspondingly. Under the geological condition that the coal measure strata are over-pressured and medium rank, the produced water from the middle member (middle fluid system) with better permeability and higher water content would have more positive abnormal δ13CDIC, the produced water from the upper member (upper fluid system) has less significant positive anomaly of δ13CDIC than the middle member and mainly Methanobacterium. Whereas the produced water from the lower member (lower fluid system) with lower permeability and water content has lower δ13CDIC value and weaker microbial action. At the same time, the strata near the shallow outcrop are more likely to be recharged by atmospheric precipitation, so the δ13CDIC value of produced water is smaller. Based on the material and physical properties of multi-coal seam sedimentary background, this model considers the methane bacteria participation and mixing of atmospheric precipitation, and reveals the geological mechanism and microbial mechanism of the δ13CDIC difference in produced water from CBM wells in multi-layer commingling production. The model objectively provides effective geochemical evidence for the superimposed fluid systems controlled by sedimentary facies. It can also be used to analyse the gas and water production contribution of layers in CBM wells produced in commingled manner. But the sources of δ13CDIC controlled by sedimentary facies and the mechanism of microbial action need to be studied further.

Fig. 11.

Fig. 11.   Geological response mode of δ13CDIC for produced water from CBM wells in commingling production.

4. Conclusions

The research shows that positive anomalies of δ13CDIC are common in produced water from medium rank coal seams. There are more than 15 species of methanogens in the produced water, in which hydrogenotrophic Methanobacterium is the dominant genus, followed by acetic acid-trophic Methanothrix. There is a significant positive correlation between δ13CDIC value and the sequence number of the dominant methanogens in produced water. The positive anomalies of δ13CDIC are caused by reduction of methanogens, especially hydrogenotrophic methanogens.

Segmentation of sedimentary facies and lithology in multi-coal seam measures results in permeability and water content segmentation, which in turn causes the segmentation of δ13CDIC and archaea communities in produced water. Under the geological background of over-pressure and medium rank of coal measure, the produced water from the upper and middle members with higher permeability and water content have positive anomalies of δ13CDIC and mainly Methanobacterium. Produced water from the lower member with lower permeability and water content have lower δ13CDIC value and weak microbial action. The shallow coal seams near the outcrop are easily recharged by atmospheric precipitation, and the value of δ13CDIC is small in produced water.

The geological response model of the δ13CDIC of produced water from medium coal rank CBM wells in multi-layer commingled production reveals the geological and microbial mechanisms of the δ13CDIC difference. It provides effective geochemical evidence for the identification of superimposed fluid systems controlled by sedimentary facies, and can also be used for the analysis of gas and water production contribution of different layers in CBM wells produced in commingled manner.


Ro,max—the maximum reflectivity of vitrinite, %;

Z—Mann-Kendall test factor, dimensionless;

δ13C1—stable carbon isotopic composition of methane in CBM, ‰;

δ13CDIC—stable isotopic composition of dissolved inorganic carbon, ‰.



Biological and geochemical controls on diel dissolved inorganic carbon cycling in a low-order agricultural stream: Implications for reach scales and beyond

Chemical Geology, 2011,283:18-30.

DOI:10.1016/j.chemgeo.2010.12.012      URL     [Cited within: 1]

Movement of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) through the hydrologic cycle is an important component of global carbon budgets, but there is considerable uncertainty about the controls of DIC transmission from landscapes to streams, and through river networks to the oceans. In this study, diel measurements of DIC, delta(13)C-DIC, dissolved oxygen (O(2)), delta(18)O-O(2). alkalinity, pH, and other parameters were used to assess the relative magnitudes of biological and geochemical controls on DIC cycling and flux in a nutrient-rich, net autotrophic stream. Rates of photosynthesis (P), respiration (R), groundwater discharge, air-water exchange of CO(2), and carbonate precipitation/dissolution were quantified through a time-stepping chemical/isotope ((12)C and (13)C, (16)O and (18)O) mass balance model. Groundwater was the major source of DIC to the stream. Primary production and carbonate precipitation were equally important sinks for DIC removed from the water column. The stream was always super-saturated with respect to carbonate minerals, but carbonate precipitation occurred mainly during the day when P increased pH. We estimated more than half (possibly 90%) of the carbonate precipitated during the day was retained in the reach under steady baseflow conditions. The amount of DIC removed from the overlying water through carbonate precipitation was similar to the amount of DIC generated from R. Air-water exchange of CO(2) was always from the stream to the atmosphere, but was the smallest component of the DIC budget. Overall, the in-stream DIC reactions reduced the amount of CO(2) evasion and the downstream flux of groundwater-derived DIC by about half relative to a hypothetical scenario with groundwater discharge only. Other streams with similar characteristics are widely distributed in the major river basins of North America. Data from USGS water quality monitoring networks from the 1960s to the 1990s indicated that 40% of 652 stream monitoring stations in the contiguous USA were at or above the equilibrium saturation state for calcite, and 77% of all stations exhibited apparent increases in saturation state from the 1960/70s to the 1980/90s. Diel processes including partially irreversible carbonate precipitation may affect net carbon fluxes from many such watersheds. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V.

WANG J, ZHANG C, PEI J, et al.

Diel changes of dissolved inorganic carbon and calcite precipitation in a typical karst spring-fed stream

Earth and Environment, 2015,43(4):395-402.

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Biogeochemistry of the Forest City Basin coalbed methane play

International Journal of Coal Geology, 2008,76:111-118.

DOI:10.1016/j.coal.2008.03.004      URL     [Cited within: 2]


An innovative approach for tracing coalbed natural gas co-produced water using stable isotopes of carbon and hydrogen

Groundwater, 2008,46(2):329-334.

DOI:10.1111/j.1745-6584.2007.00417.x      URL     [Cited within: 4]


Geochemical analysis of Atlantic Rim water, Carbon County, Wyoming: New applications for characterizing coal bed natural gas reservoirs

AAPG Bulletin, 2011,95(2):191-217.

DOI:10.1306/06301009190      URL     [Cited within: 6]

Coalbed natural gas (CBNG) production typically requires the extraction of large volumes of water from target formations, thereby influencing any associated reservoir systems. We describe isotopic tracers that provide immediate data on the presence or absence of biogenic natural gas and the identify methane-containing reservoirs are hydrologically confined. Isotopes of dissolved inorganic carbon and strontium, along with water quality data, were used to characterize the CBNG reservoirs and hydrogeologic systems of Wyoming's Atlantic Rim. Water was analyzed from a stream, springs, and CBNG wells.
Strontium isotopic composition and major ion geochemistry identify two groups of surface water samples. Muddy Creek and Mesaverde Group spring samples are Ca-Mg-SO(4)-type water with higher (87)Sr/(86)Sr, reflecting relatively young groundwater recharged from precipitation in the Sierra Madre. Groundwaters emitted from the Lewis Shale springs are Na-HCO(3)-type waters with lower (87)Sr/(86)Sr, reflecting sulfate reduction and more extensive water-rock interaction.
To distinguish coalbed waters, methanogenically enriched delta(13)C(DIC) was used from other natural waters. Enriched delta(13)C(DIC), between -3.6 and +13.3 parts per thousand, identified spring water that likely originates from Mesaverde coalbed reservoirs. Strongly positive delta(13)C(DIC), between +12.6 and +22.8 parts per thousand, identified those coalbed reservoirs that are confined, whereas lower delta(13)C(DIC), between +0.0 and +9.9 parts per thousand, identified wells within unconfined reservoir systems.
These results demonstrate that delta(13)C(DIC) analysis provides immediate data to help identify Atlantic Rim groundwater sources, hydraulic reservoir confinement, springs associated with methanogenic coalbed reservoirs, areas of peak methanogenic activity, and to help assess gas potential and promote efficient CBNG production.

SHARMA S, MULDER M L, SACK A, et al. Isotope approach to assess hydrologic connections during Marcellus shale drilling. [2020-02-20]. https://ngwa.onlinelibrary.wiley. com/doi/abs/10.1111/ gwat. 12083.

URL     [Cited within: 3]


Microbial geochemical characteristics of the coalbed methane in the Shizhuangnan block of Qinshui Basin, North China and their geological implications

Acta Geologica Sinica-English Edition, 2019,93:660-674.

DOI:10.1111/1755-6724.13871      URL     [Cited within: 4]


Stable isotope geochemistry of coal bed and shale gas and related production waters: A review

International Journal of Coal Geology, 2013,120:24-40.

DOI:10.1016/j.coal.2013.09.001      URL     [Cited within: 3]

Coal bed and shale gas can be of thermogenic, microbial or of mixed origin with the distinction made primarily on the basis of the molecular and stable isotope compositions of the gases and production waters. Methane, ethane, carbon dioxide and nitrogen are the main constituents of coal bed and shale gases, with a general lack of C-2+hydrocarbon species in gases produced from shallow levels and more mature coals and shales. Evidence for the presence of microbial gas include delta C-13-CH4 values less than - 50 parts per thousand, covariation of the isotope compositions of gases and production water, carbon and hydrogen isotope fractionations consistent with microbial processes, and positive delta C-13 values of dissolved inorganic carbon in production waters. The CO2-reduction pathway is distinguished from acetate/methyl-type fermentation by somewhat lower delta C-13-CH4 and higher delta D-CH4, but can also have overlapping values depending on the openness of the microbial system and the extent of substrate depletion. Crossplots of delta C-13-CH4 versus delta C-13-CO2 and delta D-CH4 versus delta C-13-H2O may provide a better indication of the origin of the gases and the dominant metabolic pathway than the absolute carbon and hydrogen isotope compositions of methane. In the majority of cases, microbial coal bed and shale gases have carbon and hydrogen isotope fractionations close to those expected for CO2 reduction. Primary thermogenic gases have delta C-13-CH4 values greater than 50 parts per thousand, and delta C-13 values that systematically increase from G(1) to C-4 and define a relatively straight line when plotted against reciprocal carbon number. Although coals and disseminated organic matter in shales represent a continuum as hydrocarbon source rocks, current data suggest a divergence between these two rock types at the high maturity end. In deep basin shale gas, reversals or rollovers in molecular and isotopic compositions are increasingly reported in what is effectively a closed shale system as opposed to the relative openness in coal measure environments. Detailed geochemical studies of coal bed and shale gas and related production waters are essential to determine not only gas origins but also the dominant methanogenic pathway in the case of microbial gases. (C) 2013 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.


Carbon isotope characterization of powder river basin coal bed waters: Key to minimizing unnecessary water production and implications for exploration and production of biogenic gas

International Journal of Coal Geology, 2014,126:106-119.

DOI:10.1016/j.coal.2013.10.006      URL     [Cited within: 2]

Compared to other natural waters, water associated with biogenic natural gas is enriched in 13-carbon. Shallow coal seams regularly contain abundant resources of biogenic gas; as such water associated with biogenic gas in these coal beds is isotopically distinct from other waters. The production of gas from coal beds requires the removal of large volumes of produced water. Thus a method of discerning coalbed reservoir water from other natural waters (surface and groundwater) is important to both the coalbed natural gas (CBNG) industry and associated environmental and regulatory agencies.
Although isotopic tracers have been employed to identify coalbed natural gas produced waters, the isotopic variability within the reservoir has not been documented and explained. In this study, we present the isotopic compositions of dissolved inorganic carbon, oxygen and hydrogen for water produced from 197 CBNG wells in the Powder River Basin of Wyoming and Montana. This extensive database allows us to distinguish variations in isotopic compositions that may occur by multiple processes.
These include variations that identify efficient dewatering of coal beds, variations characterizing incomplete hydraulic isolation of coal beds from adjacent strata and the subsequent mixing of groundwaters, variations related to well completion design, and variations associated with geochemical and biogenic processes that occur along groundwater flow paths. These data suggest that little change in delta C-13(DIC) occurs within the reservoir as a result of water and gas production; thus, the carbon isotopic composition informs other processes within the reservoir unrelated to coalbed natural gas recovery. The delta C-13(DIC) and delta D of groundwater vary along flow-path across the basin, reflecting different methanogenic pathways that are associated with different isotopic fractionations, and the pathways that dominate in different areas within the basin. In areas where several producing coal seams are present, the delta C-13(DIC) and delta D of produced waters from each seam are distinct. Therefore on a local scale, the isotopic composition of produced water can identify the particular coal seam from which water and gas are withdrawn. The methods and results presented in this case study provide examples that illustrate how water quality and isotopic data can be used to determine the hydraulic connectivity between coal and non-coal strata, identify and quantify water from individual coal horizons, as well as predict and understand the isotopic variability of the reservoir. (C) 2013 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.

ZHANG S H, TANG S H, LI Z C, et al.

Stable isotope characteristics of CBM co-produced water and implications for CBM development: The example of the Shizhuangnan block in the southern Qinshui Basin, China

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DOI:10.1016/j.jngse.2015.10.006      URL     [Cited within: 1]

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Resources and geology of coalbed methane in China: A review

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YANG Zhaobiao, ZHANG Zhengguang, QIN Yong, et al.

Optimization methods of production layer combination for coalbed methane development in multi-coal seams

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YANG Zhaobiao, LI Yangyang, QIN Yong, et al.

Development unit division and favorable area evaluation for joint mining coalbed methane

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Thermogenic and secondary biogenic gases San Juan Basin, Colorado and New Mexico-Implications for coalbed gas producibility

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Analysis of changes in meteorological variables using Mann-Kendall and Sen’s slope estimator statistical tests in Serbia

Global and Planetary Change, 2013,100:172-182.

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The annual and seasonal trends of seven meteorological variables were analyzed for twelve weather stations in Serbia during 1980-2010. The non-parametric Mann-Kendall and Sen's methods were used to determine whether there was a positive or negative trend in weather data with their statistical significance. The occurrence of abrupt changes was detected using cumulative sum charts and bootstrapping. In the present study, the increasing trends were indicated in both annual and seasonal minimum and maximum air temperatures' series. The relative humidity decreased significantly in summer and autumn, while the vapor pressure had a significant increasing trend in spring, summer and autumn. Besides, no significant trends were detected in summer and winter precipitation series. In general, the results of using the Mann-Kendall and Sen's tests demonstrated the good agreement of performance in detection of the trend for meteorological variables. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V.

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Geochemical response of produced water in the CBM well group with multiple coal seams and its geological significance: A case study of Songhe well group in Western Guizhou

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Biogenic methane formation in marine and freshwater environments: CO2, reduction vs. acetate fermentation: Isotope evidence

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Molecular characterization of microbial communities in deep coal seam groundwater of northern Japan

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A survey of the microbial populations in some Australian coalbed methane reservoirs

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Methane-producing microbial community in a coal bed of the Illinois Basin

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Molecular sequences derived from Paleocene Fort Union Formation coals vs. associated produced waters: Implications for CBM regeneration

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Prokaryotic populations and activities in an interbedded coal deposit, including a previously deeply buried section(1.6-2.3 km) above 150 Ma basement rock

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Microbial diversity of western Canadian subsurface coal beds and methanogenic coal enrichment cultures

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GUO H, LIU R, YU Z, et al.

Pyrosequencing reveals the dominance of methylotrophic methanogenesis in a coal bed methane reservoir associated with Eastern Ordos Basin in China

International Journal of Coal Geology, 2012,93:56-61.

DOI:10.1016/j.coal.2012.01.014      URL     [Cited within: 1]

It is generally believed that biogenic coal bed methane (CBM) is an end product of coal biodegradation by methanogenic archaea and syntrophic bacteria. In this work, the archaeal and bacterial communities of CBM reservoir associated with Ordos Basin in China were investigated using 454 pyrosequencing. Sampling produced water, coal and rock in the reservoir, a total of 46,598 sequence reads were obtained. All archaea were methanogens with the genus Methanolobus predominating. The genus consisted of 81.18% of pyrosequencing reads in water sample and >99% in coal and rock samples. Although the phylum Proteobacteria was the main component of all samples, bacterial communities in coal and rock samples were similar at the genus level, which were distinctly separated with water sample. The results strongly suggested that methylotrophic methanogenesis governed the biogenic CBM formation. The separation of microbial communities between water and coal, rock samples should be considered when investigating the process of coal biodegradation and the generation of new biogenic CBM. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V.

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Biological methanation of coal in various atmospheres containing CO2

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Impact of commercial natural gas production on geochemistry and microbiology in a shale-gas reservoir

Chemical Geology, 2012,332-333:15-25.

DOI:10.1016/j.chemgeo.2012.08.032      URL     [Cited within: 1]

We consider the effect that commercial gas production has had on microbiology and water and gas geochemistry in the northern producing trend of the Antrim Shale, an unconventional gas reservoir in the Michigan Basin, USA. We analyzed gas, water, and microbial biomass samples collected from seven wells in 2009 and compared our findings to the result of analyses performed as early as 1991 on samples collected from the same wells. We also examined production records associated with six wells. Water production has decreased sharply over time and is currently at 0.2 to 14.6% of peak levels. While this has happened, the chemical and isotopic composition of gas and water produced from the wells has shifted. The proportion of CO2 has increased by as much as 15 mole% while CH4 content has correspondingly decreased. Isotopically, the delta C-13 and delta D values of CH4 decreased for most wells by averages of 1.3 parts per thousand and 9 parts per thousand, respectively, while delta C-13 values of CO2 increased for most wells by an average of 1.7 parts per thousand. Alkalinity in the water from each well decreased by 10 mM on average and SO42- content increased from below 50 mu M to over 200 mu M on average in water from each well with initial values. Microorganisms most closely related to CO2-reducing methanogens were the most abundant group in archaeal clone libraries and SO42- reducers were the most abundant group in bacterial libraries. In contrast, no SO42- reducers were identified in a nucleic acid-based analysis of a sample collected in 2002 from one of the wells we sampled. Our results show that commercial gas production has not only caused chemical and isotopic changes in water and gas in the Antrim Shale but also an increase in the abundance of SO42--reducing microorganisms, a change that can ultimately have a negative impact on biogenic CH4 formation. Processes that can explain these changes include ongoing biogeochemical reactions, groundwater flow, gas desorption, and open-system degassing. (c) 2012 Elsevier B.V.
